
Wednesday 23 October 2013



Q.   What virtue is there in fasting during Ramadhan?
*  Fasts during Ramadhan hold the promise of great reward from Al-lah. The Hadith speaks of a number of virtues associated with them.
For instance, the Prophet (peace be on him) has said that all previous sins are forgiven of a man who fasts to please Al-lah.
Another Hadith says that the smell (sticnt) coming out of the mouth of a person on fast is better even than the perfume of the musk. From a third Hadith we learn that Al-lah says: “fasting is specially for Me and I will give the reward for it.” Many other similar traditions speak of great virtues of fasting.

Q.   Which people are commanded to fast during Ramadhan?
*  Fasting is a command for every Muslim man or woman who is a major and whose senses are intact. Any one denying the commanded nature of these fasts is an unbeliever and those missing such fasts without a valid excuse are sinners and transgressors.
Although minors are not duty bound to fast and pray, we are directed to make them do so even before they attain to the age of puberty in order to acclimatize them to these holy acts. The Hadith says that we should get the child to offer Salat under command even when he is seven. But if he gets ten years of age, we may even thrash him, if necessary, to make him say the prayers. Similarly, when a minor becomes strong enough to endure the righteous of fasting, let us make him do it as much as he can.

Q.   What are the grounds that permit one to miss the fasts?
*  The grounds are as follows:
             i.     A person on journey is permitted to miss the fast. But if it does not cause undue hardship, it is preferable for him to fast;
           ii.     Sickness i.e., an aliment or disease which runs the risk of getting aggravated as a result of fasting;
         iii.     One’s being very old;
          iv.     Pregnancy, especially if fasting is likely to cause harm to the mother or to the baby in the womb.
            v.     Suckling the baby, especially if fasting is harmful to the baby or the woman who is giving suck;
          vi.     Hunger or thirst being so acute as to pose a danger to life;
        vii.     No fasting is permitted for women during their period of menstruation.

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