
Saturday 29 August 2020

Healing Diseases of Heart

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing Diseases

Diseases of Heart

رَبَّنَا  أَنزِلْ عَلَيْنَا مَآئِدَةً مِّنَ السَّمَاء تَكُونُ لَنَا عِيداً لِّأَوَّلِنَا وَآخِرِنَا وَآيَةً مِّنكَ وَارْزُقْنَا وَأَنتَ خَيْرُ الرَّازِقِينَ

Prophet's Guidance on treating diseases of heart

روى أبو داود فى سننه من حديث مُجاهدٍ، عن سعد، قال: مَرضتُ مرضاً، فأتَانِى رسولُ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يَعُودنى، فَوَضَعَ يَدَه بين ثَديَىَّ حَتَّى وَجَدتُ بَرْدَها على فؤادى، وقال لى:  إنَّكَ رجُلٌ مَفْؤُودٌ فأْتِ الحارَثَ بن كَلَدَةَ من ثَقِيفٍ، فإنَّه رجلٌ يتطبَّبُ، فلْيأْخُذْ سبعَ تَمَراتٍ من عَجْوَةِ المدينةِ، فلْيَجأْهُنَّ بِنَواهُنَّ، ثم لِيَلُدَّكَ بِهِنَّ

Abu Dawood narrated that Sad Radi Allaho Anh said, "Once I became ill and the Messenger of Allah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam came to visit me and placed his hand on the center of my chest, until I felt its coldness on my heart. He then said: "You ore complaining from your heart. Go to ­Harith bin Kaladah, (from the tribe) of Thaqhif for he knows about medicine. Let him take seven dates from ­Madinah's Ajwah; grind them with their seeds and then give them to you".

Dates in general and dried dates in particular, especially from Madinah Munawwarah, possess tremendous qualities and are especially effective in treating heart ailments. Using seven dates is another quality that can only be known through the revelation.

In the Sahihain, it is narrated that Sad bin Abi Waqqas Radi Allaho Anh reported that The Messenger of Allah said:

مَنْ تَصَبَّحَ بسبعِ تَمَرَاتٍ من تَمْرِ العَالِيَة لم يَضُرَّهُ ذلك اليومَ سَمٌ ولا سِحْرٌ

"Whoever eats seven dates from the area of Al­-Aaliah when he gets up in the morning then no poison or magic would harm him that day". 

In another narration, Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said:

مَن أكل سَبْعَ تمراتٍ ممَّا بَيْن لاَبَتَيْها حينَ يُصبحُ، لم يَضُرَّهُ سَمٌ حتى يُمْسِى

"Whoever eats seven dotes produced between the two areas in Madinah (that are covered with burned black stones) in the morning, will not be harmed by poison until he reaches the night".

Dates are warm in the second degree and dry in the first degree. Dates constitute a good type of nutrition, especially for those whose regular diet contains dates, such as the people of Madinah. Dates are the best type of food for the residents of hot and mildly warm countries, more so than for the residents of cold areas who have an elevated inner temperature, whereas those in warm areas have a colder inner temperature. This is why the people in Hijaz, Yemen and Taif, and similar areas eat hot foods such as dates and honey. They use pepper and ginger in their food more than other areas; sometimes ten fold as much. Some of them even eat Zanjabeel (Ginger) just as other people eat sweets. They even transport these types of foods with them when traveling. As we have stated, these types of food are suitable for the residents of warm areas and do not harm them because of the lower inner temperature of their bodies. On a similar note, we should mention that well water becomes colder during summer and warmer during winter. Furthermore, the stomach digests thick (or complex) foods in winter more than during summer.

For the people of Madinah, dried dates are their staple like wheat is to other people. In addition, dried dates from the area of Al-Aaliyah in Madinah are one of the best kinds of dates because they are firm, delicious and sweet.

Dates are a type of fruit that is used for its nutritional and medicinal value, being favorable for most bodies and for their role in strengthening the natural heat. In addition, dates do not produce harmful wastes or excrements such as the other types of foods and fruits. Rather, dates preserve the bodily wastes from being spoiled and from rotting, especially for those used to eating dried dates.

The Hadith we mentioned about dried dates (in the beginning of the chapter) is specifically for the people of Madinah and surrounding areas. It is a fact that the medicinal value of the herbs and plants that grow in certain areas is closely related to the quality of the air and the type of soil in those areas. A certain medicinal herb might be useful in its natural habitat but not if it is grown elsewhere. The various lands differ in their nature and characteristics, just as people differ from each other. Sometimes, a certain type of plant might be a regular staple in the diet in a certain area, while it is poisonous in other areas. Sometimes, certain remedies that people use in a certain land might be a regular staple for other people in another area. Some types of medicine might provide a cure for some illnesses for some people; while curing other kinds of diseases for other people.

Using seven dates has a spiritual and material significance. Allah Has Created seven heavens, seven earths, seven days in the week and Made the creation of mankind pass through seven stages. In addition, Allah Made the Tawaaf seven circumambulations; and the Sa'ee as seven trips between Safa and Marwah. In addition, the Jamraat are stoned with seven pebbles each. Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said about young children,

"Command him to pray upon reaching the age of seven".

In addition, when the child reaches the age of seven, he is given the choice between his father and mother, according to some opinions. When our beloved Prophet was ill, he ordered that water be poured on him from seven different water skins. Allah Has Sent the destructive wind on the people of Aad for seven consecutive nights. Furthermore, when Allah Gave the example of charity, He compared it to a grain (of corn); it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains. In addition, the ears of corn that the king saw during the time of Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) were seven and the number of the years during which the king’s people would farm the land was seven. Charity is multiplied seven hundred times to much more. Further, there are seventy thousand members of the Muslim Ummah (Nation) who will enter Jannah (Paradise) without questioning. The number seven has a special significance more than other numbers and only Allah Has full knowledge of the wisdom behind choosing this number above other numbers.

The Hadith mentioned that eating seven dates from a certain area in Madinah prevents poisoning and magic, indicating the special qualities of this type of date. Had it been Hippocrates or Galinus who issued this statement rather than the Prophet, the doctors would quickly accept the statement without question, even though they would be issuing it based on guessing and not on fact. The statements that come from our beloved Prophet, whose words are certainly true and divinely revealed, deserve to be believed in more and submitted to, without any hesitation or denial.

