
Friday 3 July 2015

A Backward Glance - Lessons From History

A Backward Glance

We now turn to the history of Jews, in the hope that the
Muslims might learn something from their ups and down.

By the  time  when  the  Qur’an  was  being revealed  to Prophet  Muhammad  (SAW),  the  Jews  had  already  passed through two phases of rise and two phases of decline. In general, they  enjoyed  material  prosperity  and  political  domination  as long as they acted righteously, and suffered from misery and slavery  and  persecution  whenever  they  rebelled  against  the Divine commands. The Jews were invited, through the Qur’an — and that invitation is still open — to accept Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as the last Messenger of God and to repent for their collective sins. They were clearly warned that rejecting Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and the Qur’an would mean that their humiliation will continue. The Qur’an proclaims:

We announced to the Children of Israel in the Book: “You will surely create disorder twice in the land, and become exceedingly arrogant.” So, when the time of the first prediction came, We sent against you Our creatures full of martial might, who ransacked your cities; and the prediction was fulfilled. Then We gave you a chance against them, and strengthened you with wealth and children, and increased your numbers (and said): “If you do good, you will do so for your own good; if you do evil, you will do it for your own loss.” So when the time of the second prediction came, (We roused against you another people) to ravage you, and to enter the Temple as they had done the first time, and to destroy utterly what they conquered. Your Lord may haply be merciful to you. But if   you   repeat   (the   crime),   We   shall   repeat   (the punishment). (Al-Isra 17:4-9)

In order to comprehend these historical events, alluded to in the above verses, and to appreciate their significance with regard to the Muslims of the world, we must go back in time.

As  mentioned  before,  Jews  are  the  descendants  of Prophet Yaqoob (AS) — also known as Israel — son of Prophet Ishaq (AS), son of Prophet Ibrahim (AS). Prophet Ibrahim (AS) had migrated, nearly 4000 years ago, from the city of Ur in the Euphrates Valley (now Iraq) to Cannan (now divided between Jordan and Israel), along with his wife Prophet Sarah (SA) and nephew Prophet Lut (AS). Prophet Ibrahim (AS) acquired a second wife, Hajrah (SA), who bore him Isma‘el, when he was 86 years old. Then, at the ripe old age of 100, Sarah (SA) gave birth to his second son, Ishaq. Prophet Ibrahim (AS) established two centers for the spread of God’s word, one in Makkah where he settled Hajirah (SA) and her son Prophet Isma‘el (AS), and the other in Palestine where he settled Sarah (SA) and her son Prophet Ishaq (AS). This gave rise to the birth of two great nations, Banu Isma‘el and Banu Israel, as promised by Almighty Allah (SWT). According to the Old Testament:

God said to Abraham: “Look up at the sky, and count the stars, if you can. So many will your descendants be.” (Genesis 15:5)

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