
Friday 19 April 2013



Q.   What do we understand by the ordained acts (wajibat) of Salat?
*  The ordained acts of Salat are those acts are compulsory to be performed in Salat. If a person forgets to perform any of these acts he shall have to rectify the error by means of remedial prostration (Sijdah sahv). If no such Sijdah is performed after the omission of a wajib or any one of these acts is deliberately omitted, Salat will be invalid and will have to be revised.

Q.   How many ordained acts (wajibs) are there in the Salat?
*  There are fourteen wajibs in Salat:
             i.     Doing recitation in the first two rak’ahs;
           ii.     Reciting Al-Fatiha in each and every rak’ah of all Salats will the exception of the third and the fourth rak’ahs of Fard Salat;
         iii.     Reciting either one whole chapter (surah) or a long verse (ayah) or three short verses in the first two rak’ahs of a Fard Salat and in each and every rak’ah of all other Salats whether wajib, masnun or nafl after the Al-Fatiha;
          iv.     Reciting Al-Fatiha before reciting any other surah;
            v.     Maintaining the order set for recitation, ruku’, Sijdah and the rak’ahs;
          vi.     Doing qaumah (standing erect after ruku’);
        vii.     Performing jalsah (sitting up in between the two Sijdahs);
      viii.     Doing justice with (performing with ease and grace) the constituents of Salat such as ruku’, Sijdah, etc;
          ix.     Sitting as long as is required for Tashahhud after two rak’ahs in a Salat comprising three or four rak’ahs;
            x.     Reciting Tashahhud in the two Qa’dahs;
          xi.     For Imam to recite the Qur-an aloud in Salat of Fajr, Maghrib, ‘Isha, Jum’ah, the two ‘Ids and all the rak’ahs of Taravih and of Witr in the holy month of Ramadhaan and reciting on a low pitch in the Salats for dhuhr, ‘Asr etc.;
        xii.     Terminating Salats pronouncing as-salamu ‘alaikum warahmatullah;
      xiii.     Saying Takbir for the Qunut and reciting the Qunut in Witr;
       xiv.     Saying additional takbirs in Salat for the two ‘Ids.


  1. Great post! You have done a great job by sharing these Wajibat(compulsory acts) of Salah. Thank you for sharing such a great post here.

    1. Thank you
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