
Sunday 24 June 2012


Q.   What are the terms used for the Salat offered in assembly, the man leading the prayers in assembly and the people offering prayers behind him?
*  The Salat in assembly is called the Salat of Jama’ah (congregational prayer). The man who` leads it is the Imam (the head) and the persons offering the Salat in the congregation behind the Imam are known as Muqatadi-s (followers).

Q.   What do we call a person who offers Salat individually?
*  Such a person is known as Munafarid (individual).

Q.   What do we call the enclosure specially built by Muslims for offering Salat in congregation?
*  The enclosure or compound is called the Masjid.

Q.   What should a Muslim do in the masjid?
*  A Muslim should offer Salat, recite from the Qur-an, say Wadhifah (repetition of holy words) or sit quiet with due observance. It is quite undesirable to play games, make a noise or talk undesirable to play games. Make a noise or talk of worldly things in the masjid.

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