
Friday 27 July 2018


And It’s Requisites


Translated by
Suhaib Afzal Khan Bangash

Markazi Anjuman Khuddam-ul-Qur'an

Name in Urdu       : Hubb e Rasool aur uske taqaze
Name in English   : Love for the Messenger (SAW) and it’s Requisites

First Edition               March 2012           1100copies
Printed at Shirkat Printing Press, Lahore.

Price: Rs. 60/-
Published by
Markazi Anjuman Khuddam-ul-Qur'an
36-K, Model Town Lahore-54700
Tel# 35869501-3 Fax # 35834000
Web page:

As per the lifelong practice and wishes of our late Founder Mohtaram Dr.lsrar Ahmad (RA) we, the legal heirs of Dr. Israr Ahmed (RA) grant an open license, invite and welcome all to reproduce any of his audio, visual and written material for sale or free distribution without any prior permission. We ask for no royalties and copyrights. It would be appreciated if a few copies of the reproduced material are provided to us for our record.

We, however, do retain and reserve the right to take legal action for any malicious or otherwise alteration, misquotes, out of context quotes or references and or misuse deemed damaging to his and or our reputation.

"We   verily    sent   Our    messengers   with    clear proofs,    and   revealed  with   them   the   Scripture and   the   Balance   (Justice),  that   mankind   may observe    right   measure    (may  keep   up  justice); and  He  revealed  iron, wherein  is mighty   power (in    matters     of   war)    and    (many)    uses for mankind,  .... "
(Al-Hadeed 57: 25)

"He  it is Who  hath  sent  His  Messenger (Muhammad   SAW)   with   the  guidance  and   the religion of truth  (Islam),  that  He may  cause  it to prevail over all religion .....   "
(Al-Fath 48: 28)

"Say (to mankind   0   Muhammad   SAW);   If ye love   Allah   (SWT),    follow   me; Allah   (SWT)   will love you and forgive   your   sins.  Allah   (SWT)   is Forgiving, Merciful.
(Aal-e-Imran 3: 31)


In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful

There couldn’t have been a better time to release this booklet for publication.   The dark clouds of fear, suspicion, hatred and   prejudice   looming   over the world   in the post   9 /11 scenario    have    increased    the   need    for   such    literature. Ominous forebodings like the ‘Clash of Civilizations' theory have made tensions world-wide   rise to a crescendo.  To add fuel to this fire inflammatory speeches and words of threat by world leaders like George W. Bush have worsened the global situation even further.  His infamous words   "Either you’re with us or against us!" is an example of this. More serious are the subtle  ways  in which  Islam is brazenly  being  portrayed by the Western  media  and  their stooges in the East to be an intolerant  and  hate-inciting religion  (especially  towards  the so-called free and liberal societies).

Numerous   ugly   spectacles    like hate   crimes   and   inter• religious violence arose in the wake of such world events. But   of   prime    significance     is   the    ugly    and    highly condemnable  act of the Danish  newspaper Jyllands  Posten which   published  a  cartoon   of  the  Prophet   Muhammad (SAW) depicting   his turban  in the shape  of a bomb.  It was this brazen act by the West that makes this address   of Dr. Israr Ahmad indispensable reading.

Words cannot describe the enormity of the favour granted by The Almighty to a lowly and humble servant such as myself. It was indeed not only a pleasant but a huge surprise when the Anjuman Khuddam-ul-Quran asked me to translate Dr.Sahib's booklet. I consider myself truly fortunate.

Whether   I have  been  able  to do  even  an  iota  of justice  in the work,  I leave  to the reader  to judge.  But I do sincerely pray   that   Allah  Almighty   grant   success   to  this  humble effort  by  allowing   the  words   selected   to not  only  convey the  intended   message   of the  speaker  but  also  to have  the power  to reach into the hearts  of readers.  For myself  I have the  wonderful    feeling  that  Allah  Almighty   gave  me  the courage   despite   my  inexperience,   fortitude    despite   my ineptness,   and a family who  gave me full support.

Let us read then with an open mind the message of the learned   Doctor   to put   out   the   flames   of prejudice, ignorance and bigotry lest they cremate our very souls and conscience from within.

Suhaib Afzal Khan Bangash

To Be Continued....

