
Friday 9 June 2017

Terrorism and the Master-Plan - Explaining Israel’s Mysterious Imperial Agenda

Explaining Israel’s Mysterious
Imperial Agenda

This essay was written in early 2009 in response to
Israel’s barbarous attack on Gaza

Neither did David the Prophet, nor did Solomon (peace be upon them both) ever wage war the Israeli way, with a barbarian ethical code of warfare which permits the indiscriminate bombing-destruction of entire civilian populations, men women and children, in their homes, villages, temples, and bomb-shelters (60 were killed in a village bomb-shelter in Qana, including 37 children) as well as the destruction of civilian airports, roads, bridges, electricity power plants, water works, etc., and the displacement of almost half the population of a country as refugees fleeing for their lives. Only the ‘beast of the earth’ wages war that way!
When Harry Belafonte declared that (former) US President George W. Bush was “the world’s greatest terrorist”, it was clear that he had not studied the subject sufficiently since that notorious distinction belongs to Israel and not to Bush. However, Belafonte certainly showed greater understanding of the subject and more courage and integrity than most politicians and other leaders today.  
But Israel has another unique distinction that continuously escapes the attention of scribes, scholars and politicians. It is the only state in the world which has continuously waged unjust war with disdain for ‘gentile’ opinion. Indeed it even escalates its warfare while rendering the rest of the world powerless to do anything tangible to prevent it.   
The rest of the world, that is, except Islam! 
We do not of course refer above to the present political leaders of the Muslim world who remain largely muted on the subject because of the subservient roles that they must play in order to survive as governments, or to become governments – subservient, that is, to those who now rule the world on Israel’s behalf. Despite this monstrous betrayal of Islam there are millions of cattle with Muslim names who blindly and faithfully support such political parties and politicians and vote them into power, or back to power, again and again.     
Israel’s deliberately barbarous and disproportionate military response in December 2008 to the Sunni Islamic resistance’s capture of one enemy soldier in the Gaza Strip, and the further capture of two more enemy soldiers by the Shia Islamic resistance in Southern Lebanon, not only constituted yet another Israeli war crime, but also set up Israel once again for eventual retributive punishment that would be commensurate with all those war crimes. Neither did David the Prophet, nor did Solomon (peace be upon them both) ever wage war the Israeli way, with a barbarian ethical code of warfare which permits the indiscriminate bombing destruction of entire civilian populations, men women and children, in their homes, villages, temples, and bomb-shelters (60 were killed in a village bomb-shelter in Qana, including 37 children) as well as the destruction of civilian airports, roads, bridges, electricity power plants, water works, etc., and the displacement of almost half the population of a country as refugees fleeing for their lives. Only the beast of the earth wages war that way! 
One can only wonder why the Israelite Jews who lived in peace with Muslims in the Muslim world for more than a thousand years prior to the birth of the Euro-Jewish State of Israel, have not as yet asked themselves whether Israel’s Euro-Jewish rulers are really Jews, or whether they are Euro-barbarians who disguise themselves as Jews.

Bint Jabeel Bin Jabeel and Israel’s Final Retribution
Even though Harun Yahya and Al-Jazeerah do not know it, and, it appears, do not want to know it, the rest of the world must know that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) has prophesied Israel’s final and just retribution at the hands of a Muslim army. Israel has already had a taste of that coming retribution. In an essay published in Trinidad’s ‘Daily Express’, columnist Raffique Shah, himself trained in military strategy, described what happened when Israel attempted a ground assault on the Southern Lebanese village of  Bint Jabeel: 

“Having pounded the enemy for days, they thought they would have encountered only rubble. Instead, they ran into ambush after ambush, mounted by men seasoned in desert warfare. Within hours, 11 Israeli soldiers lay dead with scores more seriously wounded. The wounded were crying in agony as the Hezbullah fighters poured more fire on them. It took the Israelis several hours to extricate their troops, and that only by using their finest tanks as ambulances. Reporters on the Israeli side of the border wrote of weeping commanders and soldiers, dazed by a taste of real battle, wandering back to safety like a bedraggled, defeated army.”  
Bint Jabeel, in Arabic, means Jabeel’s ‘daughter’, while Bin or Ibn Jabeel would be his ‘son’. Israel must now pause and ponder. If Bint Jabeel could fight so fiercely and courageously, how will Bin Jabeel fight tomorrow?  
Israel’s final retribution, as prophesied by Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) in words that are engraved in the hearts of millions of Muslims around the world, would come to pass only after Jesus (peace be upon him) returns. The Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) declared: 
“You will fight the Jews and you will defeat them (to such an extent that even) a stone would speak (and would say): Oh Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me so come and kill him!”
Bukhari and Muslim 

