
Sunday 22 December 2013



Q.   What is Sadaqat-ul-Fitr?
*  Fitr means “to break the fast” or “not to keep fast”. Al-lah has ordained a Sadaqah (dole) on his servants to be given as thanksgiving for the end of fasting at the close of Ramadhan. This is known as Sadaqah-Fitr. And because of this happy occasion of the end of Ramadhan fasting, the ‘Id falling on the first of the month after Ramadhan is called the ‘Id-ul-Fitr.

Q.   For whom is the dole for breaking the fast a must?
*  The dole for breaking the fast is compulsory for every Muslim who is free and is in possession of the minimum almsworthy capital.

Q.   Is the minimum prescribed almsworthy capital for the payment of Sadaqat-ul-Fitr the same as for almsgiving?
*  The minimum prescribed capital for Sadaqah to be binding is the same as for Zakat e.g., 606 grams of silver or its value. But the difference between the two is that whereas Zakat becomes due only on silver, gold or merchandise, in the case of Sadaqah, capital in any form (if it not less than that prescribed for Nisab) has to be taken into account. The precondition common to both the cases, however, is that the capital must be in excess of one’s essential needs and free from all encumbrances of debt, etc.
Thus, if a person has clothes, copper utensils or china ware or he has some spare house or has other goods in excess of his essential needs and valued at more than the minimum limit for Nisab, he is exempted from payment of Zakat but not from Sadaqah. The ordained nature of Sadaqah is also irrespective of whether one year has elapsed over the capital in one’s possession or not. Not only this, Sadaqah will fall due on a person even if he has come to possess the Nisab that every day.

Q.   On whose behalf must one pay the Sadaqah?
*  Every person in possession of Nisab is duty bound to pay Sadaqah on his own behalf as well as on behalf of his minor children. But if the minors are themselves the owners of capital, Sadaqah may be paid out of their capital.

Q.   It is popularly believed that no Sadaqah is due from a person who has not kept fasts. Is it a correct notion?
*  No, it is not. To the contrary, Sadaqah is ordained for anyone who is the owner of Nisab irrespective of whether he has fasted or not.

Q.   At what time does the Sadaqat-ul-Fitr fall due?
*  Sadaqah falls due on ‘Id morning just after the break of true dawn. There is no Sadaqah due from the property of a person who expired before true dawn. Sadaqah shall however, be paid on behalf of a child who was born before the true dawn.

Q.   Is it permissible to give Sadaqat-ul-Fitr in Ramadhan itself?
*  Yes, it is permissible.

Q.   What is the best time for the payment of Sadaqat-ul-Fitr?
*  The best time would be on ‘Id day before proceeding for ‘Id prayers. Delaying it till after the ‘Id prayer is also permissible. It will however, remain due as long as one has not paid it, no matter how much time has elapsed in the meantime.

Q.   State the things and their amount or quantity that can be given for Sadaqah.
*  All kinds of foodgrain or cost thereof are allowed to be given for Sadaqah. If wheat or its flour is to be given, it must be given at the rate of 3 ½ lbs per head.
If barley is to be given, it must e double that quantity i.e., 7 lbs.
If some foodgrain other than wheat or barley (e.g. rice, millet, etc.) is to be given, it must be given in quantities that are equivalent in value to that of 1 ½ lb, wheat or 7 lb barley.
If however, it is to be paid in cash, it should be equal to the value of 3 ½ lb wheat or 7 lb barley.

Q.   Is it necessary to give the entire dole to one needy person or can it also be distributed among more than one?
*  It can be given to more than one needy person. Similarly, doles on behalf of several persons can also be given to a single person.

Q.   Which people are eligible to receive the Sadaqat-ul-Fitr?
*  Categories of people eligible to receive Zakat are also eligible to receive Sadaqah. Similarly, categories of people barred from receiving the Zakat are also barred from receiving the Sadaqah.

Q.   Can the people who are liable to pay Sadaqat-ul-Fitr receive Sadaqah or Zakat?
*  No, they are prohibited to receive either of them. They are in fact barred from receiving any commanded or ordained doles, if they are in possession of Nisab for Sadaqat-ul-Fitr.

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