
Sunday 31 May 2020

Healing by Adas - Lentils

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing by Food

عـــدس / Adas (Lentils)

عَدَسٌ‏:‏ قد ورد فيه أحاديثُ كُلُّهَا باطلة على رسولِ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، لم يَقُلْ شيئاً منها، كحديث‏:‏ ‏(‏ إنه قُدِّس على لسانِ سبعين نبياً)‏ وحديث‏:‏ ‏(‏ إنه يرق القلب، ويُغْزِرُ الدَّمعة، وإنه مأكول الصالحين‏)‏، وأرفع شىء جاء فيه وأصحه، أنه شهوةُ اليهود التي قدَّموها على المنِّ والسلوَى، وَهُو قَرِينُ الثوم والبصل في الذكر‏.‏

وطبعه طبعُ المؤنث، بارد يابس، وفيه قوتان متضادَّتان‏.‏ إحداهما‏:‏ يَعقِلُ الطبيعة‏.‏ والأخرى‏:‏ يُطلقها، وقشره حار يابس في الثالثة، حِرِّيف مُطْلِق للبطن، وترِياقُه في قشره، ولهذا كان صِحاحهُ أنفعَ من مطحونه، وأخفَّ على المَعِدَة، وأقلَّ ضرراً، فإنَّ لُبَّه بطىءُ الهضم لبرودته ويُبوسته، وهو مولِّد للسَّوداء، ويَضُرُّ بالماليخوليا ضرراً بيِّناً، ويَضُرُّ بالأعصاب والبصر‏.‏

وهو غليظُ الدم، وينبغى أن يتجنبه أصحابُ السوداء، وإكثارهم منه يُولِّد لهم أدواء رديئة‏:‏ كالوسواس، والجذام، وحُمَّى الربِّع، ويُقلل ضرره السلقُ، والإسفاناخ، وإكثار الدُّهن، وأردأ ما أُكِلَ بالنمكسود، وليُتجنب خلط الحلاوة به، فإنه يُورث سُدداً كبديَّة، وإدمانه يُظلم البصر لشدة تجفيفه، ويُعَسِّر البَوْل، ويُوجِبُ الأورام الباردة، والرياحَ الغليظة‏.‏ وأجودُه‏:‏ الأبيضُ السمينُ، السريع النُّضج‏.‏ وأما ما يظنُّه الجُهَّالُ أنه كان سِماطَ الخليل الذي يُقدِّمه لأضيافه، فَكَذِبٌ مفترَى، وإنما حكى اللهُ عنه الضيافَة بالشِّوَاء، وهو العِجل الحَنِيذ‏.‏ وذكر البيهقى عن إسحاق قال‏:‏ سُئل ابنُ المبارك عن الحديث الذي جاء في العَدَس، أنه قُدِّسَ على لسان سبعين نبيّاً، فقال‏:‏ ولا على لسان نبى واحد، وإنَّه لمؤذ منفخ، مَن حدثكم به ‏؟‏ قالوا‏:‏ سَلم بن سالم، فقال‏:‏ عمَّن ‏؟‏ قالوا‏:‏ عنك‏.‏ قال‏:‏ وعنى أيضاً،،‏؟‏

It was reported that ADAS (lentils) was described as the lust of Jews that they preferred over Mann & Salwa.

ADAS is the companion of garlic & onions; it is cold & dry and has two opposing effects, one that constipates & one that works as a laxative. Skin of the Adas is hot &dry in the third degree & also works as a laxative, the benefit of lentils is concentrated in the peelings (skin), and this is why whole lentils are more beneficial than washed / peeled lentils, less heavy on the stomach & less harmful.

Lentils cause black bile & harm the melancholy profoundly, along with having a negative affect on the nerves & less harmful. Also, lentils produce thick blood & those who suffer from black bile should avoid eating them, for when they eat lentils excessively, lentils will beget Waswasah (whisperings), leprosy, Quartan fever (a fever that occurs on every fourth day) & other ailments. However, eating lentils with beetroot & spinach will lesson their negative side effects. Also, one should avoid eating lentils with sweets because lentils can cause clogs in the liver in this case.

Eating Adas on a regular basis cause harm to the eyesight because they are very dry. Lentils also cause urine retention, cold swelling and excessive flatulence. The best type of Adas is the fat white Adas that digest faster.

Some ignorant people claimed that Prophet Ibrahim Alaih as Salaam used to cook lentils for his guests; however, Quran mentioned that he hosted his guests with a fat roasted calf.

Most of the world today is eating peeled / washed lentils, but the benefit of legumes is hidden in their skin. Ibn Al Qayyam wrote  وترِياقُه في قشره

Instead of Chana Daal, black chickpeas will be much better, similarly, all other Daals like Mung, Masur, Mash, etc. are available with skin & they should be chosen.

Ibn Al Qayyam also mentioned that cooking lentils with beet root & spinach will reduce the harmful effects.

to be continued .....

