
Sunday 13 January 2013



Q.   What minimum quantity of an unclean element flowing from the body will invalidate ablution?
*  Any quantity of an unclean element that comes out of the body and flows towards the part of the body commanded to be washed in ablution or bath will break the ablution.

Q.   If blood stands out in the eye and flows within the eye, will it break the ablution?
*  No, because washing the inner portion of the eye is commanded neither in ablution nor in bath.

Q.   If blood on the wound and is wiped off with a finger or a piece of cloth and the process is repeated several times, does it break the ablution?
*  It must be observed whether thus the blood wiped was capable of flowing out if it had been left unwiped. If so, it shall invalidate the ablution, otherwise the ablution will remain intact.

Q.   What contents coming out in vomiting will break the ablution?
*  If bile, blood, food or water is thrown out or one makes a mouthful of vomiting, ablution shall stand broken. If, however only phlegm comes out, the ablution remains unaffected.

Q.   How is it if vomiting comes out in piece-meals?
*  If a single vomiting sensation results in several vomits, which, taken together, amount to one mouthful, the ablution shall break. Nevertheless, if one sensation results in a little vomiting, leaving no after-effects and the same thing is repeated, the two vomits will not be taken as one and the ablution will remain intact.

Q.   If blood or pus coming out of a pimple on any part of the body makes its appearance on the clothing, is that clothing clean or unclean?
*  If the blood or pus is capable only of appearing on the clothing, but not of flowing out, the clothing will be considered as clean. Still it is preferable to wash it.

Q.   Is a vomit which is less than a mouthful unclean?
*  No, it is not.

Q.   Will the ablution get invalidated if a leech clings to one’s body and sucks blood to its fill, or a pea or mosquito bites a person?
*  The sucking of blood by a leech shall the body after it has left it. The reason being that the quantity of blood sucked by the leech is such that it would certainly flow down the body, if it were not sucked by the leech. Ablution shall however remain intact in case a pea or mosquito bites a person because the amount of blood sucked by them is very small and therefore incapable of flowing over the body.

Q.   What type of nap or sleep does not break the ablution?
*  Sleeping in the standing position or without any support or in any position adopted in Salat such as Sijdah or Qa’dah does not break the ablution.

Q.   Is there any one whose ablution does not break even by falling asleep?
*  Yes, ablution of the prophets of Al-lah does not break even if they fall asleep. This is their sole prerogative and privilege.

Q.   Does bursting into laughter break the ablution? Is so, what is exactly bursting into laughter?
*  Bursting into laughter means laughing in such a way that it can be heard by others. The following are the necessary conditions for the invalidation of ablution in Salat on account of laughter.
1.      The person concerned must be an adult, man or woman. (For the minor’s laughter does not break his or her ablution);
2.      The person concerned must be awake. If, however, a person falls asleep during Salat and then bursts into laughter his ablution will remain intact;
3.      The Salat in which one has laughed must be a Salat requiring ruku’ (bowing) or sujud (prostration). Thus, if one laughs in a funeral prayer, the ablution will not break.

Q.   Does ablution get nullified if one sees by chance the part of any other person’s body meant for hiding (Satr)?
*  No, ablution does not get nullified if one sees with or without intention the part of his own or another’s body.


  1. Here it is a sign to change this secularism's new world order with that link

    Spread that link around the world for the call to freedom of all muslim nations around the world !

  2. Is it in english version also this newworldorder site
