
Sunday 7 April 2013


(Second Constituent of Salat)

Q.   What does “recitation” mean?
*  Recitation here means reading from the Holy Qur-an.

Q.   How much of the text of the Holy Qur-an is commanded to be recited in Salat?
*  It is Fard to recite at least one verse (ayah). Reciting Al-Fatiha is wajib. In the first two rak’ahs of Fard Salat and in all rak’ahs of wajib, masnun and Nafl prayers reciting one whole Surah (Chapter) or a long verse or alternatively three short verses is wajib (compulsory).

Q.   Is it compulsory to recite the Al-Fatiha in all rak’ahs of each Salat?
*  Except for the third and fourth rak’ahs of the Fard Salat it is compulsory to recite Al-Fatiha in all rak’ahs whether the Salat is Fard, wajib, masnun or nafl.

Q.   What should a person do if not a single verse (ayah) is committed to his memory?
*  Such a person may repeat subhanAl-lah or alhamdulil-lah in place of extracts from the Qur-an. But it is incumbent upon him to learn and memorize at least the necessary amount of the text of the Holy Qur-an. Learning the commanded amount is obligatory and memorizing the compulsory portion is wajib.

Q.   What Salats are there in which the Qur-an is to be recited about?
*  It is compulsory for the head (Imam) to recite the Holy Qur-an aloud in the first two rak’ahs of Maghrib and ‘Isha and in Salats for Fajr, Jum’ah, the ‘Ids, all the rak’ahs of the tarawih and Witr during the holy month of Ramadhaan.

Q.   In which Salats is the holy Qur-an recited on a low pitch (outside the hearing of others)?
*  Both the heads of the prayers and the individual worshipper should recite the Qur-an in Salats for dhur and ‘asr on a low pitch. The individual worshipper in Witr should also do the same.

Q.   What do we mean by loudness or higher pitch?
*  The minimum definition of loudness or higher pitch is that whatever one recites the person immediately next to him is able to hear it. The minimum of the low pitch is so low that the recitation reaches only the ears of one’s ownself.

Q.   What do we call the Salats in which the Qur-an is recited loud?
*  Such Salats are called Vocal (jahri) Salats.

Q.   What do we call the Salats in which recitation is on a low pitch?
*  Such Salats are called low-pitched (sirri) Salats.

Q.   Is it allowed for a person not to actually utter the words but only repeat them at the pre-speech level?
*  By only repeating the Holy Qur-an at the level of imagination, the Salat will not be valid. It is essential to recite it in words.

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