
Friday 12 October 2012

Beware of Armageddon

Oct 5, 2012
Hafiz Akif Saeed, Ameer Tanzeem-e-Islami expressed the view while addressing Friday Congregation at the Quran Academy Lahore that Turkey’s attack on Syria will have grave consequences which may even include beginning of a worldwide war. Turkish Parliament’s approval of an armed attack on Syria may lead to a total global war prophecised in Prophetic sayings towards the end
 of time. These also refer to the central role of Syria in these series of armed conflicts. Hafiz Akif Saeed opined that by supporting the states opposing Syrian Government in the current scenario, US alongwith Nato allies is fighting a proxy war in the region. On the other hand Syrian government of Bishar ul Asad is being backed by Russia, China and Iran and thus on both sides world powers are confronting each other. This may be the starting point of world war. What role Pakistan can play in this situation? The Ameer of Tanzeem-e-Islami repeated his call of truly adopting the norms of Islam in our individual and collective life and making Pakistan a citadel of Islam and embodiment of Islamic ideals of justice and social welfare. Only thus can we meet the challenges of the enemies of Islam and eternal bliss in the Hereafter.
Released By
( Ayub Baig Mirza )
Nazim Nashr-o-Isha’at

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