
Sunday 29 July 2012




Q.   What is counted on fingers and said after Salat?
*  We say:
SUBHANAL-LAH (Al-lah is Sanctified) thirty-three (33) times.
ALHAMDU LIL-LAH (All the Praises are for Al-lah) thirty-three times.
AL-LAHU AKBAR (Al-lah is the Greatest) thirty-four (34) times.
It will attract immense reward from Al-lah.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Right way in Salat

Q.   How should we sit between the two Sijdahs as well as during the recitation of TASHAH-HUD?
*  Keep your right foot with all its toes pointing towards Qiblah. Place the instep of the left foot on the ground and sit on it. While sitting, keep both your palms on your knees.

Q.   Is there any difference between the Salats of an Imam (head of the prayer) on the one hand and those of a Muqtadi (follower) and an individual (Munfarid) on the other?
*  Yes, there is some difference between the ways the Salat is performed by an Imam, a follower and an individual. One difference is that the Imam and the individuals recite THANA, TA’AW-WUZ, TASMIYAH, the AL-FATIHA and some other SURAH in the first Rak'ah and BISMIL-LAH, the AL-FATIHA and any other SURAH in the second one. But the Muqtadi (follower) recites the  THANA only and stands quiet behind the Imam. 
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Q.   How to perform Salat if there are three or four Rak'ahs I it?
*  Perform the first two Rak'ahs in the manner stated above. But no DURUD should be recited in sitting after AT-TAHIY-YAT and TASHAH-HUD. Instead, stand up erect as before, saying Takbir. If the Salat is Wajib (compulsory), Masnun (Prophet’s Precept) or Nafl, perform the remaining two Rak'ahs like the first two. If, however, it is a Fard (commanded) Salat, do not recite any Surah after the holy AL-FATIHA in the third and fourth Rak'ahs. The rest of the process tallies with that of the previous ones.

Q.   Is a Masnun or Nafl Salat offered in three Rak'ahs or four?
*  A Masnun or Nafl Salat is never of three Rak'ahs. It is either of two Rak'ahs or four.

Q.   What is the right way to perform Ruku'?
*  The Ruku' should be performed in such a way that the waist and head are level with each other. In other words, one should neither raise the head above the waist nor lower it below the same. Keep the two arms clear of the ribs. Grasp the knees firmly with your hands.

Q.   What is the right way to perform Sijdah?
*  The Sijdah should be performed in this way:
Place the palms and fingers together on the ground. Keep the wrists and elbows raised a little above the ground. Keep the belly clear of the thighs and the arms of the ribs.

Thursday 19 July 2012


Q.   What is counted on fingers and said after Salat?
*  We say:
SUBHANAL-LAH (Al-lah is Sanctified) thirty-three (33) times.
ALHAMDU LIL-LAH (all the Praises are for Al-lah) thirty-three times.
AL-LAHU AKBAR (Al-lah is the Greatest) thirty-four (34) times.
It will attract immense reward from Al-lah.

Sunday 15 July 2012


Q.   How should we sit between the two Sijdahs as well as during the recitation of TASHAH-HUD?
*  Keep your right foot with all its toes pointing towards Qiblah. Place the instep of the left foot on the ground and sit on it. While sitting, keep both your palms on your knees.

Q.   Is there any difference between the Salats of an Imam (head of the prayer) on the one hand and those of a Muqtadi (follower) and an individual (Munfarid) on the other?
*  Yes, there is some difference between the ways the Salat is performed by an Imam, a follower and an individual. One difference is that the Imam and the individuals recite THANA, TA’AW-WUZ, TASMIYAH, the Holy AL-FATIHA and some other SURAH in the first Rak'ah and BISMIL-LAH, the holy AL-FATIHA and any other SURAH in the second one. But the Muqtadi (follower) recites the THANA, TA’AW-WUZ, TASMIYAH, the Holy AL-FATIHA only, and stands quiet behind the Imam.

Q.   How to perform Salat if there are three or four Rak'ahs I it?
*  Perform the first two Rak'ahs in the manner stated above. But no DURUD should be recited in sitting after AT-TAHIY-YAT and TASHAH-HUD. Instead, stand up erect as before, saying Takbir. If the Salat is Wajib (compulsory), Masnun (Prophet’s Precept) or Nafl, perform the remaining two Rak'ahs like the first two. If, however, it is a Fard (commanded) Salat, do not recite any Surah after the holy AL-FATIHA in the third and fourth Rak'ahs. The rest of the process tallies with that of the previous ones.

Q.   Is a Masnun or Nafl Salat offered in three Rak'ahs or four?
*  A Masnun or Nafl Salat is never of three Rak'ahs. It is either of two Rak'ahs or four.

