
Friday 20 March 2015

The Way to Salvation - Surah Al-’Asr relation to the surahs before and after

Its relation to the surahs before and after:

Finally, let us cast a glance on the surahs of the Holy Quran which precede and follow Sarah Al-’Asr. I had stated that the righteousness of a man’s character is based upon the establishment of the real criterion of success and failure in his heart and soul and his willingness to act according to it always. If this criterion is not established, then the aim of his life may be reduced to amassing wealth, material comforts and luxuries. The desire for greater material well-being may overwhelm and over-power his mind to such an extent that it makes him oblivious of the greater realities of his life and the universe. The curtain of this negligence and indifference is only lifted at the time of death. 

This state of affairs has been described in Surah ‘AI-Takathur that blessed surah of the Glorious Quran which precedes Surah Al-’Asr. As a result of this negligence a man becomes unable to differentiate between right and wrong, lawful and unlawful, approved and forbidden. He sees success as a matter of hoarding and piling up wealth, and he becomes bereft of all good qualities of character and morals, and his personality becomes replete with sins arid vices. 

This picture has been revealed in Sarah ‘AI-Humaza’ which comes after Surah Al-’Asr I seek refuge in Allah, and pray to Him to protect us from such a grievous, dreadful and disastrous end to our lives. 

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