The dried dates mentioned in Hadith are being useful against certain poisons. Furthermore; we should state here that it is a condition that the sick person should believe that the medicine will help him, so that his body accepts it and benefits from it. It is a fact that sometimes (merely believing), the medicine will help cure some ailments, as many people have witnessed in this regard. When the heart accepts that a certain medicine carries the cure, the body will feel an elevation in its strength and in the instinctive heat that will help the body get rid of and extract out the harmful substances. On the other hand, sometimes an effective medicine fails to work because the patient does not believe that it will cure him, and consequently, his body neither accepts it, nor benefits from it.

Even the Quran, which is the best, most beneficial remedy ever, both in this life and in the Hereafter, and which is a cure for every disease, will not benefit the heart that does not believe in its value as a cure and a remedy. Rather, the Quran only adds more disease to such evil hearts.

There is not a more effective cure for the diseases of the heart than the Quran, for it completely eradicates the ills of the heart, preserves the heart’s health and wellbeing and defends it against all that might bring harm to it. Yet, most of the hearts ignore the Quran and do not believe in it, and thus refrain from using it. Instead, such people refer to other types of medicine that were prepared by their like from among mankind, thus preventing their hearts from benefiting from the Quran. Consequently, the symptoms that attacked their hearts will persist and will expose their hearts to even more ailments. By the passage of time, both the doctors and the patients will get used to the medicines produced and prescribed by their like, leaders, or those whom they respect. In this case, disasters will accumulate and the diseases will become harder to cure. And the more they (those who ignore the Quran) use these medicines, the more strength they will add to the ailment.

to be continued .....

Thursday 27 August 2020

Healing Headaches & Migraines

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing Diseases

Headaches & Migraines

رَبَّنَا إِنَّكَ جَامِعُ النَّاسِ لِيَوْمٍ لاَّ رَيْبَ فِيهِ إِنَّ اللّهَ لاَ يُخْلِفُ الْمِيعَادَ

Prophet’s Guidance on treating headaches and Migraines

روى ابن ماجه فى "سننه" حديثاً فى صحته نظر: أنَّ النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم كان إذا صُدِع، غَلَّفَ رأسَه بالحنَّاءِ، ويقول: "إنَّهُ نافعٌ بإذنِ الله من الصُّداعِ".

Narrated by Ibn Majah that whenever Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam suffered from a headache, he used to cover his head with Henna (Khazaab) and said, "Henna helps to relieve headache by the permission of Allah".

Headaches resemble a pain that appears in some part of the head or all of it; but when the headache attacks one side of the head, it is called migraine. The type that attacks the entire head is sometimes called a helmet, for it resembles the helmet that covers the head. Furthermore, headaches sometimes attack only the back or the front side of the head.

There are many types of headaches that result from various conditions. Headaches usually start when the head becomes hot due to the pressure of a septic vapor that accumulates near the head and which seeks a way out of the body but fails. Then, the pressure of the vapor intensifies, just as a pot when it is heated but the steam is unable to escape from it. It is a fact that when moisture heats up, it seeks more space to expand. Similarly, the vapor accumulates near the head and then causes a headache in the entire head because it is unable to expand or escape from the body as it heart up. This condition causes a type of dizziness.

There are various specific causes for headaches. 
  • First, when one of the four essential conditions (coldness, hotness, dryness and wetness) becomes predominant. 
  • Second, ulcers of the stomach cause headaches, because the cephalic (relating to the head) nerves and the stomach are connected. 
  • Third, thick flatulence might accumulate in the stomach and then later ascend to the head and cause headaches. 
  • Fourth, headaches are sometimes caused by a tumor in the gastric veins that cause pain in the head, because the stomach and head are connected. 
  • Fifth, when the stomach is full of food, it sometimes provokes headaches, as some of the food remains undigested. 
  • Sixth, headaches sometimes occur after sexual intercourse because the body will then be weakened and  thus exposed to the heat of the air. 
  • Seventh, headaches sometimes occur after vomiting due to excessive dryness, or due to accumulating gaseous materials (flatulence) that ascend to the head from the stomach. 
  • Eighth, the hot weather and air provoke headaches. 
  • Ninth, headaches are sometimes caused by the cold weather and from the vapor that accumulates in the head and which is unable to decompose. 
  • Tenth, not having enough sleep & rest cause headaches. 
  • Headaches are sometimes caused due to the pressure exerted on the head, such as when one carries a heavy object on his head. 
  • Twelve, excessive talking sometimes weakens the mind in a way that causes headaches. 
  • Thirteenth, excessive movements and sports activity can provoke headache. 
  • Fourteenth, sadness, depression, obsession and evil thoughts provoke headaches. 
  • Fifteenth, excessive hunger results in headache, as in this case; the excess gaseous materials (flatulence) that accumulate in the stomach ascend to the brain and cause headache. 
  • Sixteenth, those who suffer from a tumor in the cerebral lining sometimes feel as if hammers are constantly pounding on their heads. 
  • Seventeenth, fever provokes headache because of the intense heat that the body suffers from them. 
  • Allah knows best.

Headaches result from changes in the system that affects the cerebral arteries

The weaker side of the brain will accept septic material and the migraine headache will be accompanied by pulsation in the arteries. The pain could be relieved in this case when one ties a bandage so that the pulsing of the arteries is stopped and then the pain is lessened.

Abu Naeem said in his book on Prophetic medicine that the migraine type of headache used to attack Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam and that it would prevent him from going out of his house for one or two days at a time. In addition, Abu Naeem related from Ibn Abbas radi Allaho Anh that he said,

عن ابن عباس قال: خطبنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، وقد عَصَبَ رأسه بعِصَابةٍ. وفى ((الصحيح)): أنه قال فى مرض موته: ((وَارَأْسَاهُ)). وكان يُعصِّبُ رأسه فى مرضه، وعَصْبُ الرأس ينفع فى وجع الشقيقة وغيرها من أوجاع الرأس.

"Once, Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam delivered a speech while a cloth was tied around his head.

In addition, Sahih Hadith states that Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said during the illness that preceded his death: "Ohh my head". He used to tie a piece of cloth around his head. Tying a piece of cloth around the head helps soothe the pain of headaches and migraines.

Treating headaches varies according to their type and causes

Hence, headaches could be relieved by vomiting, eating, being calm and idle, using cold rags, cooling the body, elevating the temperature, avoiding noise, etc.

Knowing these facts, we should mention that treating headaches with Henna is partial and that it treats some types of headache, if the headache is caused by high fever and not by a spoiled substance that requires extraction. Crushed Henna blended with vinegar and applied to the forehead will relieve the headache. Henna soothes the nerves when used as a bandage. Finally, Henna is not only favorable to relieve headaches, but in addition for the various organs of the body and for the hot tumors and inflammations when used as a bandage.

