
Sunday 20 January 2013



Q.   When should we start reckoning the stipulated permissible duration for wiping the socks?
*  The permissible duration for the purpose should be calculated from the moment the ablution gets nullified. From that time onward Mas-ha is allowed on socks for a day and night or for three days and three nights as the case may be. For example, if one puts on the socks in the morning of Friday and breaks his ablution after time for dhuhr prayer is over, if he is a Muqmim (on station), he is allowed to continue to wipe his socks until dhuhr prayer on Saturday. Musafir (a person on journey), on the other hand, can continue to wipe the socks until dhuhr on Monday.

Q.   What are the things that invalidate Mas-ha?
*  Acts that nullify the ablution also break Mas-ha. Apart from that the Mas-ha gets broken as soon as the stipulated permissible period for Mas-ha is over. It also breaks if the socks are taken off or the socks get torn making a hole as big as the width of three toes.

Q.   What will be the position if the socks are taken off while the ablution is still intact or the duration for the validity of Mas-ha is over?
*  Under both these situation it is enough to wash the feet and put on the socks. It is, however, desirable (Mustahab) to do the ablution afresh.

Q.   What should a person on journey do if he returns home only one day and night after he undertook the Mas-ha on socks?
*  He should take off the and start with a new ablution and a fresh Mas-ha.

Q.   What should a person on-station do if he starts on journey after he undertook his Mas-ha at home?
*  If he starts on journey before a day and night is over he may keep the socks on and continue doing the Mas-ha for three days and three nights. If, however, he starts on his journey after the completion of one day and night he must put off the socks and begin with a fresh Mas-ha.

Q.   What will be the position if the socks are torn a little at several places?
*  We must see whether the combined circumference of the tear is equal to three toes in width. If so, Mas-ha is not allowed to be made. If it is less, Mas-ha is allowed. If, however, only the combined tear of the two socks is equal to the width of three toes while the tear of each individual sock is less than that, the Mas-ha is allowed to be done.

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