
Sunday 24 March 2013



Q.   What are the constituents of Salat?
*  The things commanded in Salat are known as constituents (arakan) of Salat. Arakan is the plural form of rukn. Rukn means a commanded or obligation.

Q.   How many commanded acts are in Salat?
*  Six things are commanded in it:
             i.     Saying Takbir tahrima;
           ii.     Qiyam (standing);
         iii.     Qirat (reciting the holy Qur-an);
          iv.     Ruku (making a bow);
            v.     Two Sijdahs (falling prostrate);
          vi.     The last Qa’’da (sitting) that is sitting sufficiently long to enable one to say Tashah-hud. But the takbir tahrima is a precondition not a constituent of Salat.

Q.   If the Takbir tahrima is a precondition, why has it not been mentioned along with the seven preconditions of Salat?
*  Since there is no time intervening between the Takbir tahrima and Salat and since it marks the beginning of the prayer, it was deemed proper to mention it along with the constituent parts of the Salat itself.


Q.   What do we mean by Formula of Forbidding or Takbir tahrima?
*  We say      AL-LAHU ABAR while starting the Salat. This Takbir marks the beginning of the prayer and all things violative of Salat become forbidden. Hence the name Takbir Tahrima.

Q.   How is it if one says the Tabir tahrima in the bowing position?
*  It is not allowed. The reason being that standing erect at the time of Takbir tahrima for Fard and wajib Salats (when there is no excuse for doing otherwise) is a pre-condition for Salat.

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