
Friday 12 May 2017



According to Shaikh al-Hind, Mahmood Hassan (RA), ayahs 190-192 of surah Al-e-`Imran are concerned with “iman-e-`aqli” (intellectual faith) – the process of attaining faith in Allah (SWT) and an awareness of the Hereafter via the intellectual reasoning as outlined in the previous section. The subject of next three ayahs (193-195) is labeled as “iman-e-sam`ee” (audition based faith) by Shaikh al-Hind. That is, when the ulul albaab, having successfully traversed the process of iman-e-`aqli, hear the call of a prophet, they instantly answer his call. This is so because the call of the prophet is based on truths and realities that ulul albaab have already grasped intuitively by their intellects. Hence, the call of the prophet seems to them as nothing more than the echoes of truths reverberating in their own hearts. Upon accepting the call of a prophet, their emotions and feelings are spontaneously articulated in the form of a supplication:

“Our Lord! We have heard the call of one calling (us) to faith `Believe in the Lord' and we have believed.
Our Lord! Forgive us our sins, blot out from us our iniquities and take to Yourself our souls in the company of the righteous.
Our Lord! Grant us what You promised unto us through Your prophets and save us from shame on the Day of Judgment: for You never break Your promise.”
[al-Qur’an 3:193-194]

We should pause at this juncture to reflect upon the significance of du’a (supplication) in Islam. According to two sayings of the Prophet (SAW): du’a is the essence of `ibadah (worship); and du’a is itself (a form of) `ibadah. This is due to the fact that du’a is the link between the Lord (SWT) and His slaves by which the slaves communicate to their Lord (SWT), call upon Him and converse with Him (SWT). In addition, du’a is a manifestation of faith for it proves that the believer recognizes the Lord (SWT) as All-Hearing and All-Seeing, that He (SWT) alone can answer his call for He (SWT) is All-Powerful and has Absolute Authority over all matters.

To be continued....

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