عليّ بن أبي رافع، عن جدته سلمى خادم رسول اللّه  صلى اللّه عليه وسلم قالت (ما كان أحد يشتكي إلى رسول اللّه صلى اللّه عليه وسلم  وَجعاً في رأسه إلا قال: "احتجم" ولا وجعاً في رجليه إلا قال: "اخضبهما") رواه  داود(3).  وعنها أيضاً قالت: (كان لا يصيب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قرحة ولا شوكة  إلا وضع عليها الحناء) رواه الترمذي بإسناد حسن

Ali Bin Abi Rafe'e reported on behalf of his grandfather Salma Radi Allaho Anh (servant of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam): "If someone complained to Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam for headache, the Prophet asked him for Hijamah & if some one complained for pain in his legs, Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam asked him to anoint with HENNA". (Abu Dawood) He also reports "Whenever the Prophet suffered with injury or thorn piercing, the wound was only treated with Henna". (Tirmizi)

Henna is cold in the first degree and dry in the second degree

The Henna tree has two special qualities:

1. Decomposing due to its warm watery essence

2. Constipating due to the cold earthly essence it contains.

Henna in useful in treating burns and soothes the nerves when used as a bandage, as we have stated. When chewed; Henna helps treat the cankers and thrush that appear in the mouth. Henna heals Stomatitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth) that appears in child's mouth. Using Henna to bandage hot tumors helps, as it has a similar effect on open sores (similar to Dragon's blood tree). When Henna is blended with pure wax and rose oil, it will help against the aches of the side (That ul Janb ~ Pleurisy).

When the symptoms of smallpox start to break out on children and Henna is then applied on the bottom of their feet, the eyes will be immune from the sores that accompany smallpox. When the flower of Henna is placed between wool clothes, it will perfume it and will prevent mold or mite. Furthermore, when the leaves of Henna are submerged in fresh water, then squeezed and drunk for forty days, 20 measures each day with 10 measures of sugar or honey while eating the meat of a young eve (goat), it prevents LEPROSY with its amazing qualities..

We were told that a man once complained from fissuring in his fingers and that he offered monetary rewards to whoever could cure him, but to no avail. Later on, a woman prescribed for him a drink of Henna for ten days but he could not understand the idea. Later on, he soaked Henna leaves in water and drank the water and his fingers were healed and regained their beauty.

Henna when used as an ointment for the fingers, polishes and strengthens them. Henna is useful when blended with butter and then used as a bandage for the hot tumors that drain yellow residue. Henna also benefits against chronic mange, helps the hair grow, makes it stronger and strengthens the head & brain. Finally, Henna helps against the blisters and the pustules that appear on the legs and feet and the rest of the body in general.

to be continued .....

Tuesday 25 August 2020

Healing Fever

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing Diseases

Curing Fever

وَقُلْ رَّبِّ أَدْخِلْنِي مُدْخَلَ صِدْقٍ وَأَخْرِجْنِي مُخْرَجَ صِدْقٍ وَاجْعَل لِّي مِن لَّدُنكَ سُلْطَانًا نَّصِيرًا

Prophet's Guidance on curing fever

It has been narrated in the Sahihian that the Prophet said:

ثبت فى "الصحيحين": عن نافع، عن ابن عمرَ، أن النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: "إنَّمَا الحُمَّى أو شِدَّةُ الحُمَّى مِنْ فَيحِ جَهنمَ، فَأبْرِدُوُهَا بِالْمَاءِ

Verily fever; or severe fever is a breath of the Hell Fire, so cool it using water.

This Hadith has caused confusion for many ignorant doctors as they thought it contradicts the common method of treating fever. We will explain this Hadith in detail Insha'Allah.

When the Prophet issues a statement, it is either general for all people or for specific people and conditions. The majority of the Prophet’s statements are of the first type. As for the second type, it is similar to the Prophet’s statement:

‏‏لا تستقبلوا القبلة بغائط، ولا بول، ولا تستدبروها، ولكن شرقوا، أو غربوا

"Do not face the Qiblah with urine or feces, nor leave it directly behind you. Rather, face either the East or the West".

This statement (facing the East or the West) is not for those who reside in the East, the West or Iraq, but for those residing in Madina al Munawwarah and Ash-Sham (Syria). It is the same case with the Prophet’s statement:

‘What is between the East and the West is a Qiblah.

Understanding this fact, we can realize that what the Prophet said regarding fever is particularly for the people of Hijaz (Western Arabia), for the people in this area are susceptible to a type of fever that results from sunstroke. This type of fever requires cold water, either by drinking it or taking a bath. Fever causes rising temperatures in the body that spreads out from the heart and which spreads throughout the entire body via the blood vessels and the soul, which disrupts the proper functioning of the body.

There are two types of fever, accidental that is a result of tumors, sunstroke, movements, or intense heat and another type that results from an ailment that usually starts at a particular organ and then heats up the entire body. When the fever is of the first type, it ends in one to three days. If the fever is a result of harmful mixtures, it is called septic (or toxic) fever, which is divided into four types: bilious, melancholic, phlegm and sanguinary. If the fever originates in the basic organs of the body, it is called hectic fever, which has many types in addition.

The body benefits from the fever more so than it benefits from taking medicine. This is because the fever heats up and matures harmful substances, which it could not have done without the fever. In addition, fever causes various blockages to open especially those that medicines can not reach.

As for simple and chronic conjunctivitis, fever helps cure most of its types quickly, as well as, helping against facial paralysis, hemiplegia, paralysis affecting only one side of the body, spasms and many other ailments that result from thick substances or excesses.

Some of the best doctors feel a bit relieved when fever breaks out in an ailing body, just as the sick person rejoices upon recovering from illness. This is because fever is more efficient than medication in some cases, since it matures the spoiled and septic substances that harm the body. When such substances reach maturity, the medicine will reach it, as the substances are ready to be discarded out of the body, concluding this process. Thus, the fever becomes a part of the cure.

Based on these facts, it appears that the Hadith is talking about the accidental type of fevers that are relieved by being submerged into cold water or by drinking cold water. In this case, the sick person does not need any other medicine, because this type of fever is composed of heat that is connected to the soul. When a cold substance is introduced, the heat produced by the fever will be eliminated without having to get rid of any mixtures of substances or to wait for these substances to mature.

Galinus, one of the renowned doctors, admitted that cold water helps relieve this type of fever. He stated in the tenth article of his book, Healing Methods, “If a young, healthy man, who does not suffer from an internal tumor, took a bath in the heat of the day or swam in it, he will gain a benefit,” He in addition stated that he used to prescribe this remedy on a regular basis.