That prophecy suffices today to distinguish the true Muslim from the pseudo Muslim. The true Muslim is unafraid to declare that the Jihad (just war) to liberate the Holy Land from Israeli oppression has already begun. Pseudo Muslims, from captain to cook, hurry to distance themselves from any armed struggle while insisting that Jihad is an exclusive ‘inner’ moral and spiritual struggle and has nothing at all to do with that just armed struggle.  
That prophecy also distinguishes between the Jew who opposes Israeli oppression and those who support it. It is the Jew who supports Israel and Israeli oppression who will be hunted down behind stones and trees on that day. 
The enemies of Islam can bite their finger-tips in frustration and with rage as they criticize and condemn those powerful words of the Prophet as ‘incitement to terrorism’. Misguided Muslim apologists can exhaust the ink in their pens as they furiously deny that Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam)  ever made such a prophecy. They can even try to sugar-coat those prophetic words with a ‘progressive interpretation’. Israel can go on to attack Iran and Pakistan and to madly destroy even more of the Arab/Muslim world after destroying Gaza and Lebanon. Yet none can avert the eventual fulfilment of the Prophet’s (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) prophecy that Islam’s armed resistance to Israeli oppression would eventually be successful. On that day of success when even the stones would speak, Islam would have triumphed over all her rivals! 

It is important for our readers to note that tomorrow’s triumph of Islam would be the triumph of those Muslims who today are demonized as terrorists and are gleefully hunted down by nearly all so-called Muslim governments and armed forces (Pakistan’s in particular). 
While the final success of that armed resistance and retributive punishment on Israel would have to wait until Jesus (peace be upon him) returns, it is quite likely that Israel’s present political and military leadership would take the world to the brink of utter destruction if and when Israel launches so-called pre-emptive nuclear attacks on Iran and Pakistan. (See the following essay entitled “Will Israel attack Iran?”) Such a nuclear attack on Iran (or Pakistan) would be designed to provoke that country, in the unlikely event that Iran already possesses nuclear weapons, to retaliate in kind. If Iran does not do so, Israel would still press on to destroy all Iranian nuclear power plants and other related infrastructures that could possibly be used for the development of an indigenous Iranian nuclear deterrent.  
If Iran does possess nuclear weapons purchased from others, and chooses to retaliate with them, such a so-called pre-emptive Israeli nuclear attack could eventually result in the death of hundreds of thousands of both Israelis and Iranians, and that would land us all in the pit of blazing fire! If it turns out that Iran did not possess nuclear weapons, then Iranian gentile deaths do not really count as deaths with God’s so-called ‘chosen people’.  
An Israeli nuclear attack on Iran could ignite such disastrous economic and monetary crises around the world that the present Pax Americana world-order could collapse and be replaced by another world-order dominated by Israel. In fact an attack on Pakistan’s nuclear facilities will also trigger off the same consequences.
I believe that Israel no longer has any use for a United Nations Organization that has already been successfully used to protect the Jewish State through infancy and childhood to her present superpower status. The UN would be a cumbersome hindrance for the universal messianic dictatorship that would be Pax Judaica. Perhaps the deliberate and contemptuous murder of four UN Observer personnel that resulted from the recent Israeli bombing of the UN Observer Post in Southern Lebanon was meant to deliver to the world a message that the UN’s days are now numbered.  
Islam the religion is the only significant force in the world today offering armed resistance to oppression in and around what should properly be known as the Holy Land. Islam now occupies center-stage in international affairs and the central importance of the religion can only increase as Israel relentlessly pursues the realization of her messianic destiny with an abandon that defies both morality and common sense. Islam alone is both accurately explaining the strange world today, and is correctly anticipating tomorrow’s even more horrendously evil world.  
And yet, while others have privileged access to the media to articulate their viewpoint in a country which declares, “here every creed and race finds an equal place”, there is no column on Islam in any daily newspaper in Trinidad and Tobago. This Muslim scribe, who is a senior Islamic scholar and writer in the country, is forced to solicit donations with which to buy expensive newspaper space in order to explain the Islamic viewpoint on such crucially important subjects as addressed in this essay. He also has to correct misinformation and downright lies about Islam from the malicious pens of an ever increasing number of crusading scribes who, with a straight face, would attempt to convince readers to accept a ‘kiskedee’ (a favorite local bird) to be a ‘corbeaux’ (a vulture). One of them just explained to us, again with a straight face, that when Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) declared “a people who choose a woman to rule over them would never be successful”, what he really meant (in her progressive interpretation) was that it was permissible for Muslims to choose a woman to rule over them!  
This writer also has to constantly defend against devilish attempts at character assassination that maliciously seek to portray him as a “terrorist” and “a great security risk”. And if that was not enough, he also has to prepare himself for the new so called ‘democratic’ dispensation now underway (i.e. the tribal dictatorship and police state that this country’s ruling tribe is pursuing with pig-headed determination) when freedom to buy even newspaper space would also be denied to Islam.

To be Continued....

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