
Sunday 6 October 2013



Q.   What things are the Prophet’s precepts or desirable on ‘Id days?
*  These are as follows:
             i.     Taking bath and during the teeth (with a tooth-stick);
           ii.     Putting on the best possible clothes;
         iii.     Applying perfume;
          iv.     Eating dates or other sweet things before going for ‘Id-ul-Fitr prayer;
            v.     Partaking of one’s sacrificial meat after prayers on ‘Id-ul-Adha;
          vi.     Covering the distance on foot;
        vii.     Going by one route and returning by another;
      viii.     Saying no Nafl prayers before ‘Id prayer;
          ix.     Saying no Nafl Salat in the special ‘Id masjid after congregational prayers.

Q.   How is it to say Takbir (Al-lah’s glorification) enroute to the masjid?
*  There is no harm in going to the masjid with Takbir on a low pitch on ‘Id-ul-Fitr. On ‘Id-ul-Adha, however it is preferable to say it audibly.

Q.   Is the ‘Id prayer Wajib (ordained) or Masnun (the Prophet’s precept)?
*  Both the ‘Id prayers are ordained. They are ordained only for those who are duty bound to say the Jum'ah prayer. Conditions precedent for the Jum'ah prayer also hold good for ‘Id prayers. Time for the two ‘Id prayers, however elapses before the first sign of the decline of the sun. The ‘Id oration is not commanded. Nor is it to be given before the Salat. It is the Prophet’s precept to give it after the prayers.

Q.   How many Rak'ahs are there in each one of the two ‘Id Salats and what is the procedure laid down for them?
*  ‘Id Salats have two Rak'ahs each. There is no Azan or Takbir to be called for them. First, we affirm the intention to say the ordained Salat for ‘Id-ul-Fitr or ‘Id-ul-Adha, as the case may be, behind a particular Imam with the case may be, behind a particular Imam with six extra Takbir. Then we say Al-lahu Akbar with hands raised up to the ears, then drop the hands and fold them as usual and recite the Thana. We again raise both hands to our ears saying Al-lahu Akbar and drop them. We raise the hands and drop them saying Al-lahu Akbar the second time and repeat the action the third time with the difference that now (on completion of three extra Takbirs) we again fold our hands. The Imam then will say       Ta’aw-wuz and Tasmiah, recite Al-Fatihah and the surah and move on to bowing. When we are again on our legs for the second Rak'ah, the Imam will raise our hands to our ears and drop them and repeat the action three times. Then we say Takbir for the fourth and last time without raising the hands and pass on to bowing and complete the Salat in the usual manner.
After the Salat is over the Imam will give his oration and the congregation will listen to him in silence. Like the Jum'ah oration, the two ‘Id orations have also two parts each and it is the Prophet’s precept to sit for respite in between the two parts.

Q.   What are the special acts and directions for ‘Id-ul-Adha?
*  They are as follows:
             i.     Repeating the Takbir aloud while on way to the venue of ‘Id prayer;
           ii.     Eating nothing before the prayer; and
         iii.     Obligation to say the Takbir for Tashriq.

Q.   What do we mean by the Takbir for Tashriq?
*  The Takbir said during the Tashriq days after commanded prayers is known as Takbir for Tashriq.

Q.   Which days are known as the days of Tashriq?
*  Three days in the month of Zil-Hij-jah (11th, 12th and 13th) are known as the days of Tashriq.

Q.   When do the Takbir of Tashriq begin and end?
*  The Takbir is said for five days beginning on the day of ‘Arafah (9th Zul-Hij-jah) followed by the day of Nahr (10th of Zul-Hij-jah) and the three days of Tashriq.
The Takbir is started along with Fajr prayer on the 9th and is continued till the ‘Asr on the 13th. It is ordained to say it after every commanded prayer. It must be called audibly immediately after a worshipper has turned his face in Salam. Women shall not say it aloud. The congregation must say it even if the head of the prayer forgets to repeat it.

Q.   What is the formula for Takbir and how many times it is to be  repeated?
*  The Takbir of Tashriq is as under:
It is ordained to recite it once.

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