
Thursday 5 July 2012



Q.   How should one perform the ablution?
*  Find clean water. Sit on a high place. Preferably sit facing Qiblah. (No harm if it is not possible.) Fold up your sleeves over your elbows. Say BISMIL-LAH. Wash both your hands including wrist-joints three times. Then rinse your mouth three times. Brush your teeth with a MISWAK (tooth stick). If no MISWAK is available, rub your teeth with your fingers. Draw up water into your nostrils three times and clean them out, with the little finger of your left hand. Then wash your face three times. Do not dash water on your face. Instead, run water on your forehead gently and wash the face from forelocks down to the lower part of the chin extending to your ears. Wash, three times, your right forearm including the elbows, then wash your left forearm in the same manner. Wet your palms with water and pass them over your head, ears and the neck, in that order. Finally, wash, three times, your right foot including the ankles and then wash your left foot likewise including ankles, in that order.

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