Friday 29 May 2020

Healing by Tal'h - Bananas

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing by Food

طــلـــح Tal'h (Banana or Acacia)

طَلْحٌ: قال تعالى: وَطَلْحٍ مَّنضْوُدٍ (الواقعة: 29) قال أكثر المفسِّرين: هو المَوْز. و"المنضودُ": هو الذى قد نُضِّدَ بعضُه على بعض، كالمُشْط. وقيل: "الطلحُ": الشجرُ ذو الشَّوْك، نُضِّدَ مكانَ كل شَوْكة ثمرة، فثمرُه قد نُضِّدَ بعضُه إلى بعض، فهو مثل الموز، وهذا القولُ أصح، ويكون مَن ذكر الموزَ من السَّلَف أراد التمثيل لا التخصيصَ.. والله أعلم.

وهو حارٌ رطب، أجودُه النضيج الحلو، ينفع مِن خشونة الصدر والرئة والسُّعال، وقروح الكُلْيتَيْن، والمثانة، ويُدِرُّ البَوْل، ويزيد فى المَنِىِّ، ويُحَرِّكُ الشهوة للجِماع، ويُليِّن البطن، ويُؤكل قبل الطعام، ويَضر المَعِدَة، ويزيد فى الصفراء والبلغم، ودفعُ ضرره بالسكر أو العسل

Allah The Glorified Said:

"And there (in paradise) will be Tal'h (Banana trees) with fruits piled one above another". 

The majority of scholars said that Tal'h means bananas, as they grow in clusters / piles one over the other just as the comb’s teeth. It was said that Tal'h is the tree that has thorns and which get replaced by fruits, each in the place of a thorn, just like what occurs on banana trees. This is the best opinion about the meaning of Tal'h. Hence, the Salaf (righteous predecessors) who said that Tal'h means banana trees are just using it as an example to explain the meaning of the word Tal'h, not that it only means banana trees (any tree that grows fruits in clusters can be called Tal'h). Allah Has the best knowledge.

Bananas are hot and wet. The best type of banana is ripe and sweet.

Bananas help against the roughness of the chest and lungs, relieve coughing and help against the ulcers of kidney, urinary bladder and prostate. Bananas produce urine (diuretic), stimulate semen production, soften the stomach and arouse the sexual drive; and they should be eaten before meals. Bananas may harm the stomach slightly and aggravate the bile and phlegm.

Eating Bananas with honey reduces their harmful side effects.

to be continued .....

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Healing by Haneez - Roasted Meat

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing by Food

حنــيذ  Haneez Roasted Meat Shiwa'a 

شِوَاءٌ: قال الله تعالى فى ضيافة خليله إبراهيم عليه السلام لأضيافه: فَمَا لَبِثَ أَن جَاءَ بِعِجْلٍ حَنِيذٍ [هود: 79] و"الحَنِيذ": المشوى على الرَّضْفِ، وهى الحجارةُ المحماة. وفى الترمذى: عن أُمِّ سلمة رضى الله عنها، "أنها قرَّبت إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم جنباً مشوياً، فأكل منه ثم قام إلى الصلاة ولم يتوضأ". قال الترمذى: حديثٌ صحيح.

وفيه أيضاً: عن عبد الله بن الحارث، قال: أكلنا مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم شِواءً فى المسجد.وفيه أيضاً: أنفع الشِواء شِواء الضأن الحَوْلىِّ، ثم العِجلِ اللَّطيف السمين، وهو حارٌ رطب إلى اليبوسة، كثيرُ التوليد للسَّوداء، وهو من أغذية الأقوياء والأصحاء والمرتاضين، والمطبوخُ أنفع وأخف على المعدة، وأرطبُ منه، ومن المُطجَّن. وأردؤه المشوى فى الشمس، والمشوى على الجمر خير من المشوى باللَّهب، وهو الحَنِيذ.

Allah Said that when Prophet Ibrahim Alaih As Salaam had the honorable guests:

"And he hastened to entertain them with a roasted calf". (Surah Houd: 69)

Meat roasted on the heated stones is called HANEEZ.

Tirmizi narrated that Umm e  Salamah Radi Allaho Anha said that she once brought a roasted piece of meat to Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam and that he ate from it and then stood up to pray without repeating the ablution. Tirmizi then commented that this Hadith is authentic.

Tirrnizi also narrated that Abdullah bin Harith Radi Allaho Anh said, "We ate some roasted meat with the Messenger of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) inside the Masjid.

The best type of roast is the meat of a one-year old sheep and then that of a calf. This type of food is hot and wet, produces black bile, but is one of the most nutritious foods for healthy, ill and recovering persons alike. Cooked meat is better, lighter on the stomach and has more wetness. Fried meat is less beneficial while meat dried in the sun is the worst kind. In addition, roasting meat on burning stones (HANEEZ) is better than flame broiled meats.

to be continued .....

