
Friday 30 June 2017

Will Israel Attack Iran?

Will Israel Attack Iran?

This essay was written in 2006. Five years later the attack on Iran has not as yet taken place.
They plan their plans, and He plans His plans, and He is the best of planners! 
They are a people whose wickedness and godlessness are without parallel in history. Yet they succeed in constantly replicating themselves amongst the peoples of the world, who then become the people of Gog and Magog. They started with the medieval crusades, which were so-called holy wars that Europe fought against Islam. And now, in the last stage of their unholy mission, they threaten to wage war on Iran in order to steal, in broad daylight, Iran’s oil and gas.  

Their mastermind, who is both an imposter and an evil genius, creates diversions to mask their wicked deeds, and to divert attention from his ominously unfolding master-plan to eventually rule the world from Jerusalem, and to then declare himself to be the true Messiah. He seeks to mask this evil attack on Iran by resorting to the greatest diversions of all, namely the nuclear ‘scarecrow’, the utterly despicable cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him), nauseating photographs depicting sexual abuse of Iraqi Muslims detained by the US occupation forces in Iraq, and the destruction of the golden-domed Masjid al-Askariyah and sacred Shia shrine in Iraq.  

But they cannot defeat the Prophet’s religion since Allah Most High will answer the prayer of Jesus, the true Messiah (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him as well), when he returns, and destroy them. They cannot silence even Nelson Mandela and Harry Belafonte who continue to courageously denounce them for their terrorism, arrogance and evil deeds.  

But for now we continue to watch in amazement as they deliberately and diabolically antagonize Muslims around the world with these cartoons and photographs, and in the process, cleverly create opportunities for their many clients, so-called Muslim leaders who serve them as house-slaves, to seek to rebuild their tattered credentials as champions of Islam. These clients will now loudly protest, even though they never shed a teardrop for Haiti, and never lifted even a little finger when Iraq and Afghanistan were attacked and occupied. But they will now beat the drums of war in a fearsome display of hypocrisy.  

And as the secularized world recoils from the crescendo of Muslim protest, and yet another massive terrorist attack on some holy western target conveniently occurs, Israel would seek to convert public opinion to her cause of waging war on Iran in order to save the world from Islam. Smart, isn’t it? Yet quite unworthy of the so-called “chosen people” of Almighty God! 
They plan their plans, and He plans His plans, and He is the best of planners! 

War On Iran Now Appears Certain

I wish and I pray, Insha Allah, that war on Iran does not take place. But it now appears certain that the Anglo-American-Israeli triple alliance will launch an unjust war on Iran as soon as they are convinced that they cannot strike a deal with that Shia Muslim country, and as soon as the managed formalities are over. While we refrain in this essay from speculating on the substance of such a deal, we recognize that only a deal with a quid pro quo can avert war.  

We analyze possible consequences of war on Iran and suggest that this time it may not be yet another Anglo American war waged on Euro-Israel’s behalf. Rather, Euro Israel will step out from behind the curtains that have hitherto cleverly concealed her, and assume her pre-planned leadership role in waging her own war in her own interest. USA and Britain would then play uncomfortably new supporting roles in this final stage of their unholy triple alliance. Such an Israeliled war could possibly witness the introduction of new weapons of warfare never used or even seen before.  

Despite western calculations that paint a rosy picture of such a war delivering to the West, and hence to Israel, control over Iran’s oil and gas, in addition to the rest of the Gulf oil already under their direct and indirect control, the several uncertainties that attend such a war could precipitate events with calamitous consequences for USA in particular. Israel, also, would ‘appear’ to succeed in that war while oblivious of the fact that an attack on Islamic Iran coming after the European colonization of Iraq and Afghanistan would effectively seal Israel’s fate. It would make possible the fulfilment of Prophet Muhammad’s (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) prophesy that a Muslim army would liberate all Muslim territories starting with Khorasan (i.e., territory in and around Afghanistan) and remain unstoppable in its onward march until it eventually liberates Jerusalem.  

War on Iran would certainly affect the price of oil and that, in turn, could function as the catalyst that would cause the rapid meltdown of the fraudulent US dollar, and culminate with USA losing its dominant position as the ruling state in the world. In a surprise of all surprises, Israel could then replace USA as the new ruling state in the world, while controlling the new electronic money-system of the world that would then totally replace paper-money.  

If and when Israel does achieve such a status it would appear to take the Euro-Jewish State one step closer to realizing her so-called Biblical messianic destiny. But the view from Islam is that the reality of such a development would be quite the opposite. And as Islam’s view is finally confirmed it would validate Islam’s claim to truth.  

Experts of strategic affairs, as well as political analysts of events now rapidly unfolding in the world, usually shy away from this topic for fear of loss of earnings and prestige, and because of an even greater fear of the charge of “anti-Semitism”. They should no longer resist the compelling evidence that there is a crucially important religious (scriptural and eschatological) dimension to this subject which, if not accepted and carefully studied, would result in woefully inadequate understanding of those events. And unless one understands the ominously unfolding world in this, the last stage of history, one can never hope to respond correctly to its many challenges.  

When this subject is adequately explained, on the other hand, it boosts the morale of those Muslims, few as they may be, who have the courage and integrity to proclaim the words of the Qur’an: 

“Say! Verily my prayer, and my service of sacrifice, and my very living and dying are all for Allah – the Lord God of all the worlds. No partner hath He: this am I commanded, and I am the first of those who bow to His Will.” 
Qur’an, al-An’am, 6:162-163

And they respond, come what may, by courageously resisting the oppressor! 
There are multitudes today, however, who have become carbon-copies of Gog and Magog. They have eyes and yet do not see, ears and yet do not hear, hearts and yet do not understand.They are usually led by those who worship at the altar of a US visa. They are just like cattle, and they have a status that is less than a footnote on this momentous page of the book of history. They are like the people of Noah. The few who were with Noah in the Ark looked down as that multitude perished in the water and left behind a grim divine warning that it could be the fire next time.  

