
Sunday 24 February 2013


(The fourth pre-condition for Salat)

Q.   What do we can mean by covering the concealable parts?
*  Every male adult is commanded to cover his body right from his navel to his knees. This command holds good in and outside the Salat. Women are commanded to cover all their body excepting their two palms, feet and face. Although women are not commanded to cover their faces while offering Salat, they are not allowed to come out with their faces uncovered in the presence of men other than their kith and kin.

Q.   How is it if some concealable part of the body inadvertently remains uncovered?
*  If one fourth part of such a part of the body remains inadvertently uncovered for a period of time sufficient to say thrice:
Salat is not valid. If, however, it is covered as soon as it gets uncovered, the Salat is valid.

Q.   How is it if a naked performs the Salat?
*  If he has clothes and still offers the Salat naked whether in darkness or light, his Salat is void.

Q.   How is it if a person deliberately uncovers one fourth of his concealable part?
*  The moment one does so intentionally his Salat gets abrogated.

Q.   What should a person do if he has no clothes at all?
*  If a person has no clothes to put on, he may use some other things to cover to put on, he may use some other things to cover his body such as tree-leaves, sack cloth etc. If nothing at all is available, he may offer the Salat naked. But in such a situation it is better to perform the Ruku’ or Sijdah just by token or sign.

Tuesday 19 February 2013


(Third pre-condition for the validity of Salat)

Q.   What does cleanness of the place mean?
*  It is essential that the place between the feet of the worshipper as well as the one on which he puts his knees, palms and forehead for Sijdah are clean.

Q.   What will be the position if one corner of cloth on which Salat is being performed is unclean?
*  If Salat is performed on a plank of wood, stone slab, brick floor or some other hard piece and the part on which one stands for the Salat is clean, the Salat is valid. There is no harm if the other part of such a piece is unclean. But if Salat is performed on a thin piece of cloth, both sides (facets) of such a cloth must necessarily be clean, otherwise the Salat will not be valid.

Q.   What will be the position if the cloth has a double fold of which the lower one is unclean and the upper is clean?
*  If the two folds are not stitched together and the upper one is thick enough not together and the upper one is thick enough not to allow the foul smell or colour  of the lower one get to the worshipper, his Salat is valid. If, however, the two pieces are stitched together, it is better not to use it for Salat.

Q.   How is it if Salat is performed on a piece of clean cloth spread out on unclean ground, floor or cloth?
*  Salat is permissible if the foul smell or colour of unclean element below does not make itself manifest or felt on the upper cloth.

Q.   Will Salat be valid if it is performed at a place which in itself is clean but adjoins a place where there is uncleanness and foul smell arises from it?
*  The Salat is technically valid but it is not desirable to perform it at such a place.

Sunday 17 February 2013


(Second pre-condition for Salat)

Q.   What do we mean by the cleanness of clothes?
*  It is necessary that clothes (such as shirt, cap, turban, coat, etc) on the body of one who is offering Salat are clean in the sense that there should neither be major uncleanness more than the size of a derham, nor minor uncleanness covering more than one fourth part of a clothing. This is an essential prerequisite for the validity of Salat. Thus, if major uncleanness covers an area less than the circumference of a derham or minor uncleanness involves less than one fourth of the clothing Salat will be technically valid but undesirable.

Q.   Is Salat valid if one corner if the long turban used by the worshipper is unclean though it is separate from the body of such a worshipper?
*  A clothing that is attached to the body of the worshipper in such a way that it moves along with his movement, must needs be free from uncleanness. Hence, in such a situation the Salat will not be valid. It is because the turban will also move along with the movement of his body.

Sunday 10 February 2013

TAYAMMUM - (Cleansing with clay)

(Cleansing with clay)

Q.   What is Tayam-mum?
*  Cleansing the body with clean clay of any other substance that is considered equivalent to clay or sod is known as Tayam-mum.

Q.   In what situation is Tayam-mum permissible?
*  Anyone of the following situations shall hold the order of non-availability of water:
             i.     Water being a mile away;
           ii.     Water being in a region threatened by an enemy. For example, water is available outside one’s house but, there is a threat of one’s getting killed by enemy or thief should one come out of his house, or a big snake is sporting near the well, or a lion is standing there;
         iii.     The quantity of available water with one being small with the result that in case it is spent in ablution he will have to suffer pains of thirst;
          iv.     The well is there, but there is no rope or pail;
            v.     Water is available, but a person is not in a position to move and get hold of it and there is no one else to help him. All these circumstances amount to non-availability of water.

Q.   When is the feat of falling sick to be taken as real?
*  It is when either one’s personal experience convinces him or an expert doctor has advised that the use of water is likely to cause harm. In such a situation, Tayam-mum is permitted.