Monday 25 May 2020

Healing by Sha'hm - Fat

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing by Food

شـــحـم Sha’hm (Fat)

شَحْمٌ: ثبت فى "المسند" عن أنس"أنَّ يهودياً أضاف رسولَ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، فقدَّم له خُبزَ شَعِيرِ، وإهالَةً سَنِخَةً"، و"الإهالة": الشَّحْم المذاب، والألْية. و"السَّنِخَةُ": المتغيرة. وثبت فى "الصحيح": عن عبد الله بن مُغَفَّل، قال:"دُلِّى جِرَابٌ من شَحْمٍ يَوْمَ خَيْبَرَ، فالتزمتُه وقلتُ: واللهِ لا أُعطى أحداً منه شيئاً، فالتفتُّ، فإذا رسولُ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم يَضْحَكُ، ولم يقل شيئاً".

أجود الشحمِ ما كان مِن حيوان مكتمل، وهو حارٌ رطب، وهو أقلُّ رطوبةً من السمن، ولهذا لو أُذيب الشحمُ والسمن كان الشَحمُ أسرعَ جموداً. وهو ينفع من خشونة الحلق، ويُرخى ويعفن، ويُدفع ضرره باللَّيْمون المملُوح، والزنجبيل، وشحمُ المَعز أقبضُ الشحوم، وشحم التُّيوس أشدُّ تحليلاً، وينفع مِن قروح الأمعاء، وشحمُ العَنز أقوى فى ذلك، ويُحتقَن به للسَّحَج والزَّحِير.

In Al-Musnad, it is narrated that Anas Radi Allaho Anh said that a Jewish man asked Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam to be his guest and that he offered him some barley bread and melted FAT.

In the Sahih, it is narrated that Abdullah bin Mughaffal Radi Allaho Anh said, On the Day of Khyber, a bag full of FAT was lowered and I took possession of it and said, "By Allah! I will not share it with anyone else". When I turned around, I found that Messenger of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) was laughing and did not comment".

The best type of FAT is that taken from a grown animal. FAT is hot and wet but less wetter than Ghee. This is why when both FAT and Ghee are melted, FAT hardens faster.

FAT helps against throat roughness, it represses and causes rotting. To neutralize the harmful effects of FAT, one should use lemon, salt and ginger. In addition, goat's FAT constipates more than any other type of fats, while Billy goat's FAT is more decomposing and helps against stomach ulcers and is used as an injection to relieve Excoriation (the rubbing away of skin from injury or disease), and (spasms of the bladder or anus).

We have found that fat from camel's hump is the most delicious, it is more tastier than butter & melts in the mouth so quickly.

to be continued .....

Saturday 23 May 2020

Healing by Sam'n - Ghee

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing by Food

سَمْن Sam'n Ghee

سَمْنٌ: روى محمد بن جرير الطبرى بإسناده، من حديث صُهيب يرفعُه "عليكم بألبان البقَرِ، فإنها شفاءٌ، وسَمْنُها دَواءٌ، ولُحومُها داء" رواه عن أحمد بن الحسن الترمذى، حدَّثنا محمد ابن موسى النسائى، حدَّثنا دَفَّاع ابن دَغْفَلٍ السَّدوسى، عن عبد الحميد بن صَيفى بن صُهيب، عن أبيه، عن جده، ولا يثبت ما فى هذا الإسناد.

والسمن حار رطب فى الأُولى، وفيه جِلاء يسير، ولطافة وتفشية الأورام الحادثة مِن الأبدان الناعمة، وهو أقوى من الزُّبد فى الإنضاج والتليين، وذكر "جالينوس": أنه أبرأ به الأورامَ الحادثة فى الأُذن، وفى الأرنبة، وإذا دُلِكَ به موضعُ الأسنان، نبتت سريعاً، وإذا خُلِطَ مع عسل ولَوْزٍ مُرٍّ، جلا ما فى الصدر والرئة، والكَيموساتِ الغليظة اللَّزِجة، إلا أنه ضار بالمَعِدَة، سِيَّما إذا كان مزاجُ صاحبها بلغمياً.  وأما سمن البقر والمَعِزِ، فإنه إذا شُرِبَ مع العسل نفع من شرب السُّمِّ القاتل، ومِن لدغ الحيَّات والعقارب، وفى كتاب ابن السُّنى: عن على بن أبى طالب رضى الله عنه قال: لم يَسْتشفِ الناسُ بشىءٍ أفضل مِنَ السمن.

There is a fake  Hadith that narrates that Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam encouraged  the Muslims to drink cow’s milk, because it is a remedy and because the Sam’n ~Ghee of that milk is a cure, while stating that cow meat is an ailment, the chain of narrators for this Hadith is not authentic.

Sam’n (Ghee) is hot and wet in the first degree, it is mild, and helps eliminate the various tumors that attack the soft parts of the body. Sam’n is stronger than butter as a maturing agent. Galinus said that he used Ghee to cure the tumors that occur in the ear and tip of the nose. When the base of children’s teeth is anointed with Ghee, the teeth will emerge faster.

