
Friday 19 July 2013





(In the name of Al-lah, the Beneficent, the Merciful)


Q.   Is it ordained to recite the Qur-an at a higher pitch if one is offering Fajr, Maghrib or ‘Isha prayer singly?
*  It is not ordained, but preferable to recite audibly.

Q.   What is the injunction in the matter if one is offering these Salats as deferred prayers?
*  In deferred prayers the head of the prayer shall recite at a higher pitch. Individual worshippers are however; free to recite either audibly or otherwise.

Q.   How much of the Qur-an must one recite  in Fard Salats?
*  A person on journey can recite any surah after Al-Fatiha. For those on station reciting given amounts of the holy Qur-an (for different Salats) is the Prophet’s precept.

Q.   What is the Prophet’s precept in the matter of recitation of Qur-an in Salat by a person on station?
*  The Prophet’s precept for an on-station worshipper is like this : long surahs in Fajr and Dhuhr prayers; not-so-long surahs in the ‘Asr and ‘Isha prayers and shorter surahs in the Maghrib prayer.

Q.   What is along surah, a not-so-long surah and a shorter surah?
*  Surahs from Al-Hujrat (part 26 of the Qur-an) to Al-Buruj are known as long surahs. Surahs from Tariq to Lam Yakun are the not-so-long surahs. Surahs from Iza Zulzilat  till the An-nas are the shorter surah’s.

Q.   Does the Prophet’s precept regarding recitation in Salat apply to the Imam (head) or to the Munfarid (individual) as well?
*  It applies to both, the head of the congregation and the individual.

Q.   What if an on-station worshipper does not (for some reason) follow the Prophet’s precept with regard to the length of the recited matter?
*  It is allowed.

Q.   Is there any particular chapter of the Qur-an commanded to be recited in any Salat in which no other chapter is permitted?
*  No, there is no such particularization of any chapter in any Salat. For convenience sake the shariah has permitted recitation of any and every portion of the Qur-an in all Salats. Any particularization in this behalf is against the tenets of shariah.’

Q.   What is Prophet’s precept regarding recitation in the two Masnun Rak’ahs of Fajr?
*  The Holy Prophet (peace be on him) very often recited: QUL YA AY-YUHAL-KAFIRUN in the second QUL HUWAL-LAHU AHAD.

Q.   What portion of the Qur-an is the Prophet’s precept to be recited in Witr prayer?
*  It is like this
             i.     1st Rak’ahSAB-BIHISMA RAB-BIKAL A’LA;
           ii.     2nd Rak’ahQUL YA AY-YUHAL-KAFIRUN;
         iii.     3rd Rak’ahQUL HUWAL-LAHU AHAD.

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