This is not the Biblical Israel of David and Solomon (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon them both) but, rather, an imposter state. Truth is incompatible with blasphemy, decadence, lies, deception, oppression, state sponsored terrorism, etc. This Israel is taking its people, their friends and supporters, down a road that would culminate with the greatest divine punishment. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) prophesied that end of history more than a thousand years ago. 

Preparing for War

The propaganda machine of the international news media is now busy supporting the western diplomacy of intimidation and blackmail that targets Iran, and consequently prepares the world for an attack on Iran’s nuclear plants (and other related facilities). They must have made a secret deal with Russia, China and India, perhaps offering to share with them Iran’s oil and gas after they grab it, in order to win their support for referring Iran to the UN Security Council. There are many others who today vote with fear of the oppressor and are intimidated to reluctantly support him in his oppression. And then there is my Venezuelan neighbour, Hugo Chavez, who, like Malcolm X, has no fear and cannot be bought!  

They are craftily laying the foundation for justifying blatant aggression on the grounds that they exhausted all possible peaceful responses to what is made to appear a grave potential Iranian/Muslim nuclear threat to Israel and to the world. Consider the following four quotes of misinformation randomly selected: “We should see that we use and exhaust to the best of our powers the diplomatic solutions that remain available,” said German Foreign Minister Franz-Walter Steinmeier last week.  

The International Atomic Energy Agency, the U.N. nuclear watchdog, today reported Iran to the U.N. Security Council in a resolution expressing concern that Tehran’s nuclear program may not be “exclusively for peaceful purposes”: Iran is determined to have nuclear weapons, especially under the administration of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who’s angered Europeans by calling for Israel to be “wiped off the map” and saying that the Holocaust was “a myth.” Iran has been pursuing nuclear weapons for years, but now, in the framework of President Ahmadinejad’s second Islamic revolution, they fit perfectly. He not only wants them, he wants to use them as a threat to expand Islamic influence…”  

But Jewish Israel, in fact, faces no nuclear threat at all from a Muslim country whose strict Islamic government has not only chosen to maintain Iran’s membership in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, as well as to strictly comply with its obligation under that Treaty not to acquire nuclear weapons, but has also gone on public record in its opposition, on Islamic religious grounds, to the use of nuclear weapons in warfare. 

In addition, and as in the previous case of Iraq, there is no evidence at all that Iran is even remotely close to being ‘capable’ of acquiring nuclear weapons, or even that Iran has chosen to secretly pursue such an unethical effort. 

To be Continued....

Friday 23 June 2017

The Qur’an and the Holy Land - Explaining Israel’s Mysterious Imperial Agenda

The Qur’an and the Holy Land

The Qur’an makes a crucially important statement concerning certain Christians and Jews who would eventually emerge in history. It says:  

“You will find (time and again) that the most hostile of all people to the believers (i.e., Muslims) would be the Jews and those who are idol-worshippers or pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers would be those who say, ‘We are Christians’, because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant.” 
Qur’an, al-Maidah, 5:82

It prohibits Muslim friendship or alliance with a Judeo Christian alliance:

 “Oh you who believe (in this Qur’an), do not take (such) Jews and the Christians as (your) friends and allies who themselves are friends and allies of each other. And whoever of you allies himself with them becomes, verily, one of them; behold, Allah does not guide such evildoers.” 
Qur’an, al-Maidah, 5:51
It has corrected the falsehood about Ishmael:  

 “Also mention in the Book (the story of) Ishmael: He was (strictly) true to whatever he promised and he was an Apostle (and) a Prophet. He used to enjoin on his people prayer and charity and he was most acceptable in the sight of his Lord.”
Qur’an, Maryam, 19:54-55

It has also corrected the falsehood concerning the alleged unconditional grant of the Holy Land to the Israelite people. Rather, Allah Most High granted them the Holy Land conditional on “faith in Allah” and “righteous conduct”: 

 “… and We declared in (both) the Torah and the Psalms (of David) that (only) Our righteous servants shall inherit the earth or land (i.e., the Holy Land).” 
Qur’an, Prophets, 21:105

This statement of the Qur’an is supported by some of the Psalms:  

“But the meek shall inherit the earth or land (i.e., the Holy Land); and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.”
Psalm, 37:11
 “The righteous shall inherit the earth or land (i.e., the Holy Land), and dwell therein forever (i.e. provided that they remain righteous).”
Psalm, 37:29
 “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth or land (i.e., the Holy Land).”
Matthew, 5:5

The Qur’an has explained that whenever the Israelites violated the divine conditions of inheritance of the Holy Land (i.e., faith in God and righteous conduct) Allah Most High expelled them from that Land. The first expulsion took place after the death of Solomon (peace be upon him) as a consequence of their “telling lies about Allah” (i.e., rewriting the scriptures to plant falsehoods in them). They were exiled to Babylon. Upon their return to the Holy Land they again violated those divine conditions when they rebelled against Allah’s Prophets and killed several of them. They even boasted of how they had crucified Jesus. As a consequence they were again expelled from the Holy Land.  

After that last expulsion took place in the wake of the rejection of the true Messiah and the attempt to crucify him, Allah Most High declared; 

 “… if you return (i.e., to the Holy Land with your wickedness and oppression), We would return (with Our punishment).”  
Qur’an, the Israelites, 17: 8

The Israelites have today returned to the Holy Land with more wickedness and oppression than ever before, and hence it should be quite clear to those who can recognize wickedness and oppression that Divine retributive punishment as promised in the Qur’an is also certain.

To be Continued....