
Saturday 29 February 2020

Healing by Qur'an

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing by Deeds

قُرْآنٌ / Qur'an

قُرْآنٌ: قال الله تعالى: وَنُنَزِّلُ مِنَ الْقُرْآنِ مَا هُوَ شِفَاءٌ وَرَحْمَةٌ لِّلْمُؤْمِنِينَ [الإسراء: 82 ] والصحيح: أنَّ "من" ههنا لبيان الجنس لا للتبعيض.وقال تعالى: يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ قَدْ جَاءَتْكُم مَّوْعِظَةٌ مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ وَشِفَاءٌ لِمَا فِى الصُّدُورِ[يونس: 57].

فالقرآنُ هو الشِّفاء التام مِن جميع الأدواء القلبية والبدنية، وأدواءِ الدنيا والآخرة، وما كُلُّ أحدٍ يُؤهَّل ولا يُوفَّق للاستشفاء به، وإذا أحسن العليل التداوىَ به، ووضعَه على دائه بصدقٍ وإيمان، وقبولٍ تام، واعتقادٍ جازم، واستيفاءِ شروطه، لم يُقاوِمْهُ الداءُ أبداً.

وكيف تُقاوِمُ الأدواءُ كلامَ ربِّ الأرض والسماءِ الذى لو نزل على الجبال، لصَدَعَهَا، أو على الأرض، لقطعها، فما مِن مرضٍ من أمراض القُلُوبِ والأبدان إلا وفى القُرآن سبيلُ الدلالة على دوائه وسببه، والحِمية منه لمن رزقه الله فهماً فى كتابه.

وقد تقدَّم فى أول الكلام على الطب بيانُ إرشاد القرآن العظيم إلى أُصوله ومجامعه التى هى حفظُ الصحة والحِميةُ، واستفراغُ المؤذى، والاستدلالُ بذلك على سائر أفراد هذه الأنواع. وأما الأدوية القلبية، فإنه يذكرها مُفصَّلةً، ويذكر أسبابَ أدوائها وعلاجها. قال: أَوَ لَمْ يَكْفِهِمْ أَنَّا أَنْزَلْنَا عَلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ يُتْلَى عَلَيْهِمْ[العنكبوت: 51]، فمَن لم يَشْفِه القرآنُ، فلا شفاه الله، ومَن لم يَكفِه، فلا كفاه الله.

Allah Said about His Holy Book "And We Have Sent Down the QURAN in which there is a healing & mercy for those who believe (in Quran & act upon it)." (Asraa : 82)

And He also Said "O mankind ! There has come to you a good advice from your LORD (i.e. the QURAN, enjoining all that is good & forbidding all that is evil), and a healing for that which is in your chests (heart)". (Yunus : 57)

QURAN is the ultimate cure for all types of illness and sickness that attack the body & heart and from all the calamities of life & death. Yet, not everyone is suitable or guided to successfully seek the QURAN as a cure.

When the ill person successfully uses the cure contained in QURAN and applies it on his ailment with FAITH, sincerity, complete acceptance & trust, all the while observing the necessary guidelines in this regard, no illness can resist the cure.

How can any ailment resist the BOOK that contains the WORDS of the LORD of earth & heavens, which if it were revealed to a mountain, it would have caused it to humble itself & render it asunder. Further, if the QURAN were revealed to the earth, it would tear it apart. No ailment that attacks the body or the heart, but the QURAN contains its remedy and cure and would provide immunity against it, that is, for whomever Allah Has Endowed the bounty of comprehending His Book.

QURAN contains the major aspects and basis of the knowledge of medicine; preserving health, diet and extracting the harmful substances. As for the evils that attack the heart, QURAN mentions them in details & directs the people to the cures and remedies to treat them, Allah Said:

Is it not sufficient for them that We Have Sent Down to you (O Muhammad) the Book (QURAN) which is recited to them? (Ankaboot : 51)

May Allah never cure those whom the QUR'AN does not cure, nor suffice those for whom Allah is not SUFFICIENT as a Helper.

to be continued .....

