
Sunday 3 March 2013


(Fifth pre-condition for Salat)

Q.   What do we mean by constraints on time for Salat?
*  An important prerequisite for Salat is that it must be performed on time. No Salat is that it must be performed on time. No Salat is valid before the commencement of time fixed for it. Salat performed after the permissible time is over will be considered as having been “deferred” (qada) and not “on time” (ada).

Q.   How many times in a day and night is Salat commanded?
*  Salat is commanded to be performed five times in a day and night. Apart from these, one Salat (Witr) is compulsory (Wajib).

Q.   What do we mean by Fard, Wajib, Masnun and Nafl Salats? How do they differ from one another?
*  Fard is a commanded supported by express injunctions in which there is no room for doubt. Anyone refusing to accept it as such is an unbeliever (kafir) and the one who neglects it is a transgressor (Fasiq) and merits punishment. “Wajib” is anything considered essential on the basis of inference. Anyone disbelieving it is not an unbeliever. Nevertheless, a person who neglects it without proper justification or excuse is a transgressor and merits punishment. “Masnun” or  “Sun-nah” is an act which the Holy Prophet (peace be on him) or his holy Companion did or ordained to do. ‘Nafl’ are acts, whose virtues have been established and confirmed by the Shariah. Doing these acts attracts reward from Al-lah but failure to do them earns no punishment. These acts are also known as Mustahab, Mandub and Tatav-vu.

Q.   How many types of commands are there?
*  They are of two kinds;
             i.     Fard ‘Ain (command for each individual) and
           ii.     Fard Kifayah (sufficing command)
Fard ‘Ain is binding on each and every individual of the community. Anyone discarding it is a transgressor and a sinner. Fard Kifayah is an act that, if performed even by one individual or two, will absolve all others of the neighbourhood of the obligation. If, however no one performs it, all will be held answerable and guilty.

Q.   How many kinds of Sun-nah are there?
*  Sun-nah is of two kinds:
·        Emphasized (Mu’ak-kadah) and
·        Unemphasized (Ghair mu’ak-kadah)
The emphasized Sun-nah is the act that the Holy Prophet (peace be on him) ceaselessly practiced or ordered it to be practiced regularly. In other words it is an act which was never neglected without excuse. Giving up such an act without sufficient excuse is a sin. Cultivating a habit of neglecting such acts is a grave sin. The unemphasized Sun-nah is an act that the Prophet (peace be on him) did frequently, but at times he gave it up also without excuse. Practicing these Masnun acts eatns greater reward than the Mustahab acts, but it is no sin to miss them. These are also known as additional Sun-nahs.

Q.   What do we mean by the terms “forbidden” (haram), “near-forbidden” (makruh tahrimi) and “semi-forbidden: (makruh tanzihi)?
*  Haram is an act totally forbidden in express terms. Its doer is a transgressor and deserves punishment. Its denouncer is an unbeliever. Near-forbidden is an act understood to be forbidden through inference. Its renouncer is not an unbeliever but a sinner. Semi-forbidden act is one which, if avoided attracts reward but brings no curse to one who practices it. It is at best an undesirable act.

Q.   What is a permissible (mubah) act?
*  Permissible act is one that neither merits reward nor attracts punishment.

Q.   Spell out the time fixed for Fajr (morning prayer)?
*  There appears a kind of whiteness on the horizon on the east about one and a half hours before sunrise. That white phenomenon rises upwards from the earth in the shape of a column. This is known as false dawn (subh kazib). This whiteness disappears after on the horizon. It spreads from right to left in the east. It pervades the entire eastern edge of the horizon. It does not move up vertically. This is known as true dawn (subh sadiq). Time for the Salat of fajr begins with the dawn of this true morning. It lasts till before sunrise. Even if a little bit of sun makes its appearance, time for Fajr must be deemed to have been over.

Q.   What time is desirable for the Salat of Fajr?
*  Salat of Fajr is desirable at a time when it is already bright and at the same time there is sufficient time to say the prayer with ease in keeping with the Prophet’s precept as well as to revise the prayer (according to the Prophet’s precept) before sunrise in case of some fault having crept into the Salat once said.

Q.   Mention the time for the Salat of Dhuhr?
*  The time for Dhuhr begins after the sun has started declining. It is over when the shadow of an object becomes twice as long as its actual size plus the shadow it had at exact noon.

Q.   What time is desirable for the Salat of Dhuhr?
*  It is preferable to delay the Salat until the severity of heat subsides during summer and desirable to advance it during the winter season. The Salat must however, be said when the shadow is still equal to its original in size.

Q.   Mention the time for the Salat of ‘Asr?
*  The time for ‘Asr begins and that of Dhuhr ends when the shadow of a thing becomes twice the original plus its original shadow. It lasts till sunset. But as and when the sun lowers and sunshine loses its brightness and grows yellowish, Salat of ‘Asr becomes undesirable. It should be completed before such a time.

Q.   Mention the time for Maghrib?
*  The time for Maghrib prayer begins after sun has set and lasts till after the crimson (Shafaq) has finished.

Q.   What is crimson (Shafaq)?
*  The redness that appears on the sky after sunset in the west is known as crimson (Shafaq). After this redness disappears, there remains a sort of whiteness. This is known as white crimson. This whiteness also wears the same look. Time for the Maghrib prayer lasts until this white crimson vanishes.

Q.   What time is desirable for the Maghrib prayer?
*  Early moments are preferable. It is undesirable to delay the Salat without sufficient excuse.

Q.   What is the time fixed for the Salat of ‘Isha?
*  Time for ‘Isha begins with the disappearance of white crimson and lasts till the time of true dawn.

Q.   What time is desirable for the Salat of ‘Isha?
*  Desirable time for the Salat of ‘Isha lasts until the one third of the night is over. Even after this it is permissible till midnight. Saying ‘Isha prayer after this is undesirable.

Q.   What time is fixed for the Salat of Witr?
*  Time fixed for the Salat of Witr is the same as for ‘Isha. Witr is however not allowed before the ‘Isha prayer. This means that Witr can only follow and not precede ‘Isha.

Q.   What time is desirable for the Salat of Witr?
*  If a person has confidence in him that he will wake up in the later part of the night, Witr is desirable to be performed in the later part of the night. If he is not sure of waking up after sleep, he should say it before he goes to bed.

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