
Sunday 2 December 2012


[Venerable Companions of the Prophet (peace be on him)]

Q.   Who is a Sahabi (Companion)?
*  Sahabi is one who saw the Prophet (peace be on him) or attended his holy company as a Muslim and died as a Muslim.

Q.   What is the number of the Sahabah?
*  There are thousands who came to him and accepted Islam and died as Muslims.

Q.   Do all the Sahabis rank equal or are there difference of status?
*  The Sahabis rank variously. But they are all higher in rank than the rest of the community of Muslims (Um-mah).

Q.   Who ranks the highest among the Sahabis?
*  Four of the Sahabis rank higher than all others. First, Hadrat Abu-Bakr Sid-diq (may God be pleased with him), who ranks the highest among the people. Second, Hadrat ‘Umar Faruq (may Al-lah be pleased with him) who is next only to Hadrat Abu-Bakr (may Al-lah be pleased with him). Third, Hadrat ‘Uthman Ghani (may Al-lah be pleased with him) is next to none but Hadrat Abu-Bakr and Hadrat ‘Umar. Fourth, Hadrat ‘Ali (may Al-lah be pleased with him) who ranks next only to Hadrat Abu-Bakr, Hadrat ‘Umar and Hadrat ‘Uthman. These four dignitaries succeeded the Prophet (peace be on him) as his Caliphs.

Q.   What does the term Caliph mean?
*  The Caliph is one who, after the Prophet’s departure from this world, because his successor to manage the affairs of religion and maintain the arrangements that the Prophet (peace be on him) did. The word Caliph means successor or vicegerent. After the Prophet’s demise Hadrat Abu-Bakr Sid-diq (may Al-lah be pleased with him) was unanimously chosen by the Muslims as his successor. He is, thus the first Caliph. Hadrat ‘Umar Faruq (may Al-lah be pleased with him) succeeded him as the second Caliph. Hadrat ‘Uthman (may Al-lah be pleased with him) followed him as the third Caliph. After him Hadrat ‘Ali (may Al-lah be pleased with him) became the fourth Caliph. They are known as the four Caliphs, the Righteous Caliphs or the four Companions.

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