Saturday 22 February 2020

Ruqyah for scorpion's sting

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing by Deeds

Prophet’s Guidance on treating pain in general with Islamic Prayer formulas

Prophet’s Guidance on treating Scorpion stings

روى ابن أبى شَيْبَةَ فى "مسنده"، من حديث عبد الله بن مسعود، قال: بينا رسولُ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم يُصلِّى، إذ سجد فَلَدَغَتْه عقربٌ فى أُصبعه، فانصرفَ رسولُ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم وقال: "لَعَنَ اللهُ العَقْرَبَ ما تَدَعُ نبيّاً ولا غَيْرَه"، قال: ثُمَّ دعا بإناءٍ فيه ماء ومِلح، فَجَعَلَ يَضَعُ موضِعَ اللَّدغة فى الماء والمِلحِ، ويقرأُ: {قُلْ هُوَ اللهُ أَحَدٌ، والمُعَوِّذَتَيْن} حتى سكنتْ

Narrated by Tirmizi, that Abdullah Bin Masood Radi Allaho Anh reported that once, Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam was praying and when he was in Sajdah, a scorpion suddenly stung him on the finger, when the beloved Prophet finished his prayer, he said "May Allah Put His Curse on the scorpion, as it never leaves even the Prophets or others. Then he asked for a pot filled with water; in which some salt was also added, Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam was dipping his finger (stung by the scorpion) in that salted water, & he was reciting Surah Ikhlaas & Muawwazatain & blowing on his finger till the pain was all gone".

The above Hadith covers the aspect of a compound medicine (mixture), including both the spiritual cure (by Ikhlaas & Muawwazatain) and the natural cure by salted water.

The chapter Al-Ikhlaas contains the essentials of the Faith and the Creed, various aspects of Tawheed, and attesting to and affirming Allah’s Oneness that entails denying all types and forms of shirk with Him. It entails affirming that Allah is the Sustainer, along with asserting every type of perfection for Him. Consequently, the creation seeks Allah for each and every need. This chapter denies that Allah has a parent, an offspring, or an equal, and this is why it equals one third of the Quran. Furthermore, Allah's Name "As­-Samad (The Sustainer)” that the chapter contains includes each and every type of perfection. Furthermore, the chapter denies that Allah Has anyone equal to HIM, while Allah’s Name Al­-Ahad (The One) denies the existence of a partner with Allah. These are the three essential corner-stones of Tawheed [Allah’s Oneness in Lordship and worship and in His Names and Attributes].

The Mu’awwazatain (chapters 113 and 114 of the Quran) include seeking refuge with Allah from every type of evil and harm. Seeking refuge from the evil that Allah Has Created includes every type of evil that such creations, whether physical or spiritual, can ever produce and cause. Seeking refuge from the night when its sign, (the moon) sets entails seeking refuge from the evil souls that thrive during the night, as opposed to the light of the day. This is because when the darkness falls and the moon sets, the evil forces come out. Seeking refuge from those who tie knots and blow on them includes seeking refuge from the evil of SAHIR ~ sorcerers and their sorcery. In addition, seeking refuge from envious people means seeking refuge from the evil forces that cause harm through the envious people's bodies and sight. The second chapter (114) of the Muawwazatain entails seeking refuge from the evil of humans and Jinn. Consequently, the two Muawwazatain entail seeking refuge from every type of evil. Therefore, they have a great benefit as a shield against evil before it occurs. This is why the Messenger of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) advised Uqbah bin Amir Radi Allaho Anh to recite them after every prayer, as Tirmizi has narrated. This advice from our beloved Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) contains a great secret and benefit that helps repulse all types of evil during the time between prayers. Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) described the Muawwazatain when he said:

ما تَعَوَّذ المتعوِّذون بمثلهما

"No one who seeks refuge can ever find a refuge like them".

وقد ذُكر أنه صلى الله عليه وسلم سُحِرَ فى إحدى عشرةَ عُقدة، وأنَّ جبريلَ

نزل عليه بهما، فجعَلَ كُلَّما قرأ آية منهما انحلَّتْ عُقدة، حتى انحلَّتْ العُقَد كُلُّها، وكأنما أُنْشِطَ من عِقَال

It was reported that when Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam was the victim of SEHR ~ sorcery, the spell contained eleven knots tied each with a special incantation blown on it, and that whenever angel Jibreel recited a Verse from the Muawwazatain, a knot was untied, until all eleven knots were untied. Then, Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam was cured, as if being released from a restraining chain.