Q.   Please explain in some detail what we mean by the availability of water a distance of one mile.
*  If a man is at a place where water is not available but he presumes from his own intuition or estimation or at somebody else’s bidding that it is available somewhere within a radius of one mile, it is a command that he fetch the water and performs the ablution. But if there is neither anyone to tell him about water nor is there any other way to ascertain availability of water, or else water is known to be more than a mile away, no obligation devolves on him to fetch water and Tayam-mum is permissible.

Q.   How many obligatories are there in Tayam-mum?
*  There are three obligatories in it:
·        Intention;
·        Striking the two palms on the sod or lump of dry clay and applying those hands to the face; and
·        Striking both the palms against the sod once again and the two hands to the elbows.

Q.   What is complete formula for Tayam-mum?
*  First, affirm the intention that you are performing the Tayam-mum to secure cleanness from uncleanness and to offer Salat. Then strike the two hands over the lump of clay and give them a shake. Now, if your hands become too much smeared with dust, blow the extra dust away and take them across the face in such a manner that no part of the face is left out. If a spot equal to the breadth of a single hair is left, Tayam-mum is not valid. Again, strike the palms on the lump of clay. Then give them a shake, put four fingers of your left hand below the fingers of the right hand and draw them up to the elbow. The lower side of the right hand is thus covered. Now, put the palm of the left hand on the upper side of the elbow and move it down to the fingers. Then move the inner side of the left thumb on the back of the right thumb. Then apply the right on the left one in like manner. Then pass the fingers of one hand into those of the other. If there is a ring in one of the fingers, it is necessary to take it off or move it round. Passing the fingers through the beard is also one of the precepts of the Prophet (peace be on him).

Q.   Can Tayam-mum be a substitute for both ablution and bath?
*  Yes, it can be a substitute for both.

Q.   What things can be used for purposes of Tayam-mum?
*  Tayam-mum is allowed with clean soil, stone, lime, unpolished earthen wares, baked or unbaked clay bricks or wall made of mud, bricks, stone or lime or brown clay. Similarly, Tayam-mum is allowed with clean dust.

Q.   Which things are not allowed to be used in Tayam-mum?
*  Tayam-mum is allowed is not allowed on wood, iron, silver, gold, copper, brass, aluminium, glass, lead, wheat, barley and other grains, cloth or ashes. In other words, things that offer themselves to melt or be burnt to ashes do not qualify for permissible items for Tayam-mum.

Q.   Will Tayam-mum be allowed if there is no dust on stone, lime or brick walls?
*  Dust is not a precondition for the items on which Tayam-mum has been mentioned as permissible. Tayam-mum is allowed on stone, brick or even washed up clay ware.

Q.   Can a substance not allowed to be used for Tayam-mum be used for the purpose if it has dust on its surface?
*  Yes, Tayam-mum is allowed if there is sufficient dust on them to blow up when struck with hand or if the finger leaves a print on them if drawn across.

Q.   If Tayam-mum has been performed for purpose of reciting the Holy Qur-an or touching it with hand or entering the Masjid, calling the azan or acknowledging to the greetings (Salam), will it hold good for performing the Salat as well?
*  No, it will not be valid for Salat.

Q.   Is Salat permissible with a Tayam-mum made for purposes of the funeral prayers or a commanded Sijdah (prostration) in the course of reciting some particular verses from the Holy Qur-an?
*  Yes, it is permissible.

Q.   What should a person do if water becomes available after one has said his prayers with a Tayam-mum done in the event of non-availability of water?
*  The Salat already said shall be deemed as valid. There is no need to revise it whether one gets the water within the prescribed time limit for that particular Salat or after it.

Q.   What things invalidate the Tayam-mum?
*  Contingencies that undo the ablution also invalidate the Tayam-mum. Nevertheless, the Tayam-mum in lieu of bath can only be undone by a major cause of uncleanness (Hadath Akbar). But if the Tayam-mum was done because of the non-availability of water, it will be invalidated the moment water becomes available. In case the Tayam-mum was necessitated by some other compulsion such as disease etc., it shall be invalidated the moment that compulsion no longer obtains.

Q.   Is a second Salat permissible with Tayam-mum done for the first?
*  Tayam-mum done once is good for as many Salat as one likes so long as it is intact. Similarly, the Tayam-mum done for a commanded Salat is valid for such a Salat as well as for offering the Nafl prayer, recitation of the Holy Qur-an, offering funeral prayer, accomplishing the Sijdah consequent upon the recitation of certain parts of the Qur-an and other types of worship.

Q.   What is the maximum duration of Tayam-mum to be permissible?
*  Tayam-mum is allowed as long as one does not find water or the compulsion lasts. Even if the situation lasts for several years on end, there will be no hitch to it (Tayam-mum).