When Sam’n is blended with honey and bitter almonds, it will clear the chest and lungs and will dissipate various ailments. Saman (Ghee) can be harmful for stomach, especially if a person has a mucus condition.

When Sam’n (Ghee) made of cow and goat milk is mixed with honey, it helps against toxic materials, snake and scorpion stings. Ibn As-Sunni mentioned that your 4th Caliph; Ali Bin Abi Talib Radi Allaho Anh said that people never use a remedy better than Sam’n.

to be continued .....

Thursday 21 May 2020

Healing by Samak - Fish

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing by Food

ســـمــك Samak (Fish)

سَمَكٌ: روى الإمام أحمد بن حنبل، وابن ماجه فى "سننه": من حديث عبد الله بن عمر، عن النبىِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: "أُحِلَّتْ لنا مَيْتَتانِ ودَمَانِ: السَّمَكُ والجَرَادُ، والكَبِدُ والطِّحَالُ".

أصنافُ السَّمَك كثيرة، وأجودُه ما لذَّ طعمه، وطابَ ريحُه، وتوسَّط مقدارُه، وكان رقيقَ القشر، ولم يكن صلبَ اللَّحم ولا يابسه، وكان فى ماءٍ عذب جارٍ على الحصباء، ويتغذَّى بالنبات لا الأقذار، وأصلح

أماكنه ما كان فى نهر جيد الماء، وكان يأوِى إلى الأماكن الصخرية، ثم الرملية، والمياه الجارية العذبة التى لا قذرَ فيها، ولا حمأة، الكثيرة الاضطراب والتموج، المكشوفة للشمس والرِّياح.

والسَّمَك البحرى فاضل، محمود، لطيف، والطرى منه بارد رطب، عَسِر الانهضام، يُولِّد بلغماً كثيراً، إلا البحرىَ وما جرى مجراه، فإنه يُولِّد خلطاً محموداً، وهو يُخْصِبُ البدن، ويزيد فى المَنِىِّ، ويُصلح الأمزجة الحارة.

وأما المالح، فأجودُه ما كان قريبَ العهد بالتملُّح، وهو حار يابس، وكلما تقادم عهدُه ازداد حرُّه ويبسه، والسِّلور منه كثير اللزوجة، ويسمى الجِرِّىَّ، واليهودُ لا تأكله. وإذا أُكِلَ طريٍّا، كان مليِّناً للبطن، وإذا مُلِّحَ وعتق وأُكِلَ، صفَّى قصبة الرئة، وجوَّد الصوتَ، وإذا دُقَّ وَوُضِعَ مِن خارجٍ، أخرج السَّلَى والفضول من عُمق البدن من طريق أنَّ له قوة جاذبة.

وماء ملح الجِرِّىِّ المالح إذا جلسَ فيه مَن كانت به قرحة الأمعاء فى ابتداء العِلَّة، وافقه بجذبه الموادَّ إلى ظاهر البدن، وإذا احتُقِنَ به، أبرأ من عِرْق النَّسَا. وأجودُ ما فى السَّمَك ما قرُب من مؤخرها، والطرىُّ السمين منه يُخصب البدن لحمُه ووَدَكُه. وفى "الصحيحين": من حديث جابر بن عبد الله رضى الله عنه قال: "بعثنا النبىُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم فى ثلاثمائة راكب، وأميرُنا أبو عُبيدة بن الجرَّاح، فأتينا الساحِلَ، فأصابنا جوعٌ شديد، حتى أكلنا الخَبَطَ، فألقى لنا البحرُ حوتاً يقال لها: عنبر، فأكلنا منه نِصفَ شهرٍ، وائتدمنا بوَدَكِه حتى ثابت أجسامُنا، فأخذ أبو عبيدة ضلعاً من أضلاعه، وحمل رَجُلاً على بعيره، ونصبه، فمرَّ تحته".

Imam Ahmad and Ibne Majah narrated on the authority of Abdullah Ibn Umar Radi Allao Anh that Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said: "We were allowed two dead animals and two bloods, fish and locust, and liver and spleen".

There are many kinds of fish, the best of which is the most delicious, the best scented, moderate in size, which has fine scales, the softest meat, which lives in fresh water that flows on pebbles and which eat plants and not the organic waste. The best areas for the fish to live are those with the freshest water that runs through rocks, then the areas that have sandy ground, void of filth or wastes and which are mildly calm and exposed to the sun and wind.

Sea fish are also soft and delicious. The meat of sea fish that has soft skin is cold and wet, difficult to digest and produces excessive amounts of phlegm, but produces acceptable temperament, increase semen production / fertility and suits hot conditions.