As for using regular medicines to cure scorpion sting, salt has a great value in this regard. The author of Al-Qanoon (Ibn-e-Seena said, Salt should be used in a bandage with linen seeds to cure the scorpion's sting. Salt helps dissolve the poison, which has a burning pain that needs to be cooled. The cool moisture contained in the linen seed cools the pain, while the salt helps extract and remove the poison. This is one of the best and easiest types of remedies for scorpion stings, which requires cooling the pain and extracting the venom. Allah Knows best.

وقد روى مسلم فى "صحيحه" عن أبى هُريرة قال: جاء رجلٌ إلى النبىِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم، فقال: يا رسول الله ؛ ما لقيتُ مِنْ عقربٍ لَدَغْتنى البارحةَ فقال: "أما لو قُلْتَ حِينَ أمْسَيْتَ: أعُوذُ بكلماتِ اللهِ التَّامَّاتِ مِنْ شَرِّ ما خَلَقَ، لمتَضُرَّك".

Muslim narrated that Abu Hurayrah Radi Allaho Anh said, "A man came to Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam and said to him, "O Messenger of Allah, I have suffered greatly from a scorpion that stung me last night” Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallaam) said: "Had you said these words when you went to sleep, "I seek refuge with Allah’s Perfect Words from the evil of what He Has Created, it would not have harmed you". [Ahmad]

Divine cures help after one catches a disease and help prevent if from happening. If any type of harm befalls one afterwards, it will not be severe. Natural medicines, on the other hand, only help after the disease attacks. Islamic prayer formulas and the various supplications either prevent the disease from happening or make it milder after it happens, depending on the strength of soul and heart of the sick person. Therefore, the Islamic prayer formulas and supplications are used as preventive measures and addition as a cure.

As for prevention, in the Sahihain it is narrated that Aishah Radi Allaho Anha said

فى "الصحيحين" من حديث عائشة كان رسولُ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا أوى إلى فراشِهِ نَفَثَ فى كَفَّيْهِ: {قُلْ هُوَ اللهُ أَحَدٌ} والمُعَوِّذَتَيْن. ثم يمسحُ بهما وجهه، وما بلغت يدُه من جسده".

"Whenever the Messenger of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) would go to bed, he used to breathe into his hands with Qul Huwa-Allahu Ahad (Al- Ikhlaas) and the Muawwazatain. He then would wipe his face and whatever he could reach of his body with his hands".

فى "الصحيحين": "مَن قَرَأَ الآيَتَيْن مِن آخرِ سُورةِ البقرةِ فى لَيْلَةٍ كَفَتَاهُ

In the Sahihain, it is also narrated that Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam) said: "Whoever reads the last two Verses from Chapter Al-Baqarah (second chapter in the Quran) at night, they will be enough for him".

وكما فى "صحيح مسلم" عن النبىِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم: "مَن نَزَلَ مَنْزِلاً فقال: أَعُوذُ بِكَلِمَاتِ اللهِ التَّامَّاتِ مِن شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ، لم يَضُرَّهُ شَىءٌ حَتَّى يَرْتَحِلَ مِن مَنْزِلهِ ذلِكَ".

In addition, Muslim narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said: Whoever resided in a place and said, "I seek refuge with Allah's Perfect Words from the evil of what He Has Created", then nothing will harm him until he departs that place".

فى "سنن أبى داود" أنَّ رسولَ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم كان فى السفر يقول باللَّيل:"يا أرضُ ؛ رَبِّى ورَبُّكِ اللهُ، أَعُوذُ باللهِ مِن شَرِّكِ وشَرِّ ما فِيكِ، وشَرِّ ما يَدُبُّ عليكِ، أعوذُ باللهِ مِن أسَدٍ وأسْوَدٍ، ومِن الحَيَّةِ والعقربِ، ومِن ساكنِ البَلَدِ، ومن والدٍ وما وَلَدَ".

Abu Dawood narrated that the Messenger of Allah Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam used to say at night when he was traveling:

"O land! My Lord and your Lord is Allah. I seek refuge with Allah from your evil, from the evil of whatever is in you and from the evil of whatever walks on your surface. I seek refuge with Allah from a lion, a despot (or jinn), a snake and a scorpion and from those who reside in this land, and from the begetter (son of Adam) and that which he begot.”

