
Friday 20 November 2015

Five Points of Convergence - Lessons From History

Five Points of Convergence

As  far  as  the  personality  of  Prophet  Isa  (AS)  is concerned, we find that there are at least five significant points which are common between the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith on the one hand, and the four Canonical Gospels on the other. It is indeed significant that more than half of the world’s population is in agreement regarding these points, three of which are in clear opposition to the normal physical laws of the universe. We shall discuss these points one by one.

(1) The Gospel of Matthew (1:18-24) and Luke (1:26-38) mention that Jesus Christ was conceived without a human father,  as  a  miracle  from  Almighty  God;  so  does  the  Holy Qur’an (Aal-e-Imran 3:45-47 & Maryum 19:17-21)

(2) Jesus Christ performed the most astonishing of miracles — unparalleled in the history of Prophethood with respect to their unambiguous and unmistakable nature. These miracles are described in various sections of the Gospels (see, for example, Matthew, Chapters 8 & 14) as well as in the Holy Qur’an (Aal-e-Imran 3:49 & Al-Ma’ida 5:110)

(3) Jesus Christ forcefully and incisively called upon his fellow Israelites to mend their perverted ways, to give up sinful and unethical practices, to repent with the true spirit of repentance, and to purify themselves from all spiritual and moral corruption. He severely criticized the pretentious religiosity, the emphasis on hollow but legally spotless rituals, and the servile adherence to the letter of the law with no regard to its spirit — the hallmark of the religious establishment of his time. (Matthew 23,  and  the  Holy  Qur’an  Al-Ma’ida  5:78).  As  a  result,  he became the sole target of the acrimony and malevolence from the rabbis, the priests, and the pharisees.

(4) The message and proclamation of Jesus Christ attracted the attention of the population both in and around Jerusalem, but it was accepted only by a very minute section of the Jews,   of   which   even   fewer   became   his   dedicated companions. The number of these close comrades, according to the Gospels, was twelve, although the matter of their names is controversial.

(5) Jesus Christ was raised up alive from the earth, and he will reappear some time before the end of the world. This has been mentioned in Matthew 28:6,7; Mark 16:19; Luke 24:51, John 20:17. Ascension and reappearance of Prophet Isa (AS) has also been alluded to in the Holy Qur’an (Al-Nisa 4:157, 158 and Al-Zukhruf 43:61), but these hints are explained more explicitly in the Hadith.

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