The best kind of salted fish is the most recently salted. Salted fish is hot and dry, and the older they get, the hotter and drier they become. Silurid (a species of catfish) is very viscous, and the Jews do not eat this type of fish. Yet, soft Silurid meat softens the stomach, and when it is salted, kept and then eaten, it will clear the windpipe and make the voice finer. When it is ground and used as an external ointment, it will extract the wastes that accumulate inside the body.

Sitting in the salty water of Silurid relives the effects of newly formed ulcers and extracts the harmful substances to the surface. Salty water of Silurid relieves Sciatic nerve ailment when one is injected with it.

The best part of fish meat is closer to the tail, and the soft / lofty fish meat produces fatness and flesh.

In the Sahihain, it is narrated that Jabir Bin Abdullah said "Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam sent us with three hundred riders under the leadership of Abu Ubaidah Ibn-al-Jarraah Radi Allaho Anh. We went by the seashore and were soon very hungry until we ate tree leaves. The sea then threw out a whale (that is called Amber). We ate from it for half a month and used its fat in our food. Abu Ubaidah Ibn-al-Jarraah Radi Allaho Anh then took a rib of that fish and asked a man to ride on his camel and then pass under the rib, which he easily did".

to be continued .....

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Healing by Silq - Beetroot

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing by Food

سِلـق  Silq (Beetroot)

سِلْقٌ: روى الترمذىُّ وأبو داود، عن أُمِّ المُنذِر، قالت: دخل علىَّ رسولُ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم ومعه على رضى الله عنه، ولنا دَوَالٍ معلَّقةٌ، قالت : فجعل رسولُ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم يأكُلُ وعلىٌ معه يأكُلُ، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: "مَهْ يا علىُّ فإنَّكَ ناقِهٌ"، قالت: فجعلتُ لهم سِلْقاً وشعيراً، فقال النبىُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم: "يا علىُّ؛ فأصِبْ من هذا، فإنه أوفَقُ لَكَ". قال الترمذىُّ: حديثٌ حسن غريب.

السِّلق حار يابس فى الأُولى، وقيل: رطب فيها، وقيل: مُرَكَّبٌ منهما، وفيه برودةٌ ملطِّفة، وتحليلٌ، وتفتيحٌ. وفى الأسود منه قبضٌ ونفعٌ من داء الثعلب، والكَلَف، والحَزَارِ، والثآليل إذا طُلِىَ بمائه، ويقتل القمل، ويُطلَى به القُوَبَاء مع العسل، ويفتح سُدَدَ الكَبِدِ والطِّحال. وأسودُه يَعقِلُ البطن، ولا سِيَّما مع العدس، وهما رديئان، والأبيضُ: يُلَيِّن مع العدس، ويُحْقَن بمائه للإسهال، وينفع من القُولَنْج مع المَرِىِّ والتَّوَابِل وهو قليل الغذاء، ردىء الكَيْمُوس، ويُصلحه الخل والخَرْدَل، والإكثار منه يُولِّد القبض والنفخ.

Tirmzi and Abu Dawood narrated that Umm Al-Munthir Radi Allaho Anha said, “The Messenger of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) came by along with Ali Bin Abi Talib Radi Allaho Anh when he was still recovering from an illness. Then, we had some hanging clusters of dates. The Messenger of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) started eating from the dates and he (Ali) also joined him. The Messenger of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) then said to Ali Radi Allaho Anh:

“You are still weak & recovering from your illness, so dates are not good for you at this instance, so Ali Radi Allaho Anh stopped eating the dates”. I then prepared a soup made with Barley and SILQ (beetroot) and brought it to them. Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) said to Ali, “Eat from this; it is more beneficial for you”.

Silq is hot and dry in the first degree and is packed with a soothing coolness. Beetroot decomposes and opens the clogs. The black Silq constipates and helps against Alopecia (A skin disease characterized by loss of hair, partial or total), spots, dandruff and warts. Its water is used as an ointment. It also kills lice and is used as an ointment when blended with honey to cure herpes. Silq opens the clogs in the liver and spleen.

The black Silq constipates as we have stated, especially when taken with lentils, both of which are not suitable for the stomach. However, white Silq with lentils softens the stomach and is used as a laxative and is a treatment for Hemiplegia (Paralysis affecting only one side of the body), when blended with spices and condiments. Eating it with vinegar and mustard seeds helps neutralize these side effects. Finally, eating it excessively causes constipation and flatulence.

to be continued .....

