
Sunday 19 May 2013


Q.   Name the various perfect Attributes of Al-lah?
*  They are:
                                                              i.      Oneness;
                                                           ii.      Eternity or Self-existence;
                                                         iii.      Life;
                                                          iv.      Omnipotence;
                                                            v.      Omniscience;
                                                          vi.      Free will;
                                                       vii.      Knowledge;
                                                     viii.      Sight;
                                                          ix.      Speech;
                                                            x.      Creation;
                                                          xi.      Bringing into existence, etc.

Q.   What do we mean by Oneness as an Attribute?
*  It means being One. It is a unique prerogative of Al-lah to be One in person as well as in Attributes. Faith in Oneness means faith in the Oneness of Al-lah.

Q.   What do we mean by the Attribute of Eternity or Self-existence?
*  Eternity means being eternal with no beginning and no end. Self-existence means to be existent in one’s own right.

Q.   What do we mean by something being eternal?
*  An Eternal Being is both azali and abadi. Azali means is what has no beginning and abadi means what is without end. Al-lah is both azali and abadi. This is what we mean by the term “Eternal”.

Q.   What do we mean by “Life” in this context?
*  The Attribute means to be living. Thus, Al-lah is alive. The Attribute of “Life” is inalienable from Him.

Q.   What do we mean by the term Attribute of “Power”?
*  The Attribute of Power in this context means the power to create, sustain, destroy and resurrect the universe.

Q.   What does the Attribute of “Knowledge” mean?
*  It means that Al-lah is the knower of all things. Nothing big or small is outside his knowledge. He has knowledge of the smallest particle. He knows everything from before it comes into being and after it has disappeared. He knows full well and sees clearly how an ant moves its feet in a dark night. Whatever transpires inside a man is too evident to Him. Knowledge of the Unseen is the special Attribute of  Al-lah.

Q.   What is Free Will (Iradah)?
*  Free will means doing things of one’s own will. It means that Al-lah creates whatever He wills and destroys whatever He desires. All things in the world flow from His might. Nothing in the universe is beyond His power. He is not helpless in anything.

Q.   What do the Attributes of Hearing and Seeing imply?
*  They mean that Al-lah hears and sees everything. But He does not have ears and eyes like His creation. Nor have His ears and eyes of any shape. He hears the lowest of sounds and sees the smallest of objects. All things, far and near, bright or dark are equally evident to Him.

Q.   What do we mean by the Attribute of Speech?
*  The Attribute signifies power to speak and talk. This Attribute is also inherent in Al-lah. He has however no tongue like us.

Q.   How can Al-lah talk if he has no tongue?
*  We, the creatures will be unable to talk without tongue. This is because the entire creation bound by the law of cause and effect. But Al-lah, because He is not dependent on anything for any purpose, does not need the tongue to do the speaking. If even He were in need of the tongue to speak, He would not be Al-lah the Self-existent.

Q.   What do we mean by the Attribute of Creation?
*  It means that it is Al-lah who creates things and brings them into being. This Attribute is also the exclusive prerogative of Al-lah.

Q.   Are there any other Attributes of Al-lah?
*  Yes, He has other Attriutes too e.g., the Attributes of causing death; bringing into life; giving food, honour, dishonour, etc. All His Attributes are eternal. They neither admit of increase and decrease nor of change.

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