In addition, Ar-Razi said in his book, Al-Kabir:

‘If the strength is normal, but the fever is very intense and the maturity (of the harmful substances) is apparent, while not suffering from any internal tumors or any type of ruptures, then drinking cold water becomes beneficial. If the ailing person is fat, the weather is hot and the person is used to taking cold showers, let him do just that.”

Regarding Prophet’s statement that "fever is a breath of fire", there are two possible meanings.

First, the fever is a breath that was released from Hell so that the slaves are aware of it and thus learn a lesson from this fact. Therefore, Allah has created reasons and causes for the fever to appear and breakout. Similarly, comfort, joy, enjoyment and happiness are a part of Paradise’s joys that Allah has Allowed to appear in this world (as an example and a lesson), and He Has Allowed such feelings to be connected to reasons and causes behind their appearance.

Secondly, the Hadith equated fever and the heat of day, to the intense heat of Hellfire, so that our hearts could imagine the intense anguish of the Fire and the heat that emits from it.

The Prophet’s statement, ‘Cool it off with water might entail all types of water, and this is the correct opinion. Another opinion states that the water here means Zamzam water. Supporters of this opinion used as evidence what Al-Bukhari narrated in his Sahih that Abu Jamrah, Nasr bin Imran Adh-Dhuba'i said, I used to be in the presence of Ibn Abass in Makkah until one day, I was struck by fever. He said to, ‘Cool it off with Zarnzam water, for the Messenger of Allah said:

"Fever is a breath of Hell’s fire, therefore, cool it with water, or said with Zamzarn water.”

The narrator of the Hadith was in doubt as to the exact words of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam. Otherwise, it would be established that the Prophet meant Zamzam water for the people of Makkah, because it is available. All others can use whatever water is available to them.

There is a difference of opinion concerning if Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam meant by this Hadith to encourage giving away some water as a charity, or to actually use it. The correct opinion is that the Hadith means using it. I believe that those who understood the Hadith as giving some water as a charity did not understand the goal behind using cold water for fever. Yet, there is a good explanation for our beloved Prophet’s statement, for the reward is of a type comparable to the deed. Since thirsty people drink cold water to quench their thirst, Allah Dissipates the fever with cold water as well. Yet, this is an implication of the Hadith, as for the ruling contained in it, it simply means to use the water (not give it away in charity).

Abu No'aym said, Anus narrated that Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said :

“If any of you comes down with fever, let him sprinkle cold water on himself for three consecutive nights before the day breaks.

Ibn Majah narrated that Abu Huraurah radi Allaho Anh related from Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam that he said :

‏‏الحمى كير من كير جهنم، فنحوها عنكم بالماء البارد

‘Fever is a bellow of Hells heat. So remove it from you with cold water.’

It is also narrated in the Sunan that Abu Hurayrah said:

‘Fever was mentioned in the presence of the Messenger of Allah and a man cursed it. The Messenger of Allah said:

‏‏لا تسبها فإنها تنفي الذنوب، كما تنفي النار خبث الحديد

‘Do not curse it, for it removes the sins, just as fire removes the impurity of the iron.” [Refer to Sahih Muslim].

Fever is usually followed by a diet avoiding improper foods and requires consuming beneficial foods and medicines. The sick person’s body will be cleansed from all impurities and septic elements and materials, having a similar purifying effect as the fire has when it removes the impurity of the iron. The benefits that fever has are already known to the medical authorities.

As for cleansing the heart from its ills and impurities, only doctors of the heart (this does not refer to cardiologists) have access to this type of knowledge. Such experts will find that whatever the Prophet stated in this regard is the plain truth. However, when the heart's sickness become chronic, hope diminishes that it will ever be cured.

Fever thus helps the body and the heart. Therefore, cursing such a beneficial matter would be an act of injustice and transgression.

Abu Hurayray Radi Allaho Anh said :

ما من مرض يصيبني أحب إلي من الحمى، لأنها تدخل في كل عضو مني، وإن الله سبحانه يعطي كل عضو حظه من الأجر

“No ailment that I might suffer from is dearer to me than fever, because it enters every organ of my body, and Allah Gives each organ its due share of the reward.

Therefore, using cold water to relieve fever during summer and in hot areas is beneficial, because the water would be the furthest from the rays of the sun just before daybreak (at it is the coolest at this time). In addition, just before daybreak, the body is at its strongest, for the ailing person would have taken his due share of sleep and relaxation In addition they would have less polluted air to breathe. The strength of the body will be added to the strength of the medicine; water in this case and they will both relieve the fever that is not a result of malignant tumors or septic substances or conditions. Allah will then extinguish the heat of the fever by His will.

to be continued .....

Sunday 23 August 2020

Healing Evil Eye

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing Diseases

Evil EYE

لاَّ تُدْرِكُهُ الأَبْصَارُ وَهُوَ يُدْرِكُ الأَبْصَارَ وَهُوَ اللَّطِيفُ الْخَبِيرُ

فَارْجِعِ الْبَصَرَ هَلْ تَرَى مِن فُطُورٍ ثُمَّ ارْجِعِ الْبَصَرَ كَرَّتَيْنِ يَنقَلِبْ إِلَيْكَ الْبَصَرُ خَاسِئاً وَهُوَ حَسِيرٌ

وَإِن يَكَادُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا لَيُزْلِقُونَكَ بِأَبْصَارِهِمْ لَمَّا سَمِعُوا الذِّكْرَ وَيَقُولُونَ إِنَّهُ لَمَجْنُونٌ وَمَا هُوَ إِلاَّ ذِكْرٌ لِّلْعَالَمِينَ

Prophet's Guidance on treating those touched by the Evil Eye

روى مسلم فى "صحيحه" عن ابن عباس، قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: "العَيْنُ حَقٌ ولو كان شَىْءٌ سَابَقَ القَدَرِ، لَسَبَقتْهُ العَيْنُ".

Sahih Muslim narrated that Ibn Abaas Radi Allaho Anh reported that the Messenger of Allah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said:

"The evil eye is true, and if there is anything that would precede pre-destination, it would be the evil eye".

وفى "صحيحه" أيضاً عن أنس: "أنَّ النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم رخَّصَ فى الرُّقية مِن الحُمَةِ، والعَيْنِ والنَّملةِ

In addition, Muslim narrated that Anas Radi Allaho Anh reported "Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam has allowed using Islamic prayer formulas (Ruqyah ~ The Divine Remedy) against fever, the evil eye and sores".