Friday 20 July 2018

Dr Muhamed Iqbal and the Authentic Jamah

Iqbal´s strategic importance to the Islamic revolutionary movement in this age of fitan and godless modernity is located in the following:

1.       Iqbal is himself one of the most dynamic of the Islamic revolutionary thinkers who have emerged in the modern age. His greatest and most enduring contribution to the Islamic revolutionary movement was his critical, comprehensive, and sophisticated Islamic response to the intellectual challenge of the modern godless civilization which today dominates the world. In articulating that response with logic, rationality and acumen, Iqbal was, in fact, following the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW) who said that he would himself do the intellectual battle with Dajjal if he were alive in the age in which he was released:

When he (Dajjal) makes his appearances and I am in your midst, I will overpower him by arguments; and if, when he makes his appearance, I am not in your midst, every one should argue with him. (Kanz Al-Ummal vol.7 no. 2076)

2.       By virtue of the fact that he was not subjected to a traditional Islamic theological education in a Dar-ul- Uloom, Iqbal enjoyed an intellectual freedom to study the Qur´an in the light of modern knowledge, and with a view of locating that dimension of the exposition of Truth (Al-Haq) which had specific relevance to the modern age, i.e., for refuting the claims of godless modernity, for example. His was a pioneering effort, and he succeeded so admirably that nearly all the modern educated intelligentsia in the Muslim world who came in contact with his thought were immediately attracted to him. If the Islamic revolutionary movement is to attract and mobilize and motivate such Muslims, a real and dynamic link with Iqbal is indispensable.

3.       Sectarianism remains one of the deadliest diseases to afflict the contemporary Ummah. The Islamic revolutionary movement will have to locate a philosophical and theological standpoint from which to deal successfully with sectarianism. Iqbal is uniquely placed to act as a unifying force which can bring Muslims belonging to different strands of the sectarian spectrum on a single platform, and then weld them into a single force. Muslims who have been traditionally educated, as well as Muslims who have had a modern secular education, Muslims who are inclined to rationality in their religious thought, and Muslims who are attracted to the mystical in religious experience, can find their concerns sympathetically, authentically, and forcefully addressed by Iqbal.

4.       Iqbal also appears to be the key with which the Islamic revolutionary movement can embrace the spiritual dimension of the struggle for Iqamah Al-Deen. After all, it cannot be denied that there could not have been an Iqbal had there not been a Rumi. The road to Lahore passes through Konya (in Turkey, where Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi is buried).

On of the unique characteristics of the Tanzeem-e-Islami is the fact that it draws its major contemporary inspiration from Iqbal. It is true, of course, that Iqbal was not an aalim in the traditional sense of the term since he was not subjected to the intellectual training of the rigid conventional Islamic scholarship in a seminary. But this was precisely the reason why he was able to succeed where so many others failed. Iqbal´s unique achievement was his success in penetrating the Qur´anic wisdom and guidance as it pertained specifically to the modern age, and in articulating that Qur´anic wisdom in a manner which responded majestically, movingly, and appropriately to the crises created by the godless modernity.

In this respect, Allama Iqbal influenced the thought of Dr. Israr Ahmad in a much more profound, dynamic, and authentic manner than he did in the case of Muhammad Ali Jinnah or even Maulana Abul A´la Maududi (RA). And so, it is Tanzeem-e-Islami, rather than any other Islamic movement in the South Asia, which can truly be considered to be the first authentic fruit of that revolutionary seed planted so creatively and lovingly by Iqbal.

If it is to win that support of the massive Muslim intelligentsia in South Asia and in North America, and if it is to fulfill its promise as the Jama´ah which has inherited the mission of the Islamic revolutionary struggle from Iqbal, Tanzeem-e-Islami and its Ameer will have to work very hard at further developing that critical, authentic and sophisticated Islamic response to the godless modernity, initially formulated by Iqbal. In this regard, Dr. Muhammad Rafiuddin´s Ideology of the Future and, more so, Dr. Muhammad Fazlur Rahman Ansari´s Qur´anic Foundations and Structure of Muslim Society represent significant efforts by gifted and distinguished students of Iqbal to extend the frontiers of knowledge in the intellectual trail which he blazed.

PART II Coming soon - Establishing the Authentic Jama'h

To be Continued....