Sunday 17 May 2020

Healing by Safarjal - Quince

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing by Food

ســـفرجـــل  Safarjal  Quince

سفرجل : روى ابن ماجه في سننه من حديث إسماعيل بن محمد الطلحي ، عن نقيب بن حاجب ، عن أبي سعيد ، عن عبد الملك الزبيري ، عن طلحة بن عبيد الله رضي الله عنه قال دخلت على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وبيده سفرجلة ، فقال " دونكها يا طلحة ، فإنها تجم الفؤاد " . ورواه النسائي من طريق آخر ، وقال أتيت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو في جماعة من أصحابه ، وبيده سفرجلة يقلبها ، فلما جلست إليه ، دحا بها إلي ثم قال " دونكها أبا ذر ، فإنها تشد القلب ، وتطيب النفس ، وتذهب بطخاء الصدر " . وقد روي في السفرجل أحاديث أخر ، هذا أمثلها ، ولا تصح .
والسفرجل بارد يابس ، ويختلف في ذلك باختلاف طعمه ، وكله بارد قابض ، جيد للمعدة ، والحلو منه أقل برودة ويبساً ، وأميل إلى الإعتدال ، والحامض أشد قبضاً ويبساً وبرودة ، وكله يسكن العطس والقئ ، ويدر البول ، ويعقل الطبع ، وينفع من قرحة الأمعاء ، ونفث الدم ، والهيضة ، وينفع من الغثيان ، ويمنع من تصاعد الأبخرة إذا استعمل بعد الطعام ، وحراقة أغصانه وورقه المغسولة كالتوتياء في فعلها . وهو قبل الطعام يقبض ، وبعده يلين الطبع ، ويسرع بانحدار الثفل ، والإكثار منه مضر بالعصب ، مولد للقولنج ، ويطفئ المرة الصفراء المتولدة في المعدة . وإن شوي كان أقل لخشونته ، وأخف ، وإذا قور وسطه ، ونزع حبه ، وجعل فيه العسل ، وطين جرمه بالعجين ، وأودع الرماد الحار ، نفع نفعاً حسناً .

وأجود ما أكل مشوياً أو مطبوخاً بالعسل ، وحبه ينفع من خشونة الحلق ، وقصبة الرئة ، وكثير من الأمراض ، ودهنه يمنع العرق ، ويقوي المعدة ، والمربى منه يقوي المعدة والكبد ، ويشد القلب ، ويطيب النفس .

ومعنى تجم الفؤاد تريحه‏.‏ وقيل تفتحه وتوسعه، من جمام الماء، وهو اتساعه وكثرته، والطخاء للقلب مثل الغيم على السماء‏.‏ قال أبو عبيد الطخاء ثقل  وغشي، تقول ما في السماء طخاء، أي سحاب وظلمة‏.‏

Talha bin Ubaid Ullah Radi Allaho Anh narrated that I went to Rasullullah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam & he had a QUINCE in his hand, Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said to me: "Take it O Aba Zar, this (Quince) makes the heart strengthen, makes the breath pleasant and relieves (removes) the burden of the chest".

Quince is cold and dry, constipates and benefits the stomach. Sweet quince is cold and dry and is somewhat mild. Sour quince constipates more than sweet quince and is colder and drier. All types of Safarjal quench the thirst, stop vomiting, help produce urine and constipate. Safarjal helps against stomach ulcers, hemoptysis (spitting up blood with cough), diarrhea and nausea. Safarfal prevents the ascending of gaseous material when one eats it after the meal. In addition, the ashes of washed Safarjal leaves and stems are similar to zinc in benefit.

Consuming Safarjal before the meal constipates, while consuming it after the meals softens the stool and helps the digestion process. Eating excessive amounts of Safarjal harms the nerves and causes painful constipation. Safarjal helps extinguish the yellow bile of the stomach.

When the quince is broiled, it will become softer and milder. When one removes the pips of the quince, stuffs them with honey, dips them in a paste and then broil them under hot ashes, they will become very beneficial.

The best way to eat the quince is broiled or cooked in honey. The seeds of Safarjal help against dryness in the throat, the windpipe and several other ailments. Its oil stops sweating and strengthens the stomach. Sqfarjal jam strengthens the stomach and the liver and relieves the heart and the soul.

تجم الفؤاد means that Quince pleases / strengthens the heart, & opens the coagulation (if available).والطخاء للقلب is meant for darkness, like clouds or a sand storm cover the clear sky which is then un-seen, so Quince will do the same job for the heart, it will remove the blockage & the heart will be clear & healthy Insha'Allah.

to be continued .....

Friday 15 May 2020

Healing by Zait - Olive Oil

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing by Food

زَيْتٌ  Zait (Olive Oil)

زَيْتٌ‏:‏ قال تعالى‏:‏ يُوقَدُ مِن شَجَرَةٍ مُّبَارَكَةٍ زَيْتُونَةٍ لا شَرْقِيَّةٍ وَلاَ غَرْبِيَّةٍ يَكَادُ زَيْتُهَا يُضِىءُ وَلَوْ لَمْ تَمْسَسْهُ نَارٌ‏‏ ‏[‏النور ‏:‏ 35‏]‏ وفى الترمذىِّ وابن ماجه من حديث أبى هريرة رضى الله عنه، عن النبىِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال‏:‏ ‏(‏كُلُوا الزَّيتَ وادَّهِنُوا به، فإنَّه من شَجَرَةٍ مُبَارَكةٍ‏)‏‏.‏ وللبَيْهَقِى وابن ماجه أيضاً‏:‏ عن ابن عمر رضى الله عنه، قال‏:‏ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم‏:‏ ‏(‏ائْتَدِمُوا بالزَّيتِ، وادَّهِنُوا به، فإنه من شَجَرَةٍ مُبَارَكةٍ‏)‏‏.‏