وفى "الصحيحين" من حديث أبى هريرة، قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: "العَيْنُ حَقٌ".

The two sound books narrated that Abu Hurayrah Radi Allaho Anh said that the Messenger of Allah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said, "The evil eye is true".

وفى "سنن أبى داود" عن عائشة رضى الله عنها، قالت: كان يُؤمَرُ العائِنُ فيتوضَّأ، ثم يَغْتَسِلُ منه المَعِينُ.

Abu Dawood reported that Aishah Radi Allaho Anha said: "The person who touched others with the evil eye was commanded to perform ablution and the person whom he touched by the evil eye would wash himself with that water".

وفى "الصحيحين" عن عائشة قالت: أمرنى النبىُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم أو أَمَرَ أن نَسْتَرْقِىَ من العَيْن.

Further, Aishah Radi Allaho Anha narrated, as the Sahihain reported: "Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam commanded me, or commanded that we should use Islamic prayer formulas for the evil eye.

وذكر الترمذى، من حديث سفيان بن عُيَينةَ، عن عمرو بن دينار، عن عروة بن عامر، عن عُبيد بن رفاعة الزُّرَقىِّ، أنَّ أسماء بنت عُمَيْس قالت: يا رسولَ الله ؛ إنَّ بَنِى جعفر تُصيبُهم العَينُ، أفأسترْقِى لهم ؟ فقال: "نعم فَلَوْ كان شَىْءٌ يَسْبِقُ القضاءَ لسَبَقَتْهُ العَيْنُ" قال الترمذى: حديث حسن صحيح.

In addition, Tirmizi narrated that Asma Bint Umays Radi Allaho Anha said, "O Messenger of Allah, the children of Ja'far (Radi Allaho Anh) are usually touched by the evil eye. Should I perform an Islamic prayer formula for them"? He said: "Yes. If there is anything that precedes Predestination, it would be the evil eye.

وروى مالك رحمه الله، عن ابن شهابٍ، عن أبى أُمامةَ بن سهل بن حنيفٍ، قال: رأى عامرُ بن ربيعة سَهْلَ بن حُنَيف يغتسلُ، فقال: واللهِ ما رأيتُ كاليوم ولا جِلْدَ مُخَبَّأة، قال: فلُبِطَ سَهْلٌ، فأتى رسولُ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عامراً، فتَغَيَّظَ عليه، وقال: "عَلامَ يَقْتُلُ أحدُكُم أخاهُ ؟ ألاَ بَرَّكْتَ ؟ اغْتَسِلْ له"، فغسل له عامرٌ وجهَه ويديه ومِرفَقَيْه ورُكبتيه، وأطرافَ رِجليه، وداخِلَة إزاره فى قدح، ثم صبَّ عليه، فراحَ مع الناس

In addition, Imam Malik narrated that Amir bin Rabee'ah Radi Allaho Anh once saw Sahl bin Hunaif take a bath and said, "By Allah! I have never observed the skin of a person that is softer than what I have just seen". Sahl fell to the ground. Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam then came to Amir while angry and said to him: "Why would one of you kill his own brother? Why have you not said Tabarak Allah, (may Allah bless it) ? Take a bath for it". Amir then washed his face, hands, elbows, knees, feet and a part of his garment in a pot for what he had done and then poured the used water on Sahl. Soon after, Sahl started moving about with the people. [Ibn Majah, Ahmad].

Malik also narrated;

وروى مالك رحمه الله أيضاً عن محمد بن أبى أُمامة بن سهل، عن أبيه هذا الحديث، وقال فيه: "إنَّ العيْنَ حقٌ، توضَّأْ لهُ"، فتوضَّأ له

"The evil eye is true, so perform ablution for it".

وذكر عبد الرزَّاق، عن مَعْمَرٍ، عن ابن طاووس، عن أبيه مرفوعاً: "العَيْنُ حَقٌ، ولو كان شىءٌ سَابَقَ القَدَرَ، لَسَبَقَتْهُ العَيْنُ، وإذا اسْتُغْسِلَ أحدُكمْ، فَلْيَغْتَسِلْ"، ووصْله صحيحٌ

Another Hadith narrated by Abdul Razzaq reads: "The evil eye is true, and if there is anything that precedes Predestination, it would be the evil eye. When one is touched by the evil eye, he should take a bath for it".

ويُذكر عن جابر يرفعه: "إنَّ العَيْنَ لتُدْخِلُ الرجُلَ القَبْرَ، والجَمَلَ القِدْرَ".

Narrated by Jabir Bin Abdullah Radi Allaho Anh, "The Evil Eye can take a person into grave (can cause death), & takes the camel into the cooking pot (meaning death)".

قال الزُّهْرى: يُؤْمَر الرجل العائن بقدح، فيُدخِلُ كفَّه فيه، فيتمضمض، ثم يَمُجّه فى القدح، ويغسِلُ وجهه فى القدح، ثم يُدخِل يده اليُسرى، فيصُبُّ على رُكبته اليُمنى فى القَدَح، ثم يُدخِلُ يده اليُمنى، فيصُبُّ على رُكبته اليُسرى، ثم يَغْسِلُ داخِلَة إزارِهِ، ولا يُوضع القَدَحُ فى الأرض، ثم يُصَبُّ على رأس الرجل الذى تُصيبه العينُ من خلفه صبةً واحدةً.

Zuhri said: "The person who touched others with the evil eye should be commanded to submerge his hand in a pot of water and then wash his mouth, then spit the water back into the pot. He should then wash his face in the pot, then submerges his left hand in it and pour some water on the right knee above the pot, and then submerge his right hand and pour water on his left knee. He should then wash his garment inside the pot and the water should not be spilled on the ground. Rather, it should be poured on top of the person whom he touched by the evil eye from behind all at once".

فقد صح عن أُمِّ سلمةَ، أنَّ النبىَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم رأى فى بيتها جاريةً فى وجهها سَفْعَةٌ، فقال: "اسْتَْرقُوا لها، فإنَّ بها النَّظرَة".

Umm Salamah Radi Allaho Anha said that Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam once saw a young girl, who had a certain expression on her face and said: "Seek an Islamic prayer formula for her, because she is touched by the evil eye". [Bokhari, Muslim, Abu Naim & Tabarani]

وعن أبى سعيد، أنَّ النبىَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يتعوَّذ من الجان، ومن عَيْن الإنسان

Abu Said Radi Allaho Anh narrated that Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam used to seek refuge from the Jinn and the evil eye of mankind. [Tirmizi and ­Nasa'ii]

Some people who do not have sound comprehension or correct sight and hearing have rejected the fact that the evil eye causes harm, claiming that this is a superstitious, untrue belief. These people are indeed among the most ignorant people who have the least sound comprehension and the thickest minds. They are the farthest from acquiring knowledge of the soul and the heart and the effect of each on the natural world.

