
Friday 10 October 2014

The Way to Salvation - DESTRUCTION


Clearly and distinctly the all-important truth that the success of human life depends upon the following:
  1. ‘Iman’ or belief (in the metaphysical tenets of Islam).
  2. ‘AmaI-e-Saleh’ or good deeds.
  3. ‘Twasi bil-Haq’ or mutual exhortation to truth.
  4. ‘Twasi bis-Sabr’ or mutual exhortation to constancy and steadfastness.
Life without fulfilling these four inevitable conditions leads to eternal destruction. However, bright or glittering a man’s worldly success might be, it is no success if he lacks the above four conditions. These verses present a criterion of man’s ultimate triumph and failure which is diametrically opposed to the one prevalent in present day materialistic society. 

A thorough grasp of the meaning of these verses and a deep conviction of their veracity must necessarily result in a total transvaluation of values regarding life’s aims and achievements. If all that man cherishes most-political power, social status, affluence, availability of resources, high-ranking posts, well-established business, shining limousines, and big palatial buildings—are unaccompanied by the above mentioned four conditions; then they must be a preamble to eternal torment.

The only thing that can possibly save a man from everlasting doom is a real transformation of his nature, one which reforms his mind and heart and radically changes his perspective to conform to these four items, which collectively constitute the indispensable minimum requirements of human salvation. And this is only sufficient for the deliverance from destruction and not necessarily enough for the attainment of lofty stations in paradise. 

The Quran is not the work of a poet who says many things simply for the sake of adding elegance to the composition or under the necessity of rhythm and rhyme, but the word of God Almighty, and each word is precise and full of true wisdom. It contains nothing else but ‘Haqq’ or the truth, not allowing any addition or diminution whatsoever. If we eliminate even a single of the above mentioned stipulations, the responsibility of the Quran in respect of our salvation stands null and void and it will be sheer self-deception if we consider ourselves as the rightful recipients of the Quranic promise.

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