
Sunday 1 December 2013



Q.   How is it taking vows?
*  Taking vows is allowed and fulfilling such vows after the prayers have been answered is compulsory.

Q.   Is it ordained to fulfill every vow?
*  A vow which is not for things against religion and are in keeping with the stipulated conditions must be fulfilled. But fulfilling a vow which goes against the tenets of religion is forbidden.

Q.   What are the conditions precedents for a vow?
*  Preconditions for a vow are as follow:
             i.     The vow must be to offer one form or the other of worship e.g. a pledge to offer two Rak'ahs of Salat for Al-lah, fast for Him, feed a certain number of hungry persons to earn His pleasure or give alms certain amount of money for the sake of Al-lah;
           ii.     The vow should not be beyond the power or jurisdiction of the person concerned, otherwise the vow shall not be in order. For example, this is no way to vow that should such and such prayer be answered “X” shall give the entire merchandise in the shop of “Y” for alms. Such a vow will not be valid because property belonging to “Y” is not the possessions of “X” and hence beyond his jurisdiction and control. Besides, there are other preconditions which the limited space of this book.

Q.   How is it to ask some prayer from a saint or the chosen one of Al-lah and have a vow on the basis of the outcome of such a prayer?
*  It is forbidden to ask prayers from anyone except Al-lah and have a vow for them, because such a vow would be a form of worship which only Al-lah deserves.

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