
Friday 23 January 2015

The Way to Salvation - The Vast Meaning of ‘Khusran’ or Loss

The Vast Meaning of ‘Khusran’ or Loss:

We have translated the second verse as ‘Verily all human beings are in loss’. But even this translation does not convey the real meaning, because the Quranic term ‘Khusran’ is not a monetary loss of a few thousands or millions, but indicates complete destruction, in the Holy Quran many words have been used for achievement and success such as accomplishment, triumph, fulfillment, and blessing. But as an antonym of all these, only one comprehensive word is used and that is ‘Khusran'. It means that the second verse really shows that the whole mankind is standing on the verge of destruction or doom.

The significant reality which has been described in this verse, and the human tragedy towards which this verse points out, can be conceived or realized full in its true perspective in two stages.

Firstly, every one in this worldly life faces a hard struggle for existence. Many people have to undertake rigorous labour from morning till evening, but are unable to provide the bare necessities of life for their dependents. The majority of human beings can not afford even the basic necessities of life, such as food, clothing, shelter, education, and medical care. Even prosperous people have to work hard to maintain their status. From this point of view, a human being is like a beast of burden. But it is even more tragic because he is a creature of feelings and emotions. In addition to all that labour, he has to bear numerous mental hardships. Sometimes, he is deeply moved by the love of his children, sometimes by the troubles faced by his kith and kin. Sometimes he has to put up with the sorrow of a relative’s illness, or the shock of the death of someone loved by him. Not only hard work and labour is his lot but grief and sorrow as well.

You must have known that by observing these very troubles and tribulations of life Buddha was so much disheartened and dismayed that in the prime of his life he left his young wife and innocent son and ran out to the jungles in search of ‘truth’.

The masses generally harbour the misunderstanding that wealthy and prosperous people have no anxieties. As a matter of fact, the kind of psychic agony which they face is rarely experienced by a common man. They face numerous conflicts and frustrations, and very often the people of this class fall prey to mental diseases and psychic disorders. This is the first stage of human tragedy and this has been mentioned very eloquently in the last part of the Glorious Quran, is surah No. 90 ‘Al-Balad’ in verse No. 4 wherein Allah says:

‘Verily We have created man in toil and struggle.’

But added to this tragedy of the terrestrial existence I the doom of the worst type that is manifest in the life Hereafter. The climax of human tragedy is that after tolerating all troubles and hardships of this world, suddenly he will have to present himself before his Creator and give account for all the activities of his life. This is the picture. which has been presented in surah No. 84, entitled ‘Insheqaq’ verse No. 6 wherein Allah says:

‘Verily O man, thou art ever toiling on towards thy Lord —painfully toiling — but thou shalt meet Him’.

And, if in that trial, his thoughts, convictions, actions and activities are found deviating from the straight path, he would undergo a heart-rending and most severe punishment and torture in the hell for ever. And this is the real loss as Allah says in the Holy Quran:
‘That is the sheer loss’

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