
Friday 13 April 2018

FASTING AND POWER Link with human rights, freedom and dignity

Link with Human Rights,
Freedom and Dignity

The Qur’an states that the Divine compensation which is exacted for accidental homicide by a Muslim of a Muslim includes freeing of a believing slave or, for those who find this beyond their means, fasting for two months.

“And it is not conceivable that a believer should slay another believer, unless it be by mistake. And upon him who has slain a believer by mistake there is the duty of freeing a believing soul from bondage and paying an indemnity to the victim’s relations, unless they forgo it by way of charity. Now if the slain, while himself a believer, belonged to a people who are at war with you, [the penance shall be confined to] the freeing of a believing soul from bondage; whereas, if he belonged to a people to whom you are bound by a covenant, [it shall consist of] an indemnity to be paid to his relations in addition to the freeing of a believing soul from bondage. And he who does not have the wherewithal shall fast [instead] for two consecutive months. (This is) the atonement ordained by Allah: and Allah is indeed all-Knowing, Wise.”
(Qur’an, al-Nisa’, 4:92) 

Hence the freeing of slaves is invested with a special degree of spirituality in Islam since it is equivalent in status to prolonged fasting. This is an achievement of great significance indeed for it permits the process of the dismantling of the institution of slavery to proceed in a manner which ensures the full rehabilitation of the freed slaves.

The negative after-effects of slavery and, in particular, the damage to the human personality, are still very visible in the western hemisphere more than a century after the abolition of slavery in Western civilization. The descendants of freed slaves in the United States of America are yet to be successfully integrated into the American society. The explanation of this pathetic situation lies in the fact that slavery was abolished in response to basically economic compulsions with no effort whatsoever to restore the slave’s humanity, human rights and human dignity. Western critics of Islam would hasten to scurry around searching for whatever can be used to conceal or distort the noble words of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ta‘alah ‘alaihi wa Sallam) when he ordered:

“Give your slave to eat from what you eat, and give him clothes to wear which you wear.” 

Humanitarianism appears to have played a minor role in the whole affair. No evidence exists of any significant spiritual motivation in the dismantling of the institution of slavery in western civilization. (See the excellent work of Dr. Eric Williams, entitled Capitalism and Slavery)

We wish to suggest that this is the basic reason why western civilization has been able to live with, or at least to tolerate Western-imposed apartheid on the soil of the very continent from which the West enriched itself by enslaving a free people. In other words, apartheid is a manifestation of the spiritual bankruptcy of secular western civilization.

In India, on the other hand, the caste system imposes a very real form of slavery on millions of people in that hapless country. It is of crucial importance to note that there is a form of colour discrimination which is involved in the caste system. The fair-skinned Aryan is never at the bottom of the social order. That is reserved for the dark-skinned indigenous Indians. Although the caste system has been denounced by many great Hindu spiritual and religious leaders and Hindu reform movements, as well as being made illegal by the Indian constitution, it continues to survive and to impose terrible sufferings on low caste and casteless Hindus to this day. In Christianity as in Hinduism, there appears to be no basic linkage between fasting on the one hand, and the recognition of human freedom and dignity on the other. And it is the consequent inability to mobilize the spiritual consciousness and bring it to bear on such social problems as caste in India, apartheid in South Africa, and the integration of the descendants of freed slaves into American society which explains the continued existence of these manifestations of social cancer.

Islam’s basic achievement really lies in the functional linkage it has established between fasting, on the one hand, and charity, chastity and recognition of human freedom and dignity, on the other. The one envelops the others in a spiritual embrace of profound practical consequences.

When Muslims were ruled by those who lived lives faithful to Islam, one could not distinguish in Muslim society between the ex-slave and those who had never been enslaved. Freed slaves were integrated into Muslim society to such an extent that an ex-slave sometimes rose to become ruler of the Muslims.

It is only in this evil age of the ascendancy of a Zionist Judeo-Christian alliance which has taken control of the world through modern western civilisation, that Muslims are subjected to rulers who rule over them on behalf of their enemies. As a consequence Dubai, Saudi Arabia and Malaysia can boast of their high standard of living that rests on the foundations of slave wages. Indonesian maids who are paid the wages of a slave, and Bangladeshi, Filipino, Indonesian and Pakistani labourers who also work for slave wages, now blot the fair face of Islam.

To Be Continued ....

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