
Friday 12 September 2014

The Way to Salvation -

The Way to Salvation

In the Light of
Surah A1-Asr

Dr. Israr Ahmad

Translated by
Dr. Absar Ahmad &
Dr. Sanaullah Ansari

Revised by
Iqbal Ahmad Siddiqui

Shoba Samo Basr

Markazi Anjuman Khuddam-ul-Qur’an

 The Way to Salvation by Dr. Israr Ahmad In the Light of Surah Al-Asr:

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

1.   By (the Token of) Time (through the Ages),

2.   Verily Men are In a state of loss,

3.   Except those who have Faith,
        And do righteous deeds,
 And join together
        In the mutual teaching
        Of Truth, and of
 Patience and Constancy.


 This booklet includes two papers on the same topic. The first one was published in the monthly ‘MEESAQ’ Lahore in 1966. The second is a speech which was delivered before a gathering of the staff and senior students of Aitchison College, Lahore (Pakistan). The speech was taped by the Principal, and was transcribed later. It appeared in the monthly ‘MEESAQ’ of June, 1973. The Principal of Aitchison College also published it and distributed it freely. I pray that these sincere efforts of the former Principal of Aitchison College may be accepted by Allah, and may He shower His blessings on him in this world and in the Hereafter. Both the articles are now being published together by Markazi Anjuman Khuddamul Quran, Lahore. As the topic of both articles is the same, naturally there might be some repetition. It might be asked, what was the necessity of publishing both of them. In this connection it may be pointed out that the style and standard of both differ in many respects. The first one is a written document in which, leaving aside the mental horizon of readers, the thoughts have been expressed smoothly and fluently in a particular style of writing and in a special linguistic tone.

The second article is basically a speech and its style portrays the sense of the spoken discourse and the language used is comparatively simpler. In this way the combination of these two articles, it is hoped, has enhanced its utility and efficacy.

Secondly, when studied seriously, it would become clear that wherever something has been repeated, it has also brought out a new point and there are many important items, which are either in the first one and absent in the other and vice versa. Both these articles are based on the sole aim, that is: to explain to Muslims the correct doctrine of eternal salvation and deliverance, and the practical demands of the Islamic faith. For this objective, I have compiled a selected course of the Holy Quran, the starting point of which is Surah AI-’Asr. If Allah so wishes and gives us the means, we intend to bring out the entire course in the form of such booklets for our readers.

Dr. lsrar Ahmad,
Founder President,
Markazi Anjuman Khuddamul Quran,

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