
Sunday 4 November 2012



Q.   Do all the angels other than the archangels rank equal among themselves, or are they higher and lower in rank?
*  Four archangels whose names have been mentioned in Book-II are superior in rank to others. The rest of the angels are not equals. Some are high in rank while others are low. Some are very close to Al-lah, others are not.

Q.   What functions do the angels perform?
*  Countless angels in heaven and on earth are appointed to do different tasks. That is to say, Al-lah has assigned all the affairs of heavens and earth to different angels. These angels are busy in carrying out these tasks in the manner ordained by Al-lah.

Q.   Name some of the functions that the angels do?
*  Hadrat Jibril (Gabriel, peace be on him) brought Al-lah’s Messages, Commands and Scriptures to the prophets. Sometimes, he was also sent down to help the prophets and fight the enemies of Al-lah and His prophets. Al-lah also sent His punishment upon His disobedient servants through him. Hadrat Mika’il (Micheal, peace be on him) is responsible for sending down rains and provisions to Al-lah’s creatures. Countless angels work under his subordination. Some of them control the wonds; others take care of rivers, ponds and tanks. They manage everything according to His commands. Hadrat Israfil (peace be on him) will blow the trumpet on the Day of Resurrection. Hadrat Izra’il (Azreal, peace be on him) is appointed to draw the souls from the bodies of all creatures. Numberless angels work under him. There are different angels to draw the souls of the righteous and of the evil-doers. Apart from these, some of the tasks done by the angels are as follows:
1.      Two angels are appointed on each person. One of them maintains the record of the good deeds done by him, and the other one records his evil deeds. These two angels are known as KIRAMAN KATIBIN (honoured writers);
2.      Some other angels are appointed to save mankind from calamities and disasters. They protect the children, the old people, the feeble ones and others for whom Al-lah gives the order;
3.      Some angels are appointed to put questions to the dead in their graves. They are known as MUNKAR and NAKIR;
4.      Some other angels are appointed to scourge the earth, present themselves at congregations and assemblies where Al-lah’s name is chanted, sermons are made, the Holy Qur-an is recited, blessings on the Prophet are sent and true knowledge of religion is imparted. They are to bear witness before Al-lah for all those who join such noble acts. The angels on duty in the world change their shifts. Those on duty during the night go back to the heavens at the time of morning prayers and those whose duty is to be in the day, take up their charge. The angels working during the day go to the heavens after the ‘Asr prayer is over, and angels to be on duty for the night descend to take up their respective assignments;
5.      Some angels are appointed to look after the affairs of Paradise;
6.      Some of them look after the affairs of Hell;
7.      Some are the supporters of ‘Arsh (the throne of Al-lah); and
8.      Some are busy saying prayers and chanting glories of Al-lah.

Q.   How do we know that the angels perform the duties?
*  All these things are mentioned in the Holy Qur-an as well as in the Hadith.

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