
Friday 8 September 2017

The Reality of Tasawwuf in Light of the Prophetic Model

Qur’anic Wisdom

The Reality of Tasawwuf

in Light of the Prophetic Model

Dr. Israr Ahmad

(Translated by Basit B. Koshul)

End notes
  1. Dr. Mir Valiuddin was Professor of Philosophy at Osmania University, Hyderabad (India). He has identified the year 822 C. E. on the authority of Imam Qushayri. Cf., Valiuddin, Dr. Mir., Qur’anic Sufism (Lahore: Sh.Muhammad Ashraf, nd) p. 3.
  2. Schimmel, Annemarie., Mystical Dimensions of Islam (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1975) p.14 & Stoddart, William., (Sidi Imran Yahya) Sufism: The Mystical Doctrines and Methods of Islam (Lahore: Suhail Academy, 1981) p. 20.
  3. English translation of these verses is by the poet himself. Cf., Iqbal, Dr. Muhammad., “MacTaggart’s Philosophy” in Indian Art and Letters, 6, 1932. Included in Thoughts and Reflections of Iqbal, edited by Syed Abdul Vahid. (Lahore: Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, 1964) p. 127
  4. Chishti, Prof. Yusuf Saleem., “Qur’an-e-Hakeem say Bu‘d aur Begangi kay Asbab,” in Hikmat-e-Qur’an, September, 1994. p.7

The question of the legitimacy of what has come to be known among the Muslims as tasawwuf (or mysticism) is often passionately debated among its proponents and opponents. When we look at the subject of tasawwuf and its objectives, it becomes plainly evident that these are completely in keeping with Islamic teachings. The subject of tasawwuf and its goals can be summarized as follows:
  • Salvation from ignorance and attainment of gnosis (Ma‘arfah);
  • Refinement and purification of the self (Tazkiyah Al-Nafs);
  • Cleansing of the spiritual heart (Tasfiyah Al-Qalb) and the enlightenment of the soul (Tajliyah Al-Ruh);
  • Sincerity and devotion to the Creator (Ikhlas) and detachment from material and worldly concerns (Zuhd); and
  • Commitment to the service of all the creatures of God.
This last point has been beautifully summed up in a couplet by Shaikh Sa‘di:

The essence of tariqah is not to be found,
In the rosary, or the prayer rug, or the Sufi cloak.
It is the service to God’s creatures in which,
You will find its true meaning manifest.

It is patently clear that these objectives of tasawwuf are also the objectives of Islam. Consequently, as far as the subject and goals of tasawwuf are concerned, they cannot be separated from the objectives and goals of Islam. 

To be continued....

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