As for the second benefit of Ruqyah, providing a cure, we mentioned healing the ill person by reciting the Al-Fatihah and reciting the Ruqyah to cure scorpion stings.

روى مسلم في "صحيحه" عن عثمان بن أبي العاص، "أنه شكى إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وجعاً يجده في جسده منذ أسلم، فقال النبيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم: "ضع يَدَكَ عَلَى الَّذي تَأَلَّمَ مِنْ جَسَدِكَ وقُل: بِسْمِ الله ثلاثاً، وقُلْ سبع مرات: أعوذُ بِعِزَّةِ الله وقُدرَتهِ منْ شَرِّ مِا أجدُ وأُحاَذِر"

Muslim [lbn Majah, Ahmad and Al-Tabarani} narrated in his Sahih that Uthman bin Abu Al-Aa's Radi Allaho Anh complained to Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam from a pain in his body that he suffered from ever since he became a Muslim. Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said:

Place your hand on the painful area of your body & say Bismillah (In the Name of Allah), thrice. Then say seven times,

أعوذُ بِعِزَّةِ الله وقُدرَتهِ منْ شَرِّ مِا أجدُ وأُحاَذِر

"I seek refuge with Allah’s Might and Power from the evil of what I am suffering from, and because of which I have become worry."

The remedy mentioned here entails reciting Allah’s Name, relating all matters to Him and seeking refuge with His Might and Power from the pain, and will surely eradicate the pain. In addition, repeating the supplication contained in the remedy frequently will make it even more effective and successful just as the case when the medication is frequently administered until the disease is fully eradicated.

وفي "الصحيحين": أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، "كان يعوِّذُ بعض أهله، يمسح بيده اليمنى، ويقول: "اللهمَّ رَبَّ الناس، أَذهِب الباَسَ، واشفِ أنت الشّافي، لا شِفَاء إلا شفاؤُك، شفاءً لا يغادرُ سَقَماً"

In the Sahihain, it is narrated that Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam used to visit some of his family members (who were ill) and would touch them with his right hand, saying :

“O Allah, the Lord of mankind, Do away with the complaint and Bring about the cure. You Alone Bring the cure, and there is no cure except Your cure, a cure that does not leave illnesses.”

The last Islamic prayer formula includes begging Allah by His Perfect Lordship and Mercy to bring about the cure. The Islamic prayer formula affirms that Allah is the only One Who Brings the cure and that there is no cure except the cure that He brings about. The Islamic prayer formula includes begging Allah by His Oneness, Kindness and Lordship.

to be continued .....

Saturday 15 February 2020

Ruqyah for Pains

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing by Deeds

Prophet’s Guidance on treating pain in general with Islamic Prayer formulas

روى مسلم في "صحيحه" عن عثمان بن أبي العاص، "أنه شكى إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وجعاً يجده في جسده منذ أسلم، فقال النبيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم: "ضع يَدَكَ عَلَى الَّذي تَأَلَّمَ مِنْ جَسَدِكَ وقُل: بِسْمِ الله ثلاثاً، وقُلْ سبع مرات: أعوذُ بِعِزَّةِ الله وقُدرَتهِ منْ شَرِّ مِا أجدُ وأُحاَذِر"

Muslim [lbn Majah, Ahmad and Al-Tabarani} narrated in his Sahih that Uthman bin Abu Al-Aa's Radi Allaho Anh complained to Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam from a pain in his body that he suffered from ever since he became a Muslim. Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said:

Place your hand on the painful area of your body & say Bismillah (In the Name of Allah), thrice. Then say seven times,

أعوذُ بِعِزَّةِ الله وقُدرَتهِ منْ شَرِّ مِا أجدُ وأُحاَذِر

"I seek refuge with Allah’s Might and Power from the evil of what I am suffering from, and because of which I have become worry."

The remedy mentioned here entails reciting Allah’s Name, relating all matters to Him and seeking refuge with His Might and Power from the pain, and will surely eradicate the pain. In addition, repeating the supplication contained in the remedy frequently will make it even more effective and successful just as the case when the medication is frequently administered until the disease is fully eradicated.

