
Friday 5 February 2016

The Identity of Dajjal - Lessons From History

The Identity of Dajjal

The  ultimate  battle  between  the  forces  of  Good  and those of Evil requires a world that is highly polarized along ideological lines, and this has already started to take shape. The various  Islamic  movements  throughout  the  world  are  clear proofs that more and more people are realizing the defects and inherent evils of the Dajjalian System, and are coming in contact with the true sources of knowledge, that is, the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The guardians of the status quo and the defenders of the New World Order, along with   their   agents   and   stooges,   have   already  smelled   the revolution   that   is   taking   shape   in   the   form   of   Islamic Resurgence, and have started to try and suppress the idea whose time has come. The ultimate futility of their efforts is inevitable.

The Western and predominantly Christian countries of the world, as we have discussed above, are virtually being controlled by a very powerful Jewish minority — a recent accomplishment of which was the destruction of the military might of Iraq in the Gulf War. The next item on the Jewish agenda is the creation of Greater Israel, as well as the reconstruction of Solomon’s Temple at the site of Al-Aqsa Mosque. It seems likely that the Jews would try to orchestrate another war between the West, mainly the United States, and the Arab Muslims, most probably on the pretext of dealing with the threat of Islamic fundamentalism.

Along with their sinister plan to gain control over the whole world through financial institutions — much of which has already been achieved — the Jews are also waiting for their Promised Messiah who would help them recapture the glory of David and Solomon. The Messiah was, in fact, none other than Prophet Isa (AS), but they opposed and rejected him and tried their   very   best   to   have   him   crucified,   though   he   was miraculously saved by Almighty Allah (SAW).

During the long series of imminent battles in the Middle East, Dajjal the individual would come forward — who is most probably going to be an orthodox and fundamentalist Jew claiming to be the Promised Messiah — and would lead his followers to the de facto creation of Greater Israel (which is supposed to include parts of Egypt, whole of Jordan and Syria, major portions of Iraq, southern Turkey, and northern Hijaz up to the holy city of Medinah). It will be at this crucial juncture of history that Almighty Allah (SWT) will send the real Christ, with the mission of exterminating the Jews and their leader, Dajjal, the false prophet.

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