الزَّيْتُ حار رطب في الأُولى، وغَلِط مَن قال‏:‏ يابسٌ، والزَّيت بحسب زيتونه، فالمعتصَرُ من النَّضيج أعدلُه وأجوده، ومن الفَجِّ فيه برودةٌ ويُبوسة، ومن الزيتون الأحمر متوسطٌ بين الزَّيتَيْن، ومن الأسود يُسخِّن ويُرطِّب باعتدال، وينفع من السُّموم، ويُطلق البطن، ويُخرج الدود، والعتيقُ منه أشد تسخيناً وتحليلاً، وما استُخْرِجَ منه بالماء، فهو أقلُّ حرارةً، وألطفُ وأبلغ في النفع، وجميعُ أصنافه مليِّنة للبَشْرة، وتُبطىءُ الشَيْب‏.‏ وماء الزَّيتون المالح يمنع من تنفُّط حرق النار، ويَشُد اللِّثَةَ، وورقهُ ينفع من الحُمرة، والنَّملة، والقُروح الوَسِخة، والشَّرَى، ويمنع العَرَق، ومنافعه أضعاف ما ذكرنا‏.

Allah the Glorified Said:

“Lit from a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east (i.e. neither it gets sun-rays only in the morning)  nor of the west (i.e. nor it gets sun-rays only in the afternoon, but it is exposed to the sun all day long), whose oil would almost glow forth (of itself), though no fire touched it” 

Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah narrated that Abu Hurairah Radi Allaho Anh related from Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam that he said:

“Eat the Zait and use it as an ointment because it is produced from a blessed tree”.

Al-Bayhaqi and Ibn Majah narrated that Abdullah Bin Umar Radi Allaho Anh said that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) said:

“Eat the oil (IN CURRIES) and use it as an ointment because it is from a blessed tree”.

روى الترمذى فى كتاب "الشمائل" من حديث أنس بن مالك رضى الله عنهما، قال: "كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يُكثِرُ دُهْنَ رأسِهِ، وتسريحَ لِحيته، وُيكْثِرُ القِنَاعَ كأن ثَوْبَه ثَوْبُ زَيَّاتٍ".

Narrated by Tirmizi in the book of Shamail, on the authrity of Anas Bin Malik Radi Allaho Anh that "Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam would escessively put the Zait (olive oil) in his head & beard, (and because of that, he would keep a small piece of cloth called QINA'A under his cap), and his Qina'a was full of the oil, like the clothes of an oil miller".

Zait (Olive Oil) is hot and wet in the first degree. The quality of oil depends on the tree that produces it. For instance, the best type of olive oil is that squeezed from ripe olives while oil from unripe olives is cold and dry. Red olives produce oil that is between these while black olives produce hot and wet oil. Olive oil helps against poisons, works as a laxative and rids the body of worms. Old olive oil leans more towards being hot and decomposing. When olive oil is blended with water, it becomes less hot, milder, and thus more beneficial. All kinds of olive oil soften the skin and slow the aging process. The salty water blended with oil helps burnt skin against blistering. It also strengthens the gingival.

The word ائْتَدِمُوا is derived from the Arabic word إدام Idaam which means curry. ائْتَدِمُوا thus means that Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam advised to cook the curries in the blessed olive oil.

Furthermore, the two Hadith mentioned above do not mention the name of tree for the oil,

· كُلُوا الزَّيتَ وادَّهِنُوا به، فإنَّه من شَجَرَةٍ مُبَارَكةٍ‏

· ائْتَدِمُوا بالزَّيتِ، وادَّهِنُوا به، فإنه من شَجَرَةٍ مُبَارَكةٍ

It exhibits that the only oil recommended for eating, cooking or massaging is the blessed Olive oil (from the blessed tree). It is a miracle that Allah Has Exemplified His NOOR (light) with an olive tree.

You will never imagine how powerful were the words written (before 700 years) by Imam Zahabi. His research on Olive Oil is the best in this world. People in those times never had the concept of extra virgin, Virgin OR Pomace Oil, they only extracted the oil & used it (after filtration) for cooking, which interprets that Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the best.

Imam Zahabi wrote :

Zait Zaitoon Al-Infaaq is the one which is extracted from un-ripe (green) olives & its nature is cold & dry, Olive Oil which is pressed from ripe olives is moderately hot & wet natured, and as the olives ripen, more is the heat obtained in the oil. Massaging by Olive Oil strengthens the hairs (prevents hair loss) & organs, & massaging the body slows down the AGING.

Drinking Olive Oil helps against poisons, cleanses the stomach, relieves stomach pains & kills the intestinal worms.

