
Friday 30 October 2015

Jewish Revival - Lessons From History

Jewish Revival

As  mentioned  before,  the  beginning  of  the  third  and final phase of rise for the Muslims is coincidental with the temporary upswing of the Jews. It can be seen that, at the present moment, the upward trend in the history of the Muslim Ummah is not only very slow and gradual, but that it is still in its initial stages. On the other hand, the same trend among the Jews not only started much earlier, but that it has shown a far more rapid and swift progress. Thus, the ingenious scheme prepared by the “Elders of Zion” in 1897, and the political Zionism of Theodore Herzel (1860-1904), bore fruit within a short period of twenty years,  resulting  in  the  Balfour  Declaration  by  the  British Government on November 2, 1927, that paved the way for the “establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.” Finally, the illegitimate state of Israel was born on May 14, 1948, with the British Government acting as midwife.

The  situation  at  the  moment  is  that  not  only  Israel herself is a formidable military power, but the entire Western world is also there to support and patronize her, both economically and with respect to arms supply. The “Supreme Power” of our time — the United States of America — is practically in the tight grip of a small Jewish minority, who is able to exert an immense amount of control over its international policies. This last mentioned fact has been forcefully proved by former US Congressman Paul Findley, in his best-selling book They Dare to Speak Out. More importantly, the global financial system is virtually in the hands of Jewish bankers, who, through the  institution  of  interest  or  usury,  have  become  powerful enough  to  command  the  obedience  of  entire  governments. Finally, the monarchs and rulers in most of the Arab countries have  either  made  their  peace  with  Israel  or  are  desperately looking for opportunities to demonstrate their servile acquiescence. It seems, therefore, that there is no power on earth that can prevent the establishment of “Greater Israel.”

Under these apparently hopeless circumstances only the predictions of the Holy Qur’an and Hadith can reassure us. According to these predictions, the third phase of rise for the Muslims will be accompanied by the global domination of Islam, which will last till near the end of the world, whereas the present rise  of  the  Jews  is  going  to  be  ephemeral.  Moreover,  as mentioned  before,  the  conflict  between  the  Jews  and  the Muslims is going to result, ultimately, in the total extermination of the former, according to the Divine law of “annihilation of the worst.” However, the most significant role in this conflict — which is gradually warming up to its grand finale — is going to be played by a third power, the Christians.

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