وفي "الصحيحين": أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، "كان يعوِّذُ بعض أهله، يمسح بيده اليمنى، ويقول: "اللهمَّ رَبَّ الناس، أَذهِب الباَسَ، واشفِ أنت الشّافي، لا شِفَاء إلا شفاؤُك، شفاءً لا يغادرُ سَقَماً"

In the Sahihain, it is narrated that Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam used to visit some of his family members (who were ill) and would touch them with his right hand, saying :

“O Allah, the Lord of mankind, Do away with the complaint and Bring about the cure. You Alone Bring the cure, and there is no cure except Your cure, a cure that does not leave illnesses.”

The last Islamic prayer formula includes begging Allah by His Perfect Lordship and Mercy to bring about the cure. The Islamic prayer formula affirms that Allah is the only One Who Brings the cure and that there is no cure except the cure that He brings about. The Islamic prayer formula includes begging Allah by His Oneness, Kindness and Lordship.

to be continued .....

Saturday 8 February 2020

Ruqyah for Namlah (sores)

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing by Deeds

Ruqyah for Namlah (Sores)

Prophet’s Guidance in treating the Namlah (Sores / Swellings / Numbness)

من حديث أنس الذى فى "صحيح مسلم" أنه صلى الله عليه وسلم "رخَّص فى الرُّقْيَةِ مِنَ الحُمَةِ والعَيْنِ والنَّمْلَةِ".

We mentioned the Hadith narrated by Anas Radi Allaho Anh in Sahih Muslim that Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam allowed using the Ruqyah from every type of fever, evil eye and Namlah.

وفى "سنن أبى داود" عن الشِّفَاء بنت عبد الله، قالت: دخل علىَّ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وأنا عِند حَفْصَة، فقال: "ألا تُعَلِّمينَ هذه رُقية النَّمْلةِ كما عَلَّمْتِيها الكتابةَ".

In addition, Abu Dawood narrated that Shifa Bint Abdullah Radi Allaho Anha said, "The Messenger of Allah came by while I was with Hafsah, he said: "Why do you not teach her (Hafsah, our beloved Prophet's wife) the Ruqyah from Namlah as you taught her how to write."

An-Namlah, literally the ant, is called as such because it is a type of swelling that appears on the sides of the body. The Namlah is a known disease and causes a type of sting in the sides that makes one think that an ant is crawling on his side and biting him.

وروى الخَلاَّل: أنَّ الشِّفَاء بنتَ عبد الله كانت تَرقى فى الجاهلية من النَّمْلَة، فلمَّا هاجرت إلى النبىِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم وكانت قد بايعته بمكة، قالت: يا رسول الله ؛ إنِّى كنت أرقى فى الجاهلية من النَّمْلَة، وإنى أُريدُ أن أعْرِضَهَا عليكَ، فعرضت عليه فقالت: بسم اللهِ ضَلَّت حتى تعود مِن أفواهها، ولا تَضُرُّ أحداً، اللَّهُمَّ اكشف البأسَ ربَّ الناسِ، قال: ترقى بِهَا عَلَى عُودٍ سبعَ مَرات، وتقصِدُ مَكاناً نظيفاً، وَتَدْلُكُهُ على حجر بخَلِّ خَمرٍ حاذق، وتَطْلِيه على النَّمْلَةِ

Al-Khallal narrated that Ash-Shifaa Bint Abdullah Radi Allaho Anha used to recite Ruqyah for Namlah during the times before Islam. When she emigrated to Madinah Munawwarah, after she had given him her pledge of allegiance in Makkah Mukarramah, she said, "O Messenger of Allah! I used to recite the Ruqyah from the Namlah during the time of Jahiliyyah (before Islam) and I want to read it to you". She recited it to him,

"In the Name of Allah! May the harm be extracted until it goes back to where it came from without harming anyone. O Allah! Remove the harm, O Lord of the people.

Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam said "Recite it on a clean branch of wood seven times, choose a clean place, rub the branch on a clean stone with vinegar and then anoint the affected area with it".

The Hadith also asserts the fact that it is legislated to teach women to read & write.

As explained by Ibn Al Qayyam, the disease An-Namlah, literally the ant, is a known disease and causes a type of sting in the sides that makes one think that an ant is crawling on his side and biting him. He also wrote that Namlah is of three types, but any explanation further was not quoted by him.

Based on the above, Namlah could be sores, swellings OR NUMBNESS, for all these conditions, the patient always feels and says that ants are walking on the affected area, Allah Knows the best.