All the cooking OILS weaken the stomach except Olive Oil, and Oil from un-ripe olives is the best in this concern.

Narrated by Ibn Umar Radi Allaho Anh that Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said “ Cook with the Oil & use it for massage, as it is from a blessed tree”.

Allah Said in the Holy Quran :

وَشَجَرَةً تَخْرُجُ مِن طُورِ سَيْنَاء تَنبُتُ بِالدُّهْنِ وَصِبْغٍ لِّلْآكِلِينَ

23:20 Also a tree springing out of Mount Sinai, which produces oil, and relish for those who use it for food.

Narrated by Tirmizi “Eat the Oil & use it for massaging”.

Also narrated by Ibn Al Jauzi that Ilqamah Bin Amir said “You have the Olive Oil, eat it & massage with it as it is the best for PILES”.

It was also narrated that whoever uses Olive Oil for massaging, Sheytaan never comes close to him / her”.

Someone said that Olive Oil is the Tiryaaq for Fuqaraa, which means that it removes the POVERTY (by bringing the blessings in house & by keeping the body away from diseases).

Green Olives are cold & dry, best as a food, strengthen the digestion, ignite the libido, & prevent the formation of gaseous vapors. Black Olives are hot & dry, create black bile & are difficult to digest. Salted Olives are good against fire burns. Chewing Olive leaves is beneficial for mouth ulcers, oral thrush, skin irritations, bacterial infections, Urticaria & sores.

to be continued .....

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Healing by Zanjabeel - Ginger

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing by Food

زنـــجبـــيل Zanjabeel (Ginger)

زَنْجَبِيلٌ‏:‏ قال تعالى‏:‏ ‏‏وَيُسْقَوْنَ فِيهَا كَأْساً كَانَ مِزَاجُهَا زَنْجَبِيلاً‏ ‏[‏الإنسان ‏:‏17‏]‏ وذكر أبو نُعيم في كتاب ‏(‏الطب النبوى‏)‏ من حديث أبى سعيد الخُدرىّ رضى الله عنه قال‏:‏ أهدى ملك الرُّوم إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم جَرَّةَ زَنجبيلٍ، فأطعمَ كلَّ إنسان قطعة، وأطعمنى قطعة‏.‏الزنجبيل حارٌ في الثانية، رطب في الأُولى، مُسْخِّن مُعين على هضم الطعام، مُلَيِّن للبطن تلييناً معتدلاً، نافع من سدد الكَبِدِ العارِضةِ عن البرد والرُّطوبة، ومن ظُلمة البصر الحادثة عن الرُّطوبة أكلاً واكتحالاً، مُعين على الجِمَاع، وهو مُحلِّل للرياح الغليظة الحادثة في الأمعاء والمَعِدَة‏.‏ وبالجملة‏.‏‏.‏ فهو صالح للكَبِد والمَعِدَة الباردتَى المزاج، وإذا أُخِذَ منه مع السكر وزنُ درهمين بالماء الحار، أسهلَ فُضولاً لَزِجَةً لُعابية، ويقع في المعجونات التي تُحلِّل البلغم وتُذيبه‏.‏ والمُزِّىُّ منه حارٌ يابس يهيج الجِمَاع، ويزيدُ في المَنِىِّ، وُيسخِّن المَعِدَة والكَبِد، ويُعين على الاستمراء، ويُنشِّف البلغم الغالب على البدن، ويزيد في الحفظ، ويُوافق برْدَ الكَبِد والمَعِدة، ويُزيل بلتها الحادثة عن أكل الفاكهة، ويُطيِّب النَّكْهة، ويُدفع به ضرر الأطعمة الغليظة الباردة‏.‏

Allah Said:
"And they will be given there (in paradise) a cup (to drink) mixed with Zanjabeel (ginger)". 
(76: 17)

Abu Nu’aym narrated in his book on the Prophetic medicine that Abu Said Al-Khudri Radi Allaho Anh said: "The King of Rome sent a basket of Zanjabeel (ginger) for Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam, who then gave a piece to everyone including myself".

Ginger is hot in the second degree and wet in the first degree. It heats the body, helps the digestion process, softens the stomach mildly, helps open the clogs of the liver that are caused by coldness and wetness, helps against the wetness that causes sight impairment. Ginger strengthens the sexual power and decomposes thick gases accumulating in the intestines and stomach.

In general, ginger is good for the cold temperament of the liver and stomach. When one takes some ginger along with two measures of sugar and some hot water, it will work as a laxative and will rid the body of harmful excrements. Ginger is an effective ingredient in the ointments that dissolve the phlegm.

Sour ginger is hot and dry and it excites the sexual drive, increases semen production, heats the stomach and liver, helps the digestion process, dries the phlegm that prevails in the body and increases the memory power. It is so suitable for the coldness in liver and stomach and washes the harmful effect of eating fruits. Zanjabeel makes the scent better and fends off the harm of thick / cold foods.

to be continued .....