
Saturday 18 August 2012


(peace be on them)

Q.   Who are Messengers (Rasuls)?
*  The messengers are Al-lah’s servants and human beings. Al-lah appoints them to carry His messages to His creatures. They are truthful, never tell lies and never commit sins; they show miracles by the will of Al-lah, convey Al-lah’s messages in full, with no subtractions from of additions to them. Nor do they withhold any of His messages.

Q.   Who is a Prophet (Nabi)?
*  The prophets are also Al-lah’s servants and human beings. They transmit Al-lah’s messages to his servants; they are truthful, never tell lies and never commit sins. They do not subtract from or add to the message of Al-lah and never withhold any Divine orders.

Q.   Is there any difference between a Nabi (Prophet) and a Rasul (Messenger), or are the two terms identical in meaning?
*  There is some difference between a Nabi (Prophet) and a Rasul (Messenger). The Rasul (Messenger) is one who is given a new Code and a new Scripture. Nabi (Prophet), on the other hand, is any apostle whether he follows some previous Code or Scripture.

Q.   Is it possible for a man to become a prophet through his own efforts and devotion?
*  No, only he whom Al-lah chooses to be a prophet becomes so. In other words, human effort or intention does not have anything to do with one’s being or not being a prophet. Al-lah bestows this high rank upon anyone He chooses.

Q.   How many Messengers and Prophets have there been?
*  A large number of Messengers and Prophets came to this world. Only Al-lah knows their exact number of Prophets Al-lah sent to the world, we hold them to be true and rightly ordained.

Q.   Who was the first Prophet?
*  The first Prophet was Hadrat Adam (peace be on him).

Q.   Who was the last Prophet?
*  The last Prophet is Hadrat Muham-mad (peace be on him).

Q.   Is there any other Prophet to come after Muham-mad (peace be on him)?
*  No, because Prophethood ends with him. No Prophet will now come until the Day of Judgement. Anyone who claims to be a Prophet of Al-lah after him is an impostor.

Q.   Who is the most exalted of all the Prophets?
*  Our Prophet Hadrat Muham-mad (peace be on him) is the most exalted and glorious of all the Messengers and Prophets. He, too, is Al-lah’s servant and is obedient to Him, but he is the most exalted of all after Al-lah.

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