
Friday 15 July 2016




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The writer is an Islamic scholar and writer who was born in the Caribbean island of Trinidad and was based in New York until the September attack on America. He studied Islam at the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies, Karachi, Pakistan, under the guidance of the distinguished Islamic scholar and Sufi Shaykh, Maulana Dr. Muhammad Fazlur Rahman Ansari (ra). He also studied Philosophy at Karachi University, and International Relations at the University of the West Indies and at the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva.  He has emerged as a prolific writer with many published works to his credit. Among them are his pioneering work in Comparative Religion entitled: ‘Islam and Buddhism in the Modern World’ which was written in 1971 when he was 29 years of age.  Since then he has written more than a dozen books including two books on Riba.  He travels extensively and continuously while serving the mission of Islam. He has served as a khateeb delivering Friday sermons at the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan, NY, for the last ten years.


“Be not weary and faint-hearted, crying for peace, when you should be uppermost: for Allah is with you, and will never allow your effort to be in vain.”
(Qur’an: Muhammad: - 47:35)

“He who forsakes his home in the cause of Allah, finds in the earth many a refuge, wide and spacious: should he die as a refugee from home for Allah and His Messenger, his reward becomes due and sure with Allah: and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
(Qur’an: An-Nisa: -4:100)


I have followed with indescribable pain the cowardly American terrorist attacks on those Muslims of Afghanistan who took a stand for Islam and who were entirely innocent of the September 11th terrorist attack on America.  America has consistently followed the same policy of ruthless merciless oppression from the time of the extermination of the indigenous American-Indian peoples and the enslavement of the African people in the Americas to the absolutely shameless support for the relentless oppression of the State of Israel in the Holy Land.  Only those who are completely blind and totally corrupted in respect of their capacity for understanding can fail to see the above.

 It was cowardly because the godless enemy is too terrified to ever fight a Muslim on a level battleground.  That enemy fights his cowardly battles from the safety of fighter aircrafts, helicopter gunships, massive bombs, guided missiles, etc., far up in the sky. But Allah Most High will surely bring us that day, Insha Allah, when we will be able to face the enemy on the ground on a level battleground.  Amin!   Until that day comes we must continue our struggle to defend ourselves and to resist oppression while showing utmost patience and while holding on to faith. The struggle must continue regardless of the price we have to pay.

The Taliban were in a situation comparable to the 12 year old Palestinian Muslim boy who confronts US- made Israeli tanks with a stone in his hand.  It is he who today has inherited the sacred legacy of Prophet David (s).  Neither were the Taliban defeated by America, nor by the Northern ‘Yankee’ Alliance with which Iran is still comfortable. And the young boys who fight with stones in the Holy Land can never be defeated. Rather, the Taliban withdrew their forces in such a way as would allow them safety from cowardly fighter aircraft and missiles.  And so these soldiers of Allah live to fight ‘another’ day in the struggle to respond to oppression in the Holy Land.  We salute them! 

Muslims have absolutely no interest whatsoever in waging any war with America or with any other country in today’s dominant western civilization.  The only war we have to wage is the one that will eventually liberate the Holy Land.  Indeed that war will never end until the prophesy of Prophet Muhammad (s) is fulfilled which will witness a Muslim army emerging out of Khorasan and marching triumphantly to Jerusalem!  All those who read this book, and who are Muslims, should have the desire in their hearts to be a part of that army. 

This book salutes the memory of every Muslim who died in Afghanistan in consequence of cowardly British, American and Israeli terrorism.  The blood and tears of our valiant sons who were killed in Afghanistan, and who will now be killed elsewhere, or who will be imprisoned in the prisons of the dominant godless world order, will not be in vain.  Rather it will fertilize the resolve and matchless spirit of millions and millions of Muslims (particularly Muslim youth) elsewhere who will now respond to this awesome shameless naked oppression by committing themselves and their sons and grandsons to that armed Islamic struggle that will eventually liberate the Holy Land.  This ‘dark night’ will hardly last another fifty years before the sunshine surely returns, Insha Allah, and Truth triumphs for the last time over falsehood.  At that time Islam would rule the world from Jerusalem.  My latest book, ‘Jerusalem in the Qur’an’, which is soon to be printed, was written to inspire such Muslim youth.  I pray that Allah Most High will send those who will translate that book into every language spoken by Muslims so that it may reach all such Muslim youth.  Amin!

The terrorist attack on America constituted a turning point in history as significant as that moment in the summer of 1914 when another terrorist attack launched the First World War.  I believe that those who are hell-bent on eventually ruling the whole world are responsible for both terrorist attacks, and that the Israeli Mossad and its allies acted on their behalf in planning and executing the attack of September 11th.

The terrorist attack and the ensuing so-called war on ‘terrorism’ that it provoked, was designed to make the world a safer place for the Jews and for the State of Israel.  The true terrorists who attacked America on that day know who they are, and Allah Most High also Knows who they are.  We pray to Allah Most High to expose them, and to punish them.  Amin!   

The ruling British/American/Jewish world order is now more openly at war with Islam than ever before.  This is because they are approaching the climax of their more-than-a-thousand- year war.   ‘Jerusalem in the Qur’an’ makes an attempt to explain this war against Islam, and to anticipate what lies ahead for that world order, for Muslims, and for the State of Israel. 

The most dangerous and obnoxious of all creatures on the face of the earth today, or the most evil people beneath the sky, are those scholars of Islam or Muslim leaders who were totally deceived by the September 11th act of terrorism and who responded to it by blaming Arabs and Muslims for the attack and by extending patriotic support to Britain/USA/Israel in their war against Islamic Afghanistan.  Usama bin Ladin and the Taliban regime in Afghanistan were completely innocent of that September 11th attack.  The war against them on this account is manifestly unjust.  Such misguided Islamic scholars and leaders ought to be universally condemned. 

I responded to the September 11th  attack days later by praying to Allah Most High in an Islamic Center in Queens, New York, to punish those responsible for the attack with the greatest possible punishment, and with a punishment that would continue until the Last Day.  All those who were present in the Masjid joined me in the prayer. Having done that I now invite the Jews to make a similar prayer.

Imran N. Hosein
Kuala Lumpur,
December 2001

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