
Friday 2 December 2016

7th. Dream in the Qur’an - DREAMS IN ISLAM

7th. Dream:

In the seventh dream in the Qur’an  Allah Most High recalled the incident, on the eve of the battle of Badr, when He caused the army of the Quraish to appear to the Prophet sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam , in a dream, as a small band, i.e., smaller in number than they actually were.

“And (remember) when Allah made them appear to you in a dream as a small band.  Had He shown them to you as a great army, your courage would have failed you and you would have quarreled over the affair.  But this Allah spared you.  He knows what is in the hearts.  And when you met them He made each appear to the other as few in number, that He might accomplish what He ordained.  To Allah shall all things return.”
(Qur’an: al-Anfal:- 8:44-6)

The purpose of this dream was clear. Allah Most High wanted to strengthen the Prophet’s confidence and morale on the eve of the battle.  That increase in confidence and morale eventually impacted on the Muslim army and contributed towards the victory which they achieved in the battle of Badr.

During the battle itself each side was given a vision (rather than a dream) of the other in which Allah Most High made each appear to the other as few in number.  This preserved the confidence and morale of the Muslims but deceived the Quraish into a false sense of over-confidence.  They were led to believe that the Muslim army was so small and weak that their battle with them would be as easy as a ‘walk over’!  When they were shocked at the strength, courage and fighting ability of the Muslims in the actual battle itself, this created a psychological impact of  panic.  And that was poison itself for their morale!

Asad interprets the verse differently. He admits of the dream, but questions the notion of visions during the actual battle:

“Since at the time of the actual encounter the Muslims could no longer be in doubt as to the great number of the enemy force, the phrase “He made  them appear as few in your eyes” has obviously a metaphorical meaning: it implies that, by that time, the Prophet’s followers were so full of courage that the enemy appeared insignificant to them.  The Quraish, on the other hand, were so conscious of their own power and numerical superiority that the Muslims appeared but of little account to them - a mistake which ultimately cost them the battle and a great number of lives.” 15

That visions occurred during the actual encounter of the two armies is very clear, however, from another verse of the Qur’an which also refers to the Battle of Badr:

“Indeed there was a sign for you in the two armies which met on the battlefield. One was fighting in the way of Allah and the other (was) a host of disbelievers.  The faithful saw with their very eyes that they (the disbelievers) were twice their own number.  But Allah strengthens with His aid whom He will.  Surely in that there was a lesson for the discerning.”
 (Qur’an: Ale ‘Imran:-3:12)

Here, then, is a dream which played a strategically important  psychological role in the revolutionary process.  The lesson for the believers is one of understanding the transcendental dimension to the psychological process of building confidence and morale for vigorous and  enthusiastic participation in the revolutionary struggle of Islam in the world today.

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