Q.   What is the right way to perform Ruku'?
*  The Ruku' should be performed in such a way that the waist and head are level with each other. In other words, one should neither raise the head above the waist nor lower it below the same. Keep the two arms clear of the ribs. Grasp the knees firmly with your hands.

Q.   What is the right way to perform Sijdah?
*  The Sijdah should be performed in this way:
Place the palms and fingers together on the ground. Keep the wrists and elbows raised a little above the ground. Keep the belly clear of the thighs and the arms of the ribs.



Q.   How should one offer Salat?
*  Perform the ablution, put on clean clothes, and stand erect on a clean place facing Qiblah. Then make Niy-yah (Intention). Raise your hands so as to approach the lobes of your ears. Say

and fold your hands above the navel. Put the palm of your right hand on the back of the left one. Do not look sideways, while offering Salat. Stand reverentially, fix your attention on Al-lah. Recite THANA (Hymn) with folded hands:


After THANA recite TA’AW-WUZ (formula seeking the protection of Al-lah):


And then TASMIYAH (formula pronouncing the name of Al-lah):


After this recite the Holy SURAH AL-FATIHAH. On its completion say Amen gently. Then recite SURAH AL-IKHLAS or any other Surah that you know by heart. Now, bow for Ruku' pronouncing AL-LAHU AKBAR. In the Ruku', catch hold of the knees with your hands and say the TASBIH of RUKU’:


three or five times. After it, stand erect saying TASMI’:


Now perform Sijdah (prostrate) saying Takbir (AL-LAHU AHBAR), put your knees on the ground. Also place the palms of your hands, then the tip of the nose followed by the forehead in the ground in between your palms thus placed. Now say the TASBIH of Sijdah:

three times or five times. Then rise and sit erect. Then, again go to Sijdah, saying Takbir. Say the Takbir once again and stand up erect and fold your hands as before. While rising, do not rest your palms on the ground. The completion of the second Sijdah marks the completion of one Rak'ah (bowing and kneeling). Recite Tasmiyah, the holy AL-FATIHA and one more Surah, in that order. Perform RUKU' (bowing), QAUMAH (standing) and two Sijdahs exacting like the first RAK’AH. Then, rise and sit up. Now recite the TASHAH-HUD first, then the holy DURUD and the holy Invocation. This being over, say SALAM, first turning your face to the right, then to the left. With this the two Rak'ahs are over.
Now you may recite:
(AL-LAHUM-MA ANTAS-SALAMU WA MIN-KAS-SALAMU TABARAKTA YA ZAL-JALALI WAL-IKRAM) with your palms raised together. Do not raise your scooped palms too much, i.e. not above your shoulders. After the Invocation is recited, pass your palms over your face.

Thursday 5 July 2012



Q.   How should one perform the ablution?
*  Find clean water. Sit on a high place. Preferably sit facing Qiblah. (No harm if it is not possible.) Fold up your sleeves over your elbows. Say BISMIL-LAH. Wash both your hands including wrist-joints three times. Then rinse your mouth three times. Brush your teeth with a MISWAK (tooth stick). If no MISWAK is available, rub your teeth with your fingers. Draw up water into your nostrils three times and clean them out, with the little finger of your left hand. Then wash your face three times. Do not dash water on your face. Instead, run water on your forehead gently and wash the face from forelocks down to the lower part of the chin extending to your ears. Wash, three times, your right forearm including the elbows, then wash your left forearm in the same manner. Wet your palms with water and pass them over your head, ears and the neck, in that order. Finally, wash, three times, your right foot including the ankles and then wash your left foot likewise including ankles, in that order.

Sunday 1 July 2012


Q.   What is Azan?
*  As the time for Salat approaches one person stands up and calls these words aloud:






(Al-lah is the Greatest, Al-lah is the Greatest,
Al-lah is the Greatest, Al-lah is the Greatest,

I testify that none is worthy of worship but Al-lah,
I testify that none is worthy of worship but Al-lah,

I testify that Muham-mad is the messenger of Al-lah,
I testify that Muham-mad is the messenger of Al-lah,

Come for Salat, come for Salat,
Come towards success, come towards success.

Al-lah is the Greatest, Al-lah is the greatest,
None is worthy of worship but Al-lah.)

These words are called the Azan. The following words:

(Salat is better than sleep)

are also called out twice after the words:


in the Azan for predawn (Fajr) prayers.

Q.   What is Takbir?
*  When people get ready for Salat, one from amongst the assembly repeats the words f the Azan. The words:
are also added after
These words signify that the prayer is about to begin.

Q.   What do we call the man who calls out the Azan or pronounces the Takbir?
*  The man who calls out the Azan is known as the MU’AZ-ZIN and the man who calls out the Takbir is called the MUKAB-BIR.