
Friday 20 February 2015

The Way to Salvation - The Meaning of Mutual Exhortation

The Meaning of Mutual Exhortation:

In the last part of Surah Al- ‘Asr, the word ‘tawasau’ has been used twice. Its verbal noun is ‘tawasi’ and it is derived from ‘wasiyyat’ which means admonition, exhortation with persistent emphasis. 

Again, this infinitive is formed from the stem of the verbal noun ‘tafaul’, whose first attribute is mutual cooperation and the second is emphasis to the point of exaggeration. It means that this action of exhortation is required with the greatest fervour and intensity. 

This stage necessitates the establishment of a collective community or Ummah based on the principles of mutual preaching of truth and patience.

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