The best minds in every nation do not dispute the fact that the evil eye is true, although they differ on its causes and true effects. Some people say that when people who touch others by the evil eye feel evilness in their hearts, then their eyes transform the evil thoughts into harmful rays just like the type of snake that looks at its prey and causes it to perish.

Another group says that it is possible that invisible powers emit from the person who touches others with the evil eye and then enters the body of the person whom they touched and harms them.

However, other people say that Allah Creates the harm on the person touched by the evil eye without any rays that emit from the eye of the person who touched him; yet, this is the method of those who deny the existence of the various spiritual powers that exist in this world. Allah Has Created special powers in some of the creation that have profound effects on other creations. For instance, the soul has such a profound effect on the body that no one can deny. In addition, have you not noticed how the face of a shy person turns red if his sight falls on what is not suitable for him, and turns yellow when he looks at someone he fears? You can in addition witness the effect of the evil eye has on people and the weakness it causes in their bodies.

The evil eye is actually the effect exerted by the soul on the victim. Souls vary in their essence, powers, characteristics and qualities. Therefore, the soul of an envious person can harm a victim profoundly, and this is why Allah Has Commanded His Messenger to seek refuge with Him from the evil eye.

The harmful effect of an envious person on the envied person can't be denied, except by those who are far away from reality. It is a fact that an evil envious soul touches the envied person in such an evil manner that it causes them harm. Similarly, the poisonous viper (snake) gets so enraged and evil when it meets the enemy that it has a special effect on the victim, sometimes leading to aborting the fetus or causing blindness. Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam described the short tailed viper and the striped viper as having the ability that they can affect sight and abort pregnancy. Some types of snakes have a negative effect on people by their mere sight, because of the viciousness of such creatures and the effect of this viciousness on people.

These effects that we mentioned are not restricted to physical contact, as some of those who have little knowledge in the natural world and the religion think. Rather, these effects could be caused by physical contact, sight, the soul directing its power to the victim, through imagination and evil omens, and so forth.

The envious person might be blind, yet when something is described to him or her, his envious soul affects the described object and harms it even though the blind person cannot see it. Allah said to His Messenger :

وَإن يَكَادُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ لَيُزْلِقُونَكَ بِأَبْصَارِهِمْ لَمَّا سَمِعُواْ الذِّكْرَ

"And verily, those who disbelieve would almost make you slip with their eyes (through hatred) when they bear the Reminder (the Quran)" (69:51)

Furthermore, Allah Said :

قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ الْفَلَقِ مِن شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ وَمِن شَرِّ غَاسِقٍ إذَا وَقَبَ وَمِن شَرِّ النَّفَّاثَاتِ فِى الْعُقَدِ وَمِن شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ إذَا حَسَدَ

Say: “I seek refuge with (Allah); the Lord of the daybreak, from the evil of what He Has Created. And from the evil of the darkening (night) as it comes with its darkness; (or the moon as it sets or goes away), and from the evil of those who practice witchcraft when they blow in the knots. And from the evil of the envier when he envies".

Every person who touches others by the evil eye is an envious person, but not vice versa. Since envy includes the evil eye in its general meaning, seeking refuge from it includes seeking refuge from the evil eye.

The evil eye includes throwing arrows of envy that depart the envious heart and soul in the direction of the envied person, sometimes falling on its target. If the envied person is unarmed, the evil eye will cause him harm. If the envied person is prepared to defend himself and he is armed, the arrows might turn back on the one who threw them. This is similar to what actually occurs when one shoots real arrows. The resemblance is that this occurs through the soul while the arrows are shot in the material world. The evil eye starts when the envious person likes something, then follows it with his evil thoughts and desires and then the evil eye touches the envied object.

Sometimes a person might even touch his own self with the evil eye, which is one of the worst types of envy. Sometimes, one might touch others with the evil eye just by his envious nature. Some of our scholars say that such envious people should be imprisoned and should be given what they need of sustenance until they die.

Prophetic Medicine for treating the evil eye was of several types

روى أبو داود فى "سننه" عن سهل بن حُنَيفٍ، قال: مررْنا بَسيْلٍ، فدخلتُ، فاغتسلتُ فيه، فخرجتُ محموماً، فنُمِىَ ذلك إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، فقال: "مُرُوا أبا ثابتٍ يَتَعَوَّذُ". قال: فقلتُ: يا سيدى ؛ والرُّقَى صالحة ؟ فقال: "لا رُقيةَ إلا فى نَفْسٍ، أو حُمَةٍ، أو لَدْغَةٍ".

Abu Dawood narrated that Sahl Ibn Hunaif said:

"We come by a water spot and I went in it and took a bath, but when I finished, I came down with a fever. When the Messenger of Allah was informed, he said, Command Abu Thabit to seek refuge (with Allah for Sahl) with an Islamic prayer formula. I said, "O my master! Does an Islamic prayer formula bring about benefit? He said, There is no Islamic prayer formula except to fend off an evil eye and against fever and a (snake or a scorpion) bite.’ [In addition, Al-Hakirn narrated this Hadith].

There are several types of Islamic prayer formulas, such as reciting FATIHAH ~ the first chapter in the Quran, the Mu’awwathatain ~ Surah Falaq & Surah Naas (last 2 chapters # 113 and 114 of Quran) and Ayat Al-Kursi (2:255).

In addition, there are several types of Prophetic Islamic prayer formulas. For instance, one might recite:

"أعوذُ بكلماتِ اللهِ التامَّاتِ مِن شرِّ ما خَلق".

"I seek refuge with Allah’s Prefect Words from the evil of what He has created".

In addition, one could recite:

"أعوذُ بكلماتِ اللهِ التامَّةِ، مِن كُلِّ شيطانٍ وهامَّةٍ، ومِن كُلِّ عَيْنٍ لامَّةٍ".

I seek refuge with Allah’s Prefect Words from every devil and evil soul and from every evil Eye".

