
Sunday 17 March 2013


(Seventh Pre-condition for Salat)

Q.   What is intention (Niy-yah)?
*  To intend means to seriously make up one’s mind.

Q.   What should one keep in one’s mind while affirming the intention for Salat?
*  It is essential to have in mind the particular fard Salat that one intends to offer. For example, if he is going to offer the Salat of Fajr, he should affirm his intention thus:
“I hereby offer the Salat of Fajr this day.” If he is offering a deferred (qada) Salat he should affirm the intention that he is going to offer the Salat for such and such day. If one is offering the Salat behind the imam (head of the prayer), intention for that is also necessary.

Q.   How is it to express the intention in words?
*   It is desirable. If one says it in words, well and good, but no harm will come if he does not express it in words.

Q.   How to make intention for the Nafl Salat?
*  It is enough to have the intention that one is offering the Nafl Salat. Same will hold good for masnun Salat and Taravih (Salat after ‘Isha during Ramadan)

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