
Sunday 23 June 2013



Q.   What is Ma’siyah (sin)?
*  The word Ma’siyah literally means transgression or disobedience. Anything that violates the commands of Al-lah is transgression or sin.
It is bad to commit sin. Sin attracts Al-lah’s wrath, displeasure and punishment. Unbelief and polytheism are the bigger among all sins. Unbelievers and polytheists shall have Hell as their permanent abode. Nobody will intercede on behalf of an unbeliever or polytheists. Al-lah has said in the Holy Qur-an that He will never forgive a polytheist.


Q.   What do we mean by unbelief and polytheism?
*  Unbelief means refusal to believe in anyone of the things necessary to be believed. For instance, those who refuse to believe in Al-lah or His Attributes or believes in more than one God (two or three) or refuses to believe in angels or in anyone of Al-lah’s Books and Prophets or Destiny or the Day of Judgment or anyone of     Al-lah’s clear commands or disbelieves any fact or tiding conveyed by the Prophet of Al-lah will be considered an unbeliever.
Polytheism similarly, means to believe in any other object or person besides      Al-lah to be His compeer in Being or Attributes

Q.   What do we mean by considering any other object or person as Al-lah’s compeer in being?
*  Making someone Al-lah’s partner in Being means believing in duality or plurality of God. Christians are polytheists because they believe in trinity, the Zoroastrians because they believe in duality and the idolaters because they believe in the plurality of God.

Q.   What do we mean by polytheism in regard to Attributes?
*  It is polytheism to ascribe Al-lah’s Attributes to some other being. No other creature whether it be an angel, a prophet, a saint, a martyr, a spiritual head or an Imam can have Attributes special to Al-lah.

Q.   How many forms can polytheism take?
*  It could take many forms. We discuss below a few of them.
·   Partnership in powers exclusive to Al-lah: This is like believing that some prophet, spiritual head or martyrs etc., have the power to send down rains, grant son or daughter or other boons to anyone, provide livelihood, give life to or snatch it from anyone or cause good or harm to anyone. This is one form of polytheism.
·   Partnership in Knowledge: It consists in believing that someone besides Al-lah, a prophet or spiritual head has knowledge of the Unseen, knows everything big or small or is aware of what is happening to us or has knowledge of all things, far and near.
·   Partnership in the Attributes of hearing and seeing: It means believing someone besides Al-lah (a prophet or spiritual leader) to have the power to hear all that we say from far and near or see us all our actions from anywhere.
·   Partnership in Sovereignty: It consists in considering someone besides       Al-lah the master like unto Him and obeys his dictates even as one would carry out the dictates of Al-lah. For example, it is also a kind of polytheism to carry out the command of one’s spiritual head to chant a certain formula before the ‘Asr prayer for such a long time that it would delay or even cause to miss the prayer prescribed by Al-lah.
·   Partnership in worship: It consists in considering someone besides Al-lah worthy of worship. Acts like falling prostrate before some holy man or fasting in the name of some prophet, saint or Imam asking boons from objects and persons other than Al-lah or going round some grave or the residence of a holy man even as one would go round the holy Ka’bah are all forms of polytheism in worship.

Q.   Are there any other acts that smack of polytheism?
*  Yes, there are great many other acts that smack of polytheism. They all must be avoided. The following acts, for example, fall under this category: consulting astrologers about the future, consulting a palmist, asking someone to draw lots, avoiding a patient of small pox or some other disease because of the supposed communicable nature of the disease, making effigies of martyrs, raising banners to commemorate the death of martyrs and saints, swearing by someone besides      Al-lah, drawing images or giving respect to them, invoking some saint or holy man as if he would answer our prayers, keeping tufts of hair for invoking the blessings of some saint or holy man, parading as beggars in the name of martyrs on certain occasions, organizing assemblies and fairs on the graves and so on.

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