The elegance of Tibb-e-Nabwi, when Ruqyah is grouped with natural cures, wood, stone & vinegar, what a beautiful combination.
to be continued .....

Saturday 1 February 2020

Ruqyah for general sickness

Healing Through Prophetic Medicine in Islam

Healing by Deeds

Ruqyah for general sickness

فصل‏:‏ في هَدْيه صلى الله عليه وسلم في العلاج العام لكل شكوى بالرُّقية الإلهية

روى أبو داود فى "سننه": من حديث أبى الدرداء، قال: سمعتُ رسولَ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: "مَن اشتكى منكم شيئاً، أو اشتكاهُ أخٌ له فلْيقُلْ: رَبَّنا اللهَ الذى فى السَّماء، تقدَّسَ اسْمُكَ، أَمْرُكَ فى السَّماء والأرضِ كما رَحْمَتُك فى السَّماءِ، فاجعل رحمتكَ فى الأرض، واغفر لنا حُوْبَنَا وخطايانا أنتَ ربُّ الطَّيِّبِين، أنْزِلْ رحمةً من رحمتك، وشفاءً من شفائك على هذا الوَجَع، فيَبْرأ بإذْنِ اللهِ".

It is mentioned in Abu Dawood (narrated by Abu Darda Radi Allaho Anh) who said, I heard Prophet Mohammad Salallaho Alaihe Wasallam saying, whoever gets sick or his brother is sick, then he should recite the words :

"Our LORD is the LORD in heavens & skies, Your Name is Holy, Your Order is Firm in the heavens & earth, and as Your Mercy overspreads the skies, please Descend Your Mercy on the earth, & please Forgive our sins & mistakes, You are the LORD of pious people, Send Mercy from Your treasures of Mercy & CURE from Your treasures of CURE on this disease & pain" and if a person recites this Dua, he will be Given the cure.

فى "صحيح مسلم" عن أبى سعيد الخُدْرِى، أنَّ جبريلَ عليه السلام أتى النبىَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال: يا محمدُ ؛ أشتكيْتَ ؟ فقال: "نعم". فقال جبريلُ عليه السلام: "باسمِ اللهِ أَرقيكَ مِن كُلِّ شىءٍ يُؤذيكَ، مِن شَرِّ كُلِّ نفْسٍ أو عَيْن حاسدٍ اللهُ يَشفيكَ، باسمِ اللهِ أرقيكَ".

Muslim narrated that Abu Said Al-Khudri Radi Allaho Anh said that angel Jibreel came to Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam and said to him;

"O Muhammad (Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam), are you complaining from an illness?” He said, “Yes". Jibreel then said, ‘In the Name of Allah I say Islamic prayer formulas for your benefit, from every illness that might harm you and from the evil of every evil soul or envious evil eye. Allah Will Cure you; in the Name of Allah I say Islamic prayer formulas for your benefit".

If someone asks, what do you say about the Hadith that Abu Dawood narrated:

رواه أبو داود: "لا رُقيةَ إلا من عَيْنٍ، أو حُمَةٍ"، والحُمَةُ

"There is no Islamic prayer formula except for an evil eye or fever".

To answer this question, we say that the Hadith does not deny that the Islamic prayer formulas can be used in other instances. Rather, the Hadith only states that the Islamic prayer formulas work best for the evil eye and fever of all kinds.

فإنَّ سهل ابن حُنيف قال له لما أصابته العَيْن: أوَ فى الرُّقَى خير ؟ فقال: "لا رُقيةَ إلا فى نَفْسٍ أو حُمَةٍ"

What further attests to this fact is that the Hadith itself narrated that Sahl ibn Hunaif asked Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam (when he was touched by the evil eye), "Do the Islamic prayer formulas bring about benefit"? Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam then answered:

“There is no Islamic prayer formula (that works better) than in the cases of evil eye and the fever.”

وفى "صحيح مسلم" عنه أيضاً:"رخَّص رسولُ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم فى الرُّقية من العَيْن والحُمَةِ والنَّمْلَةِ".

In addition, the various Ahadeeth in general allow Islamic prayer formulas. For instance, Muslim narrated that Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam allowed using Islamic prayer formulas in the cases of the evil eye, fever and Namlah (ant’s bite or sores).
to be continued .....