
Friday 22 May 2015

The Wrath of Almighty Allah (SWT) (1/2) - Lessons From History

The    Wrath    of    Almighty   Allah (SWT)

As far as the individual human being is concerned, the Holy Qur’an makes it very clear that the life of this world is only a trial and a test, and that the consequences of good or bad deeds — in the form of rewards or punishments — are reserved for the life-beyond-death, the Hereafter, or the Al-Aakhira. Thus, the Almighty says:
Glorious is He who holds the Kingship in His hand, who has power over every thing, who created death and life in order to try you, to see who of you are best of deed. He is All-mighty and Forgiving. (Al-Mulk 67:1,2)
Verily We created man from a sperm joined (to the ovum) to try him, then gave him hearing and sight. We surely showed him the way that he may either be grateful or deny” (Al-Dahr 76:2-3)
We have made whatever exists on the earth its adornment to test and try them (and) know who acts better, for We shall certainly turn it to barren dust. (Al-Kahf 18:7-8)
This implies that the pains or troubles a person may face during the course of this-worldly life are not the penalties or punishments   for   his   wrongdoing;   similarly,   the   material comforts or prosperity or power one may enjoy are similarly not the rewards or compensations for his good deeds. What we experience in this life are the different ways in which the Lord tries us. This has been made clear in the Holy Qur’an thus:

Every soul will know the taste of death. We tempt you with evil and with good as a trial; and to Us you will return. (Al-Anbia 21:35)

However,  the  most  significant  point  to  note  is  that  the above discussion applies only to individuals and not to nations or communities. The Holy Qur’an teaches us that the manner in which  Almighty Allah (SWT) deals with different nations is quite different from the way in which He deals with individual human beings. The rewards and punishments for the individuals He postpones till the Doomsday, but when it comes to the behavior  of  entire  nations  and  communities,  the  rewards  for good deeds and the punishments for bad ones are often delivered to them right here in this world. This point is explained in the following paragraphs.

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