
Wednesday 15 August 2012


Q.   What belief should Muslims have with regard to Al-lah?
*  Muslims should have the belief that:
1)      Al-lah the Most Exalted is One.
2)      Al-lah alone and none else is worthy of worship and devotion.
3)      No one is His compeer.
4)      He knows everything; nothing is hidden from Him.
5)      He possesses great power and potency.
6)      None but He created the earth, the sky, the moon, the sun, the stars, the angels, human beings, genies and the entire world of the universe.
7)      He gives life and death. In other words, life and death to all creatures are by His command.
8)      He alone gives food to His creatures.
9)      He neither eats nor drinks nor sleeps.
10)  He is self-existent from eternity to eternity.
11)  No one created Him.
12)  He has neither father nor sons, nor daughters, nor wives, nor other relations. He is above all such relationship.
13)  All depend on Him. He depends on none, and is free from want.
14)  He is Peerless, nothing is like Him.
15)  He is free from all blemish.
16)  Unlike His creatures, he does not have hands, legs, nose, ears, face and shape.
17)  He created angels and appointed them to specific tasks and to manage the affairs of the world.
18)  He sent messengers for the guidance of His creatures so that they exhort people to follow true religion, do right things and acts, and forbid them to do evil things.

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