Also, one might recite,

"أعوذُ بكلماتِ اللهِ التَّامَّاتِ التى لا يُجَاوِزُهُنَّ بَرٌ ولا فاجرٌ، مِن شَرِّ ما خلق وذرَأ وبرَأ، ومِن شَرِّ ما ينزلُ من السماء، ومِن شَرِّ ما يَعرُجُ فيها، ومِن شَرِّ ما ذرأ فى الأرض، ومِن شَرِّ ما يخرُج مِنها، ومِن شَرِّ فِتَنِ الليلِ والنهار، ومِن شَرِّ طَوَارق الليلِ، إلا طارقاً يَطرُق بخير يا رحمن".

"I seek refuge with Allah’s Prefect Words, which no righteous or evil soul could ever encompass (or supersede), from the evil of what He Has Created, Made and Started; from the evil of whatever descends from the sky and whatever ascends to it; from the evil of what He Has Created on the earth and what comes out of it; from the evil of the trials of the night and the day; and from what comes by at night or during the day, except whoever comes with a righteous matter. O Merciful One".

In addition, this includes the supplication:

"أَعُوذُ بكلماتِ اللهِ التامَّةِ مِن غضبه وعِقَابه، ومِن شرِّ عباده، ومِن هَمَزات الشياطينِ وأن يَحضُرونِ".

"I seek refuge with Allah’s Perfect Words from His Anger and torment, from the evil of His slaves and from the whispers of the devils or that they might attend me".

Furthermore, one may also say the following supplication.

"اللَّهُمَّ إنى أعوذُ بوجْهِكَ الكريم، وكلماتِك التامَّاتِ من شرِّ ما أنت آخِذٌ بناصيته، اللَّهُمَّ أنتَ تكشِفُ المأثَمَ والمَغْرَمَ، اللَّهُمَّ إنه لا يُهْزَمُ جُنْدُكَ، ولا يُخلَفُ وعدُك، سبحانَك وبحمدِك".

"O Allah! I seek refuge with Your Honorable Face and Your Prefect Words from the evil of every creation that is only in Your Grasp (or Control). O Allah! You Expel the sins and loss. O Allah! Your soldiers will never be defeated, nor will Your Promise ever be broken. All praise and glorification is due to You".

Furthermore, one might supplicate :

"أَعُوذُ بوجه اللهِ العظيمِ الذى لا شىءَ أعظمُ منه، وبكلماتِه التامَّات التى لا يُجاوزُِهن بَرٌ ولا فاجرٌ، وأسماءِ الله الحُسْنَى، ما علمتُ منها وما لم أعلم، مِن شَرِّ ما خلق وذرَأ وبرأ، ومن شَرِّ كُلِّ ذى شرٍّ لا أُطيق شرَّه، ومِن شَرِّ كُلِّ ذى شَرٍّ أنتَ آخِذٌ بناصيته، إنَّ ربِّى على صِراط مستقيم

"I seek refuge with Allah’s Most Exalted Face which is Greater than everything else. And with His Perfect Words that no righteous or evil being could ever overcome; and with Allah’s Most Prefect Names, those which I know and those which I have no knowledge of, from the evil of what He Has Created, Shaped and Made, from the evil of every creation that I cannot overcome and from the evil of every evil creation that only You Control (or grasp its forelock). Certainly, my Lord Is on a Straight Path".

In addition, the Prophetic Islamic prayer formulas include

"اللَّهُمَّ أنت ربِّى لا إله إلا أنتَ، عليك توكلتُ، وأنتَ ربُّ العرشِ العظيم، ما شاء اللهُ كان، وما لم يشأْ لم يكن، لا حَوْلَ ولا قُوَّة إلا بالله، أعلم أنَّ اللهَ على كُلِّ شىء قديرٌ، وأنَّ الله قد أحاط بكل شىء علماً، وأحصَى كُلَّ شىءٍ عدداً، اللَّهُمَّ إنى أعوذُ بِكَ مِن شَرِّ نفسى، وشَرِّ الشيطانِ وشِرْكه، ومِن شَرِّ كُلِّ دابةٍ أنتَ آخذٌ بناصيتها، إنَّ ربِّى على صِراط مستقيم".

O Allah! You Are my Lord; there is no deity worthy of worship except You. I depend on You (for every thing). You are the Lord of the Mighty Throne. What Allah Wills, occurs, and what He Does not Will to happen, will never exist. There is no power or strength except with Allah. I know that Allah is Able to do everything, that His Knowledge Has encompassed everything and that He Has Kept count of everything. O Allah! I seek refuge with You from the evil within myself, from the evil and the Shirk (polytheism) of Shetaan, and from the evil of every creation that only You Grasp its forelock. Surely, my Lord Is on the Straight Path.

Or, one might recite the following supplication,

"تحصَّنتُ باللهِ الَّذى لا إله إلا هُوَ، إلهى وإله كُلِّ شىء، واعتصمتُ بربى وربِّ كُلِّ شىء، وتوكلتُ على الحىِّ الذى لا يموتُ، واستَدْفَعتُ الشرَّ بلاحَوْلَ ولا قُوَّةَ إلا بالله، حسبىَ اللهُ ونِعْمَ الوكيلُ، حسبىَ الربُّ مِن العباد، حسبىَ الخَالِقُ من المخلوق، حسبىَ الرازقُ مِنَ المرزوق، حسبىَ الذى هو حسبى، حسبىَ الذى بيده ملكوتُ كُلِّ شىءٍ، وهو يُجيرُ ولا يُجَارُ عليه، حسبىَ الله وكَفَى، سَمِعَ الله لمنْ دعا، ليس وراء اللهِ مرمَى، حسبىَ الله لا إله إلا هُوَ، عليه توكلتُ، وهُوَ ربُّ العرشِ العظيم".

“I seek refuge with Allah, other than Whom there is no god. He is my God and the God of everything. I seek refuge with my Lord and the Lord of everything. I depend on the Ever-Living Who never Dies. I seek to fend off the evil with no power or strength except from Allah. Allah is enough of a Supporter for me, and indeed, what an Excellent Helper. Allah is enough for me from the people. The Creator is enough for me from the creation. The Sustainer is enough for me from the sustained. Allah is indeed enough for me. He Who Owns everything. Who Grants refuge while no one can ever grant refuge against Him is (indeed) sufficient for me. Allah is sufficient for me. Allah’s Hearing who ever supplicates to Him is sufficient for me. There is no goal to reach greater than Allah. Allah, other than Whom there is no God, is sufficient for me, I depend on Him (for each and everything), and He Is the Lord of the Mighty Throne".

Those who try these different types of supplications and Islamic prayer formulas will surely understand their great value and benefit, and consequently, will recognize the great need for them. These supplications will shield one from the effects of the evil eye and will fend off its harm if the evil eye touched them, but according to the degree of Faith, strength of soul, degree of reliance (on Allah) and strength of heart of whoever recites them. These supplications are types of weapons, and their effectiveness depends on the skill of whoever uses them.

