
Sunday 9 December 2012


(Friendship with Al-lah) and (Friends of allh)

Q.   Who is a Wali (Friend of Al-lah)?
*  A Muslim who obeys the commands of Al-lah and His Prophet, offers abundant prayers and keeps away from acts of sin, and loves Al-lah and His Prophet more than all other things of the world, is close to Al-lah and is His favourite. He is called a Wali.

Q.   What is the sign of a Wali?
*  The sign of a Wali is that he is a god-fearing and pious Muslim, offers prayers abundantly, love of Al-lah and His Prophet is paramount in his heart, he has no appetite for the world and the vision of the life hereafter is always present in his mind.

Q.   Can a Companion of the Prophet be called a Wali?
*  Yes, all the holy Companions were Walis because as a result of the company of the holy Prophet love of Al-lah and His Prophet burned in their hearts. They had no love for this world. They offered prayers abundantly, kept away from the acts of sin and complied with the commandments of Al-lah and his Prophet (peace be on him).

Q.   Can a Sahabi or Wali be Prophet’s equal?
*  No, in no case can a Companion of the Prophet in rank.

Q.   Can a Wali who is not the Prophet’s Companion be equal in rank with or superior to anyone of his Companions?
*  No, there is great virtue in being a Companion, therefore, a Wali who is not a Sahabi can never be equal in rank with or superior to a Sahabi.

Q.   Some men do acts are against the codes of Islam. For example, they do not offer prayers or shave their beards. Still some people regard them as the Friends of Al-lah. Are they right?
*  No, they are absolutely wrong. It must be remembered that a man who violates the laws of Shariah can never be a Wali.

Q.   Can there be any Wali or Walis who are exempted from Islamic injunctions regarding prayers, fasting and so on?
*  No, as long as a man is in his senses and his strength is intact, there can be no exemption from religious obligations. Nor does any act of sin become permissible for him. If there are any persons with their senses and strength intact, who do not perform the duties prescribed by Al-lah and do acts against the tenets of Islam and claim license for them, are patently irreligious. They can never be the Friends of Al-lah.

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