If the person fears that he might touch other people by the evil eye, let him fend off its harm by saying

اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ عليه , ما شاء الله لا قُوَّة إلا بالله

Allahumma Baarik Alaihe (May Allah Bless him), Masha'Allah (what Allah Has Willed), La Quwwata illa Billah (There is no power except from Allah) also helps fend off the evil eye. Hisham bin Urwah narrated that his father used to say, "What Allah Wills will certainly come to pass, there is no power except from Allah" upon seeing something that he likes and upon entering one of his gardens.

In addition, angel Jibreel once said an Islamic prayer formula for Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam, which Muslim narrated in his sound book:

"باسمِ اللهِ أَرْقِيكَ، مِنْ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ يُؤذيكَ، مِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ نفسٍ أو عَيْنِ حَاسدٍ اللهُ يَشفِيكَ، باسمِ اللهِ أرْقِيكَ".

"In the Name of Allah, I say Islamic prayer formulas for your benefit, from every illness that might harm you and from the evil of every evil soul or envious person’s eye. Allah Will Cure you. In the Name of Allah, I say Islamic prayer formulas for your benefit. [Tirmizi and An-Nasa'ii]

Some of our rightly guided ancestors stated that there is no harm if some Ayah (Verse) from the Quran were written in ink and then washed with water and that the sick person drinks that water. Mujahid issued a statement to that fact, and so did Abu Qilabah. It was reported that Ibn Abbas Radi Allaho Anh once commanded that two verses from the Quran to be written for a woman who had hard pregnancies and that the Verses were then washed with water and she was to drink the water. In addition, Ayyub said, "I saw Abu Qilabah write some verses from the Quran, wash it with water and then give the water to a person who was suffering from some type of illness to drink it".

In addition, the person who touches other people with the evil eye should be commanded to wash his limbs and the end of his garments, from the right side. He then pours the water on the head of the person whom he touched with the evil eye from behind him without notice. This is a type of cure that the doctors cannot produce with their medicine. Those who reject such type of Islamic prayer formulas would never benefit from it because they do not believe that the Islamic prayer formulas carry any benefit.

Since the doctors cannot explain many natural occurrences in this world, why would the hypocrites among them reject such powers and affects that the religion produces? Added to this is the fact that washing with water has a real benefit, experience testifies to its usefulness. Similarly, the anger will be washed away from the heart if one places his hand on the angry person’s chest. 

This is similar to confronting a man who is carrying a lit torch that he wants to throw at you, but you keep pouring water on it while it is still in his hand until you extinguish it. This is why Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam commanded the person who touches people by the evil eye to ask Allah, to bless whatever he has envied, so that the evil thoughts that he feels go away and are replaced by the supplication, which is a type of good charity. 

The cure should be compatible to the disease, so that it has an affect on it. It is possible that when one touches others by the evil eye, a certain power appears on the end of his garment, and that it is then transferred to the affected person or object. When it is washed by water, the evil power will be removed. Yet again, and as we have stated, this matter has a lot to do with evil spirits, which will be stopped from producing harm if washed by water. Washing with water serves to cool the heart and thus cures the person who was about to touch others with the evil eye. Sometimes, when a poisonous insect bites someone and then the insect is killed, the bitten person feels a little relief afterwards. In short, when the person who touches others with the evil eye is washed, the evil that he thought of or felt will be washed away with the water.

If someone asks, "if washing with water helps the aggressor, then what about the victim of the evil eye" ?

We say that pouring the water on victims of the evil eye helps cool the effect (of the evil eye) on the victim just as it extinguished the veiled thoughts from the aggressor's heart. Water, which is used to cool burning iron rods, is often used as a medicine with which the doctors would concur. It is natural that the same water used to extinguish the evil eye is used to rid the victim of the evil eye of its effect.

Therefore, comparing the Prophetic medicine to regular medicine that doctors use is just like comparing the doctor’s medicine to folk medicines. Rather, the comparison is even less appropriate, for the difference between the Prophets and doctors is profoundly greater than the difference between the doctors and those who are not qualified to practice medicine. You should have discovered by now the brotherly relation between religion and wisdom, and that they never contradict each other. Allah Guides whom He Wills to the straight path and opens the doors of success to those who knock on such doors. He Alone is the Source of all bounties and irrefutable proofs. Fighting the evil eye is more likely to be successful if one conceals his blessings from the people.

For instance, Al-Baghawi narrated that once Usman Radi Allaho Anh saw a handsome boy and commanded, "Blacken his chin so that the evil eye does not touch him".

Al-Khattabi narrated in Gharib ul Hadith, "It was narrated that Usman Radi Allaho Anh once saw a handsome boy and that he said, "Hide his cleft chin with black color". Usman Radi Allaho Anh wanted to hide the cleft chin of the handsome boy using black color so that he was not touched by the evil eye.

Another Islamic prayer formula that helps ward off the evil eye was related by Abu Abdullah, he was once traveling for Hajj or Jihad using a good animal. There was a man in the caravan who would never look at something but would bring it to its demise. Abu Abdullah was then told, "Preserve your camel from this man’s eye. He said, "My camel cannot be touched by harm". The person who touched with the evil eye was informed of Abu Abdullah's response and he waited for a chance when Abu Abdullah was not present and looked at the camel which soon fell on its feet. When Abu Abdullah came and was told that the person had touched it with the evil eye and that his camel was suffering, as was evident, he said, ‘Show me the man.’ When he came by him, he said,

بسمِ اللهِ، حَبْسٌ حابسٌ، وحَجَرٌ يابِسٌ، وشِهابٌ قابِسٌ، ردَّت عين العائن عليه، وعلى أحبِّ الناس إليه، فَارْجِعِ الْبَصَرَ هَلْ تَرَى مِن فُطُورٍ ثُمَّ ارْجِعِ الْبَصَرَ كَرَّتَيْنِ يَنْقَلِبْ إلَيْكَ الْبَصَرُ خَاسِئاً وَهُوَ حَسِيرٌ

"In the Name of Allah, a restraint that restrains, a hard rock and a blazing star: I ask that the evil eye returns to the person who started it and on the dearest people to him (meaning the envious person himself. Then look again: Can you see any rifts? Then look again and yet again, your sight will return to you in a state of humiliation and wow out" (67:3, 4)

Then, the person known for the evil eye lost his